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![]() I was rereading in prepration of running module and couldn't puzzle out how the PCs re-enter the Agronach and reach area 11 to confront Helrun. Pages 24-25 note 2 entrances on the back of the beast, which I suspect are the two sets of stairs between 6 and 11, that can be accessed by flying or climbing or leaping down from Glimmerhold when the thing is climbing up. Once inside however there doesn't appear to be any internal access into 11. Are the PCs expected to hack their way in? Teleportation is out due to the dim lock. Not having a viable route after scaling/flying/falling and possibly suffering the two 4d12+20 attacks doesn't seem quite right, is it some sort of oversight? ![]()
![]() For items like scrolls, wands and staffs that actually contain spells it's clear that if SR Yes is noted in the spell description then the user must pierce the target's SR. The bulk of wondrous items however often have effects which, while similar, are different than a standard spell. Is SR applicable in those cases based on the spell(s) used to enchant the item or do such effects not allow SR. Examples would be the scare effect of pipes of haunting, the dazing effect of a robe of scintillating colors or even a fireball form a necklace of fireballs. ![]()
![]() In a recent product there was a sidebar on a natural armor amulet that used the wearer's life force in the crafting. It was easier to make but inflicted a penalty if it were ever lost, since a bit of life essence was lost with it. I have a vivid recollection of reading the sidebar, but can't locate the actual reference and my inability is festering like a splinter in my mind. If anyone can direct me to this elusive bit of info it would be a great relief. ![]()
![]() I've been combing my books, unsuccessfully, for the reference on a feat or trait. The mechanic was that by setting aside a certain amount of gold that the person would then be able to produce the equivalent value of item(s) when he desired. The 'stock', represented by a gold piece value, could be replenised when a city was visited. Ring any bells? ![]()
![]() Is there any information on the Nantambu lodge? The presence of an active lodge there seems to contradicted by the text in the Mwangi entry which notes, "A pathfinder able to establish a new lodge on the periphery of the Mwangi expanse would achieve great renown and influence..." Nantambu is indeed well located. Additionally the now inactive lodge in Kalabuto, much further to the south, was noted as the base from which expeditions into the Mwangi were launched. Any clarification available? ![]()
![]() I recall reading about prestige class that had a mock ‘funeral’ as a pre requisite to join, because after that you were effectively dead to your loved ones. One of the abilities granted was a save bonus vs fear (since you were inured to it by having ‘died’). I’ve combed my books and electronic files but can’t locate the class, its beginning to fester on me. Based on the admittedly skimpy info can anyone provide the class? Of course this could all be a false memory and I'll wake up in a shower... ![]()
![]() Since the brief bits of info on Kaer Maga in D2 left me wanting more I was pleased to note that the Pathfinder’s Journal in PF3 was set there. There does appear to be a conflict between the two in the description of the city’s location. D2 places it at the base, the cliff at its back, as per the map on the inside front cover. PF3 places it at the top as noted by the text on p 73. I’d say placing it at the top makes it more visually impressing, but where was intended to be? I'd really like to see the city fleshed out a bit, the location is so evocative and thought provoking. ![]()
![]() I am very impressed with W1, an excellent adventure, but I have a quibble concerning encounter I, the lake pollution. It would appear that the Petal and Coldrun flow from the mountains down into the Mist Lake, yet it seems that the magical pollution travels only up the Petal (apparently not affecting the Mist Lake) and past the fort. The text notes that the pollution ends/originates at the edge of the lake. Am I reading this incorrectly or is this an error? |