
Kraven's page

1 post. Alias of Doomed Hero.


HP 19/19, AC 21, Fort +4, Ref +8, WIll +2, Fly +11, Acro +11, Per +9

Special Abilities

Low Light Vision, Evasion, Link

Strength 12
Dexterity 19
Constitution 9
Intelligence 3
Wisdom 13
Charisma 11

About Kraven

Eternian Eagle (Roc), Racer Archetype

Size Medium, Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (average)

HP 19 (4d8-4)

AC 21 (+7 natural armor, +4 dex)

+4 Fort (+4 base)
+8 Ref (+4 base, +4 dex)
+2 Will (+1 base, +1 wis)

BaB +3

bite +7 (1d6+1)
2 talons +7 (1d4+1)

Weapon Finesse
Flyby Attack

+11 Fly (4 ranks, +4 dex, +3 class)
+11 Acrobatics (4 ranks, +4 dex, +3 class)
+9 Perception +9 (1 wis, +8 racial)

Link (Ex) A druid can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.