About KojinsokaVital Stats:
Age: 20 (born 14th of Gozran as far as he knows) Speed: 25 HP: 20 Eye Color: Vibrant Blue Hair Color: Vibrant Orange Skin Color: Dusky Languages: Common, Gnome, Sylvan Background: Warrior Heritage: Wellspring Gnome Traits: Gnome | Humanoid Saves:
Fort (E): +7 | Ref (T): +4 | Will (E): +6 Trained Skills:
Acrobatics: +1 ( 1 Dex + 0 Prof + 0 Item - Armor) Arcana: +0 ( 0 Int + 0 Prof + 0 Item) Athletics: +3 ( 3 Str + 0 Prof + 0 Item - Armor) Crafting: +6 ( 3 Int + 3 Prof + Item) (T) Deception: +3 ( 3 Cha + 0 Prof + Item) Diplomacy: +6 ( 3 Cha + 3 Prof + Item) (T) Intimidation: +6 ( 3 Cha + 3 Prof + Item) (T) Lore: Warfare +3 ( 0 Int + 3 Prof + Item) (T) Lore: + ( Int + Prof + Item) Medicine: +1 ( 1 Wis + 0 Prof + Item) Nature: +4 ( 1 Wis + 3 Prof + Item) (T) Occultism: +0 ( 0 Int + 0 Prof + Item) Performance: +3 ( 3 Cha + 0 Prof + Item) Religion: +1 ( 1 Wis + 0 Prof + Item) Society: +0 ( 0 Int + 0 Prof + Item) (T) Stealth: +1 ( 1 Dex + 0 Prof + Item - Armor) Survival: +4 ( 1 Wis + 3 Prof + Item) (T) Thievery: +1 ( 1 Dex + 0 Prof + Item - Armor) Feat:
Ancestry Inventive Offensive (Level 1) - Add one of the following traits to weapon until next successful hit that deals damage. Deadly D6, Disarm, Nonlethal, Shove, Trip, Versatile B, Versatile P, Versatile S. Cannot add trait that weapon already has. 2-actions at Expert Crafting, apply two traits at Legendary Crafting. Class
General Bonus
Special Abilities:
Wellspring Gnome - (Divine - Gain 1 cantrip of chosen tradition. Cast as innate spell.) Special Actions:
◆◆◆ Manifest Eidolon (Concentrate | Conjuration | Manipulate | Primal | Summoner | Teleportation) - Eidolon appears adjacent to you and takes a single action. If already manifested, unmanifest instead. Must remain within 100 feet and can’t go beyond the limit willingly. If forced beyond the limit or you are reduced to 0 HP, Eidolon is unmanifest. Share actions and MAP. ◆ to ◆◆◆ Act Together (Summoner | Tandem) - Frequency: once per round - You or your Eidolon can take the same number of actions as Act Together, and the other takes a single action. This lets you each use separate exploration activities. ◆ Share Senses (Concentrate | Divination | Primal | Scrying | Summoner) - Requirements Your eidolon is manifested. - Allows you to perceive through eidolon’s senses. You lose all sensory information from your own body. Lasts 1 minute. You can Dismiss this effect. ◆◆◆ Inventive Offensive (Gnome) Add one of the following traits to weapon until next successful hit that deals damage. Deadly D6, Disarm, Nonlethal, Shove, Trip, Versatile B, Versatile P, Versatile S. Cannot add trait that weapon already has. Proficiencies:
Weapons: Simple (T) and Unarmed (T) Armor: Unarmored (T) Perception: Trained
Perception: +2 ( 1 Wis + 3 Prof + Item) AC: 14 ( 10 + 1 Dex + 3 Prof + Item) Light Mace | +6 (3 Ability + 3 Prof) | Damage (1d6+3 B) | Traits: Agile, Finesse, Shove
Tradition: Primal Spell DC: 16 (10 + 3 Key + 3 Prof) Spell Attack: +6 ( 3 Key + 3 Prof) Cantrips - Disrupt Undead, Guidance, Know Direction, Ray of Frost, Sigil
Divine Innate Cantrip - Shield Focus Points: 1
Equipment and Possessions:
Bulk Limit: 8 Encumbered: 13 Backpack (4 bulk limit, first 2 does not count)
Total Bulk: 1 Money: 1 SP | 8 CP
Grigul (Eidolon):
Type: Beast Tradition: Primal Home Plane: Material ----------------------------------------------- Size: Med Ability Scores (Brutal Beast): Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10 Skills: Intimidation (T) +3, Nature (T) +2 Senses: Low-Light, Darkvision, Scent (imprecise 30 ft) Languages: Sylvan Speed: 25 ft ----------------------------------------------- Saves: Fort (E) +8, Ref (T) +5, Will (E) +6 AC (T Unarmored): 17 (2 Dex + 3 Prof + 2 Item) Attacks: ◆ Jaws: +7 | 1d8+4 P | Trip ◆ Club Tail: +7 | 1d6+4 B | Agile, Finesse ----------------------------------------------- ◆◆ Beast’s Charge - Stride Twice and Strike. If moved at least 20 feet and entirely in a straight line, gain +1 circumstance bonus to attack roll. Backstory:
Kojinsoka was born…he’s not entirely sure. The gnome knew little else outside of the town of Crovga. More specifically The House of Shining Blade, an orphanage operated by a priest of Iomedae, where was found on the doorstep with nothing to indicate where he came from. As one might expect, all of the children were brought up on the tales of Iomedae during her mortal years in the Shining Crusade. While the majority of children yawned at these tales Kojinsoka and a few others were enraptured by these tales. They spent hours playing crusaders in the orphanage’s yard. At the age of 14 the gnome got a part-time job delivering books for The Paper Tower, a small bookshop run by a dwarf named Ingra Runemaul. One day while delivering some books, three larger children cornered him in an alley and began pushing him around, laughing at his meager attempts to defend himself. The laughter was cut short by a deep-throated growl from a darkened doorway. When they turned in that direction all they saw was a pair of golden glowing eyes staring at them from the pitch. All three bullies fled in absolute terror leaving Kojinsoka trembling, fearing he was about to be eaten. A long moment passed, the eyes just looking at him, then eventually disappeared. Gnomish curiosity got the better of him and he carefully approached the doorway. There was nothing there, except for an odd-looking hourglass. Again, curiosity got the better of Kojinsoka and he picked it up and kept it. From that point forward the gnome would have occasional dreams of a land of vibrant and lush plant life. Of a figure that seemed to simmer in and out of…time? Always, whether awake or asleep, there was the sense of something always close by, watching and waiting. Despite this feeling however, Kojinsoka never felt as though he was in danger. After turning 18 the gnome was given a pack of supplies and was instructed to head to the nearest temple of Iomedae, like many of his older friends before him. He never made it. On his second night of the journey, a voice came to his mind, telling him that he was destined to be more than just a champion of The Inheritor. Instinctively, he closed his eyes and focused on the voice and the feeling of being watched. Upon opening his eyes there before him was a sizable beast with a shell like a turtle, a head that had the jaws of an alligator, and a strong-looking tail that ended in a massive knot of bone. What got the gnome’s attention though were the eyes, the same eyes that had struck terror into the three bullies in his youth. Without fear Kojinsoka reached a hand out towards the beast and touched its head. A connection that he did not know was there solidified and that is when his powers awoke. Between his connection to Grigul (his Eidolon) and the mysterious figures in his dreams, Kojinsoka has spent the last two years honing his powers and looking for opportunities to prove himself worthy of the title Knight. |