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No posts. Organized Play character for shade2077.

Lantern Lodge

I got gift vouchers from GMing at both PaizoCon and ConCurrent. Neither works. I am trying to use them in the box for Promotions & Gift Certificates under Payment Method. Why would the codes not work?

Lantern Lodge

I just printed Burden of Envy for an upcoming game using Greyscale on the printer. The boxed text in the module is green in color and prints out too faint to read. Anyone else having this problem?

Lantern Lodge

Champions must have one of the alignments of the followers of their deity. Makes sense. Then comes the rider under Deity and Cause that "Your cause must match your alignment exactly". The only alignment options listed are LG (Paladin), NG (Redeemer) and CG (Liberator).

So as a Champion of Gorum the listed alignments are CN and CE, which means they can't select a Cause.

This seems like an oversight to me. Why are there no CG followers of Gorum (but there are CE)? If one wants to be a Champion of Gorum you would miss out on many of the Champion class abilities (reactions and Lay on Hands).

Seems like this could be house-ruled in a home game but Organised play has to use rules as written.

Lantern Lodge

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I’m currently trying to create a 7th level Bard that I want to have high Bluff (now called Deception) and Sense Motive (now Perception). Deception is a signature skill for Bards - great. Perception is no longer a skill and is defined by Class (Expert for Bard at first level).

As I level I want my character to be better in their skills compared to their untutored companions and I just can’t.

Rogues, Rangers and Fighters become Masters in Perception at 7th as a class ability, but this is not open to other classes. I could take the Alertness feat but that does not increase my Perception level - it only sets it to Expert. I could raise my Wisdom at 5th level but so would most PCs with 4 boosts across 6 stats, and if I started at 18 that brings it to 19 for no mechanical difference to anything.

I can raise by Deception from Trained to Expert to Master, but as I only get 3 skill points to allocate in total over 7 levels (after my initial allocation of Trained skills) this would be most of my available skill increases.

So compared to my companions my Deception improves by maybe +2 and my Perception will actually get worse if they are Fighter, Ranger or Rogue.

I’d suggest the following changes:
1. Either bring back allocating multiple skill points per level (I never heard anybody complain there were too many skill points per class and now we get less?) or make the proficiency levels actually provide a noticeable difference (like +2/+4/+6). I don’t feel +1/+2/+3 with anything above Expert gated by character level to be significant against a roll of D20.

2. Remove the +1 to everything at every level. This doesn’t allow people to tailor their characters in any way and forces them to be better at things they would never do. (“I would never tell a lie. You can trust me…” says the 10th level Paladin with +14 on Deception purely from level + charisma.) I like the idea of getting some auto-improvement but this could be reflected by +1 per 4 or 5 levels.

3. Allow a stat bump above 18 by spending 2 of the 4 ability points allocated at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20; The bump to odd numbers above 18 means no mechanical change from stats for 10 levels.

4. Change Alertness to give you a +2 to Perception, not set the level to Expert.

5. Remove the auto-allocation of Master and Legendary level Perception to Fighter, Ranger and Rogue. Let players decide if they want to spend a Feat on improving Perception or not; alternatively, give All classes a Perception proficiency bump at 7th and 15th levels.

The way classes are currently built and advanced makes me feel like they all come from the same cardboard cutout. They would all have basically the same underlying stats, with only minor variations allocated by the players that are overwhelmed by the giant D20 roll. This is against the design of Pathfinder 1E and leaves me feeling disenfranchised.

Lantern Lodge

I can't find any rule equivalent to the old 'you can Take Ten' (i.e. assume the PC rolls a 10 on the D20) or 'you can take Twenty' (i.e. assume the PC rolls a 20 on the D20) on certain things, like gathering information of diplomacy etc. Is this still allowed at all under the new rule set? If so, in what circumstances?

