Kortas's page

No posts. Organized Play character for pedr.

Full Name



Human (Taldan)


Ranger 1










Erastil (ish)

Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 15
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 7

About Kortas

A middle-aged man, weather-worn and somewhat bedgraggled, Kortas was a servant in the hunting stables of a Taldan noble man. His main job was to assist the noblemen in the hunt - running the dogs, spotting the quarry, finishing off the downed pray before the dogs could rip it to pieces, and so on. When his employer fell on hard times hunting on the noble's lands was scaled down and he was let go.

For a while he lived again - as he had as a boy - off the fruit of his own (illegal) hunting, but once he became aware of the Pathfinders, while giving a group some aid as they explored some ruins in a forest he was living in, he slowly made his way to Absolom and discovered that the skills he had developed to track and kill animals were highly regarded among the various Venture Captains he met, and he fell in with a bunch of new Society recruits.

While overtures were made to him by the other Taldans in the Society, encouraging him to give them his aid in their hidden intrigues, it was Captain Moldris' agents who caught his attention, tapping into his disgust at the way the Taldan nobility had treated him as something disposable. Even the Chelish, they said, valued their slaves in monetary terms, and the freedom for which Andoran fights could change the world so that no other child of Taldor would ever suffer the same fate.