Leonard Kriegler

Kolya Krasimir Yakovich's page

25 posts. Alias of Black Dow.

Full Name

Коля Красимир Якович


Human (Russian)


Жесткая Герой (Tough Hero) 3 Выделенный Герой (Dedicated Hero) 3| HP 45/45 | DEF 14 | F+6, R+2, W+4 | Spot +5 | Init +0 | Move: 30ft.| Action Points: 17 (34 Gained/17 Used)





About Kolya Krasimir Yakovich


Male Human Tough Hero 3/Dedicated Hero 3

Reputation Bonus: +2
Action Points (Lifetime): 34

Speed: 30ft Unarmoured/30ft Armoured
Init: +0
Senses: Spot +5


10 + Dexterity modifier + class bonus + equipment bonus + size modifie

Defence: 14 [10 +4 Multiclass Defense Bonus; +0 Dex Bonus]

HP 45: [3d10 (9,9,5) & 3d6 (1,4,3); +12 Con; +3 Robust Talent]
Fort +6: +2 CON; +2 Tough Hero; +2 Dedicated Hero
Ref +2: +0 DEX; +1 Tough Hero; +1 Dedicated Hero
Will +4: +1 WIS; +1 Tough Hero; +2 Dedicated Hero


BAB +2

Melee: +4 Unarmed Strike 1d6+1d4+2* or +4 Knife 2d4+2/19-20* or +4 Straight Razor +4 2d4+2/19-20*
Ranged: (Ballistic) +2 Marakov .32 Autoload Pistol 2d4/20 30ft. Range (7 shot clip) or +2 Knife 1d4+2/19-20 10ft. Range or Sawn Off Baikal Shotgun +2 2d8/20 10ft. Range (2 shot)

* +1d4 Damage bonus to Street Fighter feat.


STR 14 (+2) DEX 10 (+0) CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 8 (-1)


STR - 6 points
DEX - 2 points
CON - 6 points
INT - 2 points
WIS - 4 points
CHA - 0 points


Character Starting Feat: Brawl - 1st Level:

Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, the character receives a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, and the character deals nonlethal damage equal to 1d6 + his or her Strength modifier.
Normal: Unarmed attacks normally deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d3 + Strength modifier.

Character Starting Feat: Confident - 1st Level:

Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Gamble checks and Intimidate checks, and on level checks to resist intimidation.

Career Bonus Feat: Personal Firearm Proficiency - 1st Level:

Benefit: The character can fire any personal firearm without penalty.
Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with personal firearms.


Tough Hero Overview:

Able to shrug off the most damage, the tough hero typically relies on a high constitution score.

Ability: Constitution
Hit Die: 1d10
Action Points: Tough heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: The Tough hero’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (mechanical, structural) (Int), Drive (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (current events, popular culture, streetwise) (Int), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Ride (Dex), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), and Survival (Wis). Also, the starting occupation selected can provide additional class skills to choose from.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (3 + Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 3 + Int modifier.
Starting Feats:In addition to the two feats all characters get at 1st level, a Tough hero begins play with the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat.

Simple Weapons (Free Tough Hero Class Feat):

Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with simple weapons normally.
Normal: A character without this feat takes the –4 nonproficient penalty when making attacks with simple weapons.

Tough Hero Class Feature: Unbreakable Talent Tree):

The Tough hero is particularly resilient thanks to the following talents.

1st Level - Robust: The Tough hero becomes especially robust, gaining a number of hit points equal to his or her Tough level as soon as he or she selects this talent. Thereafter, the hero gains +1 hit point with each level of Tough he or she gains. Second Wind: The Tough hero can spend 1 action point to gain a second wind. When the hero does this, he or she recovers a number of hit points equal to his or her Constitution modifier. This talent does not increase the Tough hero’s hit points beyond the character’s full normal total.

3rd Level - Stamina: The Tough hero recovers twice as fast as normal. So, the hero recovers 2 hit points per character level per evening of rest, 2 points of temporary ability damage per evening of rest, and awakens in half the normal time after being knocked unconscious.
Prerequisites: Robust.

Tough Hero Class Feature: Street Fighter (Bonus Feat) - 2nd Level:

Prerequisite: Brawl, base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: Once per round, if the character makes a successful melee attack with an unarmed strike or a light weapon, the character deals an extra 1d4 points of damage.


Dedicated Hero Overview:

Strong willed and alert, the dedicated hero typically relies on a high wisdom score.

Ability: Wisdom
Hit Die: 1d6
Action Points: Dedicated heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 + one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills: The Dedicated hero’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Craft (pharmaceutical, visual art, writing) (Int), Gamble (Wis), Investigate (Int), Knowledge (arcane lore, art, behavioral sciences, business, civics, current events, earth and life sciences, history, physical sciences, popular culture, streetwise, tactics, technology, theology and philosophy) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Treat Injury (Wis). Also, the starting occupation selected can provide additional class skills to choose from.
Skill Points at 1st Level: (5 + Int modifier) x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 5 + Int modifier.
Starting Feats: In addition to the two feats all characters get at 1st level, a Dedicated hero begins play with the Simple Weapons Proficiency feat.

