Name: Konrad Seiben
Virtue: Imperious
Vice: Pride
Five questions for you to answer in character:
Why did you need to board a bulk transport so quickly, taking only a single holdall with you?
In Neu-Prussia it comes to all of us. The opportunity to serve. For the Technischkorps it is the chance to hone the skills we have learned and beta test our enhancements in the wider system/real world scenarios. No warning is given by the Vorgesetzten. They select the candidate, select the assignment and issue the deployment order. 6 hour cycles later we board the bulk transport at Golem Heights with basic equipment and a memorised order sequence. My rotation has come.
What are the three most important items in the holdall?
Technischkorp’s issue chem-kit; containing key mutagenic compounds to augment my somatic capabilities.
H.E.R. (Hazardous Environments Respirator); Korporal Inzig always drilled into us: Never leave without HER!
Knüppel; My tungsten IV combat baton. Light and near unbreakable. We call them “Peacemakers”… Contrary to popular belief we Neu-Prussian's do appreciate irony.
If you came across men intimidating a woman and her child and extorting her for her ration card, what would you do?
Deal with them like for like; bully the bully into returning what is not theirs. Inform them they face a proud member of Neu-Prussia’s Technischkorps and remind them of the folly a physical confrontation; the Mekemical enhancements at my disposal make me a match for cockroaches such as they. Should it come to it, disable them with extreme prejudice.
When under pressure and faced with a complicated problem, how do you react?
The intense training of Technischkorps taught us to focus upon the problem at hand and utilise our skills and augmentations in tandem with resources at hand. When we do this there is no scenario that cannot be overcome.
What was the last thing going through your head before you went in to cryosleep?
How strange it was to enter a torpor cycle without the familiar glow of Höllen Amboss' (Neu Prussian: Hell’s Anvil) chem-furnaces as my night-light.
Shooting for more of a Old Prussian/Wagner/Tannhauser Gate vibe for the character (just incase your thinking nazi in space)