About Kolya Krasimir YakovichDescription Male Human Tough Hero 3/Dedicated Hero 3 Reputation Bonus: +2
Speed: 30ft Unarmoured/30ft Armoured
10 + Dexterity modifier + class bonus + equipment bonus + size modifie Defence: 14 [10 +4 Multiclass Defense Bonus; +0 Dex Bonus] HP 45: [3d10 (9,9,5) & 3d6 (1,4,3); +12 Con; +3 Robust Talent]
BAB +2 Melee: +4 Unarmed Strike 1d6+1d4+2* or +4 Knife 2d4+2/19-20* or +4 Straight Razor +4 2d4+2/19-20*
* +1d4 Damage bonus to Street Fighter feat. STATS STR 14 (+2) DEX 10 (+0) CON 14 (+2)
STR - 6 points
FEATS Character Starting Feat: Brawl - 1st Level:
Benefit: When making an unarmed attack, the character receives a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, and the character deals nonlethal damage equal to 1d6 + his or her Strength modifier. Normal: Unarmed attacks normally deal nonlethal damage equal to 1d3 + Strength modifier. Character Starting Feat: Confident - 1st Level:
Benefit: The character gets a +2 bonus on all Gamble checks and Intimidate checks, and on level checks to resist intimidation. Career Bonus Feat: Personal Firearm Proficiency - 1st Level:
Benefit: The character can fire any personal firearm without penalty. Normal: Characters without this feat take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with personal firearms. THE TOUGH HERO CLASS ABILITIES: Tough Hero Overview:
Able to shrug off the most damage, the tough hero typically relies on a high constitution score. Ability: Constitution
Simple Weapons (Free Tough Hero Class Feat):
Benefit: The character makes attack rolls with simple weapons normally.
Tough Hero Class Feature: Unbreakable Talent Tree):
The Tough hero is particularly resilient thanks to the following talents. 1st Level - Robust: The Tough hero becomes especially robust, gaining a number of hit points equal to his or her Tough level as soon as he or she selects this talent. Thereafter, the hero gains +1 hit point with each level of Tough he or she gains. Second Wind: The Tough hero can spend 1 action point to gain a second wind. When the hero does this, he or she recovers a number of hit points equal to his or her Constitution modifier. This talent does not increase the Tough hero’s hit points beyond the character’s full normal total. 3rd Level - Stamina: The Tough hero recovers twice as fast as normal. So, the hero recovers 2 hit points per character level per evening of rest, 2 points of temporary ability damage per evening of rest, and awakens in half the normal time after being knocked unconscious.
Tough Hero Class Feature: Street Fighter (Bonus Feat) - 2nd Level:
Prerequisite: Brawl, base attack bonus +2.
Strong willed and alert, the dedicated hero typically relies on a high wisdom score. • Ability: Wisdom
Dedicated Hero Class Feature: Insightful Talent Tree):
The Dedicated hero’s innate insightfulness serves her well. 1st Level - Skill Emphasis: The Dedicated hero chooses a single skill and receives a +3 bonus on all checks with that skill. This bonus does not allow the hero to make checks for a trained-only skill if the hero has no ranks in the skill. 3rd Level - Faith: The Dedicated hero has a great deal of faith. It might be faith in self, in a higher power, or in both. This unswerving belief allows the Dedicated hero to add his or her Wisdom modifier to the die roll whenever the hero spends 1 action point to improve the result of an attack roll, skill check, saving throw, or ability check.
Dedicated Hero Class Feature: Archaic Weapons Proficiency (Bonus Feat) - 2nd Level:
Benefit: The character takes no penalty on attack rolls when using any kind of archaic weapon. Normal: A character without this feat takes the –4 nonproficient penalty when making attacks with archaic weapons. STARTING OCCUPATION Criminal:
This illicit starting occupation reveals a background from the wrong side of the law. This occupation includes con artists, burglars, thieves, crime family soldiers, gang members, bank robbers, and other types of career criminals. Prerequisite: Age 15+.
Climb +4: 2 Ranks; +2 STR
Languages: Russian, English, German GEAR/EQUIPMENT Combat Equipment: Marakov .32 autoload pistol); 35 rounds of .32 ammo (5 box magazines); Sawn-Off Baikal Shotgun; box of 10 cartridges; NR-40 Soviet Combat Knife; Cutthroat Razor; 2 Smoke grenades (Soviet RGD-3s); 2 Fragmentation grenades (Soviet RGD-5s). Mundane Equipment: EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTION Upon Person: Marakov .32 Pistol (c/w Concealed Carry shoulder holster & 3 Clips of ammo - 1.5 lbs); Cutthroat Razor (0.5 lbs); NR-40 Combat Knife (1 lb); 1 RDG-3 Smoke Grenade (2 lbs); Car Opening Kit (1 lb); Lockpick Set (1 lb); Compass (0.5 lb); Waterproof Matches (-); Chemical Light Stick (5) (1 lb); Canteen (4 lbs); Professional walkie-talkie with voice-activated headset (1 lb.); Urban Fatigues (3 lbs); Overcoat (3 lbs); 4 Packs of Sobraine Black Russian cigarettes (05. lb); Zippo-Lighter. 20.0 lbs carried Rucksack: Sawn-Off Baikal Shotgun (c/w ammo - 4 lbs); Clips of .32 ammo; 2 RGD-5 Frag Grenades (2 lbs); 1 RDG-3 Smoke Grenade (2 lbs); Fatigue Jacket (2 lbs); Black fatigues (3 lbs.); Woodland fatigues (3 lbs.); Night-vision goggles (3 lbs.); First Aid Kit (3 lbs); Lightweight blanket (2 lbs.); Nylon rope (50 feet) (4 lbs.); Signal Flare (1 lb); Sleeping bag (4 lbs.); Canteen (4 lbs.); Meals; ready-to-eat (12) (1 lb.) (37.0 lbs total/40 lbs max) Contractor's Field Bag (2 lbs): ; Duct Tape (1 lb); Bolt cutter (5 lbs); Multipurpose Tool (0.5 lb); Chemical light stick (5) (1 lb.); Standard flashlight (w/spare batteries) (2 lbs.); Zip Tie Handcuffs (25 - 0.5 lbs) - (10.0 lbs total/10 lbs max) WEALTH APPEARANCE Age: 33 Height: 6'1 Weight: 213 lbs. |