Lantern Lodge

From the Rulebook page 227: Goblin Pox

Your touch afflicts the target with goblin pox. The effect is based on the result of the target’s Fortitude save.
Success The target is sick 1.
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Failure The target is afflicted with goblin pox at stage 1.
Critical Failure The target is afflicted with goblin pox at stage 2.
Goblin Pox (disease) Level 1. Goblins and goblin dogs are immune.
Stage 1 sick 1 (1 round); Stage 2 sick 1 and slowed 1 (1 round);
Stage 3 sick 1 and can’t reduce its sick value below 1 (1 day).

So what's the difference between a success and a fail on the saving throw? If the PC saves they get the Sick 1 condition; if the PC fails they get the Sick 1 condition for 1 round.

Lantern Lodge

Some traps list a Stealth DC in their stat block and some list Stealth DC (Trained). What's the difference? Seems to be the 'Trained' is where the trap would list the level of training in Perception to spot the trap. All character classes are currently either Trained or Expert in Perception so there is no effective difference between a 'Trained' trap and one without a 'Trained' tag. So is the 'Trained' there in case classes (or companions) are introduced that are not Trained in Perception? Or perhaps some traps need 'Expert' in Perception to spot, rather than just 'Trained'?


Lantern Lodge 5/5 ** Venture-Agent, Australia—ACT—Canberra

How much discretion does a GM have to adjust the rewards for scenerios if players don't do as the module expects?

I've played 2 scenarios recently (one Pathfinder and one Starfinder) where the PCs used smart play with diplomacy or sneakiness to avoid combat. At the end of both scenarios the rewards were reduced because the PCs didn't either steal everything that wasn't nailed down in the house of a person being investigated, or used forthought and guile to avoind guards entirely (and thus not having guard rooms to ransack).

I believe that GMs should have the ability to provide full rewards to PCs that 'defeat' an obstacle, no matter if that obstacle was 'defeated' by diplomacy, guile, or hitting it on the head; even if the module specifically says "reduce the rewards if the PCs didn't loot X" (where X is an aside to the main mission objectives).

Lantern Lodge

The Starfinder Core Rulebook lists the following items:
Tool kit, level 1, 20 credits
Tool kit - engineering speciality, level 2, 445 credits

Under the entry for Tool Kit it says "a set of specialized tools and devices... Engineering checks without one take a –2 penalty".

Under the entry for Tool Kit - engineering speciality - it says "These kits each provide a +2 circumstance bonus to a specific use of the Engineering skill".

So is the entry for Tool kit (that provides "specialized tools") for the 20 c. item or the 445 c. item?

What bonus to Engineering (Computers, hacking) or Engineering (Trapsmith) do I get if I spend 445 c. on a Tool Kit (Engineering Speciality)?

I seems that as written I could buy a Tool kit (hacking) or Toolkit (trapsmith) for 20 c. and get a +4 bonus, or buy a Tool kit (engineering speciality - hacking) or Tool kit (engineering speciality - trapsmith) for 445 c. and get a +2 bonus. This seems back to front.


Lantern Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Anyone else having weird respawn places? I respawned once at the top of a tree and my latest respawn is up in the clouds!

Lantern Lodge

Ghost Touch is a +3 armor enhancement. Does it do anything else other than protect against touch attacks from incorporeal creatures? That is great when you run up against ghosts or shadows, but highly situational. I think it is way over priced. For that money I would expect it to protect against all touch attacks (corporeal or incorporeal). Am I better off just getting a straight +3 that will protect against the vast majority of attacks?

Lantern Lodge

My level 4 Gnome witch rides around on her pig familiar. Recently we got attacked by some undead and a zombie tried to eat the witch. I wanted the familiar to bite the zombie and the GM called for a Handle Animal check. Can anyone point me to rules that require familiars to be taught how to attack 'unnatural' creatures (as per the rules for Handle Animal) or that a Witch riding her familiar would need to make Ride checks to control the mount in battle? How would you go about getting a familar 'combat trained'?