Mattzap's page

Goblin Squad Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

I recall reading that was only until they reached a million dollars in funding, although it makes sense that they would allow everyone as the amount was only exceeded by a relatively small one. Is there a way of obtaining any official confirmation on this?

Goblin Squad Member

It tells me "Patrons at this level will be able to join the first month of Early Enrollment". That's strange as I remember people pledging being divided into different months by how many people had pledged before them.
I upgraded to Crowdforger Buddy, hopefully my friend and I will be able to start from month one as the details button states.

Goblin Squad Member

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This is a really interesting discussion as the concept of a virtual economy is different from a real one.

Both the "cash shop gems/PLEX" and gold are currencies, as they can be used to purchase goods and services.

Purchasing gold with PLEX doesn't cause the price of goods to inflate, it causes gold to appreciate in terms of PLEX. In a graph like this one:
, and increase in demand for gold would cause a rightward shift on the demand curve, increasing its price in terms of PLEX.

However, people who buy gold may be more inclined to spent it recklessly, and that could be considered as a determinant of aggregate demand (aggregate demand is all the spending that happens in an economy). As there is more spending, there's a rightward shift on aggregate demand, which raises the price level of goods (A raise in the price level means there's inflation).
(In case you're wondering, this is what the graph looks like: emand.JPG )

As long as you can't directly exchange PLEX at a fixed rate for currency the server creates when you pay for it, I don't think inflation because of PLEX is a problem, as gold is still increasing at a rate that is unaffected by the purchase of PLEX.

In a slight tangent, I'd like to talk about why inflation would be bad.
One problem with inflation is the redistribution effect, which happens when people who gain fixed incomes have less purchasing power, as everything costs more because of an increase in the price level of goods and services.
However, most people in this virtual economy gain both fixed incomes by the gold they get from monsters and NPC quest rewards (if there's going to be any NPC quests), and incomes that would scale with inflation by what they produce (crafting/gathering skills and gear they get from monsters), as they can sell them at a higher price.
With high rates of inflation, the gold we get from NPCs would progressively become insignificant. However, if that's the only injection of money to the economy, then the leakages to the economy should cancel them out as long as they're well thought out (and with full knowledge of all the money coming in and out then the devs should be able to balance it to some degree of accuracy).
But if the ability to exchange PLEX at a fixed exchange rate for gold is created, then I could see that making the amount of gold we get from adventuring become insignificant.

I'm not saying all my conclusions are right, but hopefully this will contribute to the discussion.

Goblin Squad Member

All the options tell me that I will be present in the first month of first enrollment, which from what I have read is not the case.
However, I would like to know what month each tier puts me in, as that may influence my choice.
Is there any way to check? Thanks in advance.

Goblin Squad Member

Haha I was just making sure that would still apply, but I'm guessing it would as I see no reason for it not to.
I look forward to drinking with my guildmates to an ale named after my name! (although I have yet to choose a guild and a name)

Goblin Squad Member

From what I see in the Kickstarter, first month never got filled in some slots. The $300 and $400 tiers still have some slots left, and they stated that anyone in it would have first month early enrollment

Goblin Squad Member

This is unrelated, but I didn't want to start another thread. When the ability to upgrade my pledge comes out, will I still be able to get in the first month of EE? Due to my lack of research when the Kickstarter was ongoing I didn't notice how closely this game resembled my idea of a perfect game. I'd be willing to pay for the $300 tier that had a few slots open, if it means I can get in the first month of early enrollment.

Goblin Squad Member

This explains everything, thank you. I was concerned people would be able to accelerate the rate in which they gain exp. This sounds like an interesting system that isn't pay to win.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm not entirely sure how this will work, and haven't been able to find the info. What exactly does buying training time mean? I know people get a fixed exp rate per hour. Are we getting the ability to essentially buy more exp? Or is there a time we have to wait for a new skill to train, and that makes the process faster (while still ending with the same amount of exp I would have had)? Someone please clarify this as I'm very confused about how this system works.