Dedicated Hero Class Feature: Insightful Talent Tree):

The Dedicated hero’s innate insightfulness serves her well.

1st Level - Skill Emphasis: The Dedicated hero chooses a single skill and receives a +3 bonus on all checks with that skill. This bonus does not allow the hero to make checks for a trained-only skill if the hero has no ranks in the skill.

3rd Level - Faith: The Dedicated hero has a great deal of faith. It might be faith in self, in a higher power, or in both. This unswerving belief allows the Dedicated hero to add his or her Wisdom modifier to the die roll whenever the hero spends 1 action point to improve the result of an attack roll, skill check, saving throw, or ability check.
Prerequisites: Skill emphasis.

Dedicated Hero Class Feature: Archaic Weapons Proficiency (Bonus Feat) - 2nd Level:

Benefit: The character takes no penalty on attack rolls when using any kind of archaic weapon.
Normal: A character without this feat takes the –4 nonproficient penalty when making attacks with archaic weapons.



This illicit starting occupation reveals a background from the wrong side of the law. This occupation includes con artists, burglars, thieves, crime family soldiers, gang members, bank robbers, and other types of career criminals.

Prerequisite: Age 15+.
Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Gamble, Hide, Knowledge (streetwise), Move Silently, Sleight of Hand. (Disable Device & Move Silently selected).
Bonus Feat: Select either Brawl or Personal Firearms Proficiency. (Personal Firearms Proficienty selected)].
Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.

Tough Hero: 12 Skill Points @ 1st Level; 3 Skill Points per additional level. 21 Total
Dedicated Hero: 5 Skill Points per level. 15 Total

Climb +4: 2 Ranks; +2 STR
Concentration +6: 4 Ranks; +2 CON
Disable Device +3: 3 Ranks; +0 INT
Drive +1: 1 Rank; +0 DEX
Gamble +2: 1 Rank; +1 WIS
Intimidate +4: 5 Ranks; -1 CHA
Investigate +1: 1 Rank; +0 INT
Listen +2: 2 Ranks; +1 WIS
Knowledge (Streetwise) +4: 4 Ranks; +0 INT
Knowledge (Tactics) +1: 1 Rank; +0 INT
Knowledge (Theology) +1: 1 Rank; +0 INT
Move Silently +2; 2 Ranks; +0 DEX
Sense Motive +3: 2 Ranks; +1 WIS
Speak Language: 2 Ranks (English & German)
Spot +5: 4 Ranks; +1 WIS
Treat Injury +2: 1 Rank; +1 WIS

Languages: Russian, English, German


Combat Equipment: Marakov .32 autoload pistol); 35 rounds of .32 ammo (5 box magazines); Sawn-Off Baikal Shotgun; box of 10 cartridges; NR-40 Soviet Combat Knife; Cutthroat Razor; 2 Smoke grenades (Soviet RGD-3s); 2 Fragmentation grenades (Soviet RGD-5s).

Mundane Equipment:


Upon Person: Marakov .32 Pistol (c/w Concealed Carry shoulder holster & 3 Clips of ammo - 1.5 lbs); Cutthroat Razor (0.5 lbs); NR-40 Combat Knife (1 lb); 1 RDG-3 Smoke Grenade (2 lbs); Car Opening Kit (1 lb); Lockpick Set (1 lb); Compass (0.5 lb); Waterproof Matches (-); Chemical Light Stick (5) (1 lb); Canteen (4 lbs); Professional walkie-talkie with voice-activated headset (1 lb.); Urban Fatigues (3 lbs); Overcoat (3 lbs); 4 Packs of Sobraine Black Russian cigarettes (05. lb); Zippo-Lighter. 20.0 lbs carried

Rucksack: Sawn-Off Baikal Shotgun (c/w ammo - 4 lbs); Clips of .32 ammo; 2 RGD-5 Frag Grenades (2 lbs); 1 RDG-3 Smoke Grenade (2 lbs); Fatigue Jacket (2 lbs); Black fatigues (3 lbs.); Woodland fatigues (3 lbs.); Night-vision goggles (3 lbs.); First Aid Kit (3 lbs); Lightweight blanket (2 lbs.); Nylon rope (50 feet) (4 lbs.); Signal Flare (1 lb); Sleeping bag (4 lbs.); Canteen (4 lbs.); Meals; ready-to-eat (12) (1 lb.) (37.0 lbs total/40 lbs max)

Contractor's Field Bag (2 lbs): ; Duct Tape (1 lb); Bolt cutter (5 lbs); Multipurpose Tool (0.5 lb); Chemical light stick (5) (1 lb.); Standard flashlight (w/spare batteries) (2 lbs.); Zip Tie Handcuffs (25 - 0.5 lbs) - (10.0 lbs total/10 lbs max)



Age: 33 Height: 6'1 Weight: 213 lbs.