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Full Name





Sorcerer 1








Chaotic Good


Common, Orc

Strength 15
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 7
Charisma 19

About Malsheer, Heir of Orsaroth

The Crunch:
CG, *Sorcerer* 1
Undecided, Orc Settlement
Half-Orc, Med (+0), Male, 16, 6'10", 347lbs, black hair, green eyes
Str 15 (+2) /// Dex 12 (+1) /// Con 12 (+1) /// Int 10 (+0) /// Wis 7 (-2) /// Cha 19 (+4)
HP 10, DR 0, SR 0, Init +3, Speed 30ft
AC 11, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 10
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0
BAB +0
CMB +2, CMD 13
Greataxe: +2, 1d12+3 slash, Crit x3
Gauntlet: +2, 1d3+2 bludg, Crit x2
Silvered Dagger: +2, 1d4+1 pierce/slash, Crit 19-20/x2; range 10ft
Acid Splash: +1, 1d3 acid, Crit x2; range 25ft
Sling: +1, 1d4+1 bludg, Crit x2; range 50ft
Class Skills: Appraise +3, Bluff* +8, Craft +3, Fly* +5, Intimidate +7 (+8 for dragons), Knowledge (arcana)* +4, Perception +1, Profession (shepherd)* +2, Spellcraft +3, Survival +2, Use Magic Device +7
Trained Skills: Handle Animal* +5
Languages: Common, Orc
Loads: L 66, M 133, H 200 / 55 lbs
greataxe, gauntlet (2), sling (10 bullets)
silvered dagger, tindertwig (10)
explorer's outfit, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, trail rations (5 days), sack, sewing needle, waterskin, whetstone
8cp, 6sp, 56gp
Feats: Eschew Materials, Toughness
Racial Abilities: Darkvision (60ft), Intimidating, Orc Blood, Orc Ferocity, Weapon Familiarity
Class Abilities: Spells (Cha), Bloodline (Draconic), Cantrips, Eschew Materials, Bonus Spells, Bonus Feats, ^Bloodline Arcana, Bloodline Powers (Red)
Bloodline Powers: Claws (+2, 1d4+2, 7 rounds)
XP: 0
Spells Known: 4 zero, 2 first
Spell Save DCs: 14 zero, 15 first
Spells Per Day: 3 (+1) first, (+1) second, (+1) third, (+1) fourth
0th - Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare
1st - Burning Hands^, Shield
Traits: Imposing Scion, Poverty-Stricken, Reactionary
Drawbacks: Attached (silvered dagger)
Sanity Score: 26
Sanity Threshold: 4
Edge Score: 13
Sanity Damage: 0

The Fluff:
(I could not get this to work as prose, so now we're doing bullet points.)
> The child of a Human mother (Adaline) and an Orc father (Thollis).
> Grew up on a dirt-poor farm at the edge of an Orcish settlement.
> Family on his father's side is descended from a draconic cannibal named Orsaroth the Devourer.
> Bloodline has infamous reputation (especially amongst orcs and dragons) as dangerously unpredictable wild cards.
> He and his father (and later his younger brother) all have sorcerous powers.
> Mother sought out father to study his bloodline, fell for...something, apparently. Relationship was mutual.
> Father had been previously injured in battle, leaving him unable to walk without assistance. Forced to work a farm by the settlement.
> Trained to be a shepherd, not very good at it.
> Raised mostly by his mother, father bitterly distant.
> Bullied by other kids for both his infamous heritage and half-breed nature.
> Mother died after giving birth to another son. The memory of watching her die still haunts him.
> Younger brother (Durlesh) is raised mostly by him, father becomes even more withdrawn.
> Decides to go adventuring after "home" environment becomes too much for him to bear, still feels guilty about leaving.