
Thorn 'Rat''s page

33 posts. Alias of TwelvePointFivePercent.

So, I'm going to be running a superhero game in the somewhat near future, and I'm putting together some nice villains for the PCs to encounter.

One of the concepts (alright, several of them)is shamelessly lifted from a story called Worm. '1337' (as in "Elite") has a superpower that makes him hypercompetent, to the peak of nonpowered human skill, at anything he tries doing. So he's an olympic-level shooter, a master driver, computer wizard, master of every martial art out there etc.

The only limits is that he's restricted to standard human stuff. He can't throw cars around, teleport, or shoot lightning from his eyes.

Mechanically, that makes him level 6, with the class features of a 6th level Monk, Gunslinger and Rogue. He has average hp for his six d10 hd, 6 ranks in every non-supernatural skill as class skills, and, notably, knows every feat that he qualifies for which does not involve magic.
If a feat can be taken multiple times, he has it once if it stacks with itself, and once for each possible option if it does not.

Roughly how powerful would you say this guy is?

Statline, if it matters, is 15/18/14/8/16/13 (after dual talent +2dex/+2wis, +1dex from lvl)

ABP is in place, no magic items.

So here's the feat. It doesn't seem to mention the normal time. It doesn't seem to explicitly let you cast a spell, although what it does functions as raise dead. It doesn't seem to explicitly let you cast raise dead as an SLA either. Nor does it seem to be normal LoH that has a different effect.

So how long does it take? Normally, feats that let you do something new specify the time it takes to do so. This does not. What do I refer to instead?

The sleepy village of Heldren has rarely seen so much excitement or concern. Hunters from the nearby Border Wood speak of unnaturally cold weather at the height of summer that descended on the forest just days ago, and of a black rider on a blind horse, frost spreading from the hoofprints. Heavy snow followed, and those who returned spoke of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous predators. No one knows what this event means, but the town's soothsayer, Old Mother Theodora, claims dark times lie ahead.

As if in proof of that dire prophecy, a badly wounded mercenary arrived in town yesterday, claiming to be a bodyguard of Lady Argentea Malassene. He told the village council that the noblewoman’s escort came under attack by bandits and strange, wintry creatures near the edge of the Border Wood. He alone escaped, and Lady Argentea was dragged away into the forest. Now the townsfolk cast fearful eyes toward the snowy forest, worried what else might emerge to threaten their peaceful village.

Whether you're just passing through, or if you've lived near Heldren all your life, rumors of the budding crisis has reached your ears.

This is for OOC talking. Please keep that out of the actual gameplay thread, even if you thought to use OOC tags.

Anyway, glad to have you here! Welcome!

On a practical note, the AP kind of assumes you're already working together, but has a continget hack job idea for how to start it off if you aren't. Do you think any of your characters know each other, and have been travelling together or just met up before? Something to think about and decide before we get started.

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From Reign of Winter:

It has been a century since the immortal witch Baba Yaga last visited the world, and the hour draws nigh for her return. But when she fails to appear in the frozen realm of Irrisen to usher in its newest ruler, pockets of winter begin to grow throughout the Inner Sea region. After 1,400 years of perpetual winter, the icy curse of Irrisen is spreading! What links do these strange blizzards and swaths of wintry landscapes have with Irrisen, and is there any truth to the growing rumors that the Witch Queen Elvanna has taken full control of the realm? Can her plans for the Inner Sea be thwarted, or will the Reign of Winter engulf the world?

In response to this thread.

As I said over there, I'll commit to running the first book, at least. Once that's completed, we'll re-evaluate, see if people are up for doing the next one too.

Character creation:
-There's a player's guide here.
-2 traits, one of which is a campaign trait from the above.
-Roll a set of stats with 4d6, best 3 dice. If you dislike the results, you may take a 20 point buy.
-All characters get point blank shot, deadly aim, power attack, weapon finesse & combat expertise for free.
-Average starting gold for your class.
-All characters get 1 extra skill point per level. We're not using background skills.
-Unchained classes at your discretion.
-Standard experience track.
-No third party material.
-4 players total. 16bitcoin is guaranteed a spot, and is considering either an eldritch archer magus or an inquisitor, probably also an archer.

Rolls from the other thread still stand, for people who've already rolled.

There's a few magus arcana that relate to rods. As far as I can tell, they're entirely useless, as they interact with 'spells [the rod] contains'. And rods don't contain spells.

Did the designers confuse rods with wands or some s%#!? You'd think someone would have picked up on that in a faq or erreta.

Or are there a bunch of rods with spells in them around that I don't know about?

I've recently heard of the shadowrun setting. I'm not up to learning a new system, I'm too entrenched in d20 at this point, but I get the feeling it'd adapt fairly well to d20 modern. So this is me trying to make that happen. You, the players, would be a team of Shadowrunners working for a mystery benefactor who acts as a middle man, setting you up with clients who want clandestine and deniable jobs done on the quiet. Your contracts would range from corporate espionage, to sabotage, to theft, to acting as hitmen, if your sensibilities run that way.

It'd make fairly extensive use of the cybernetic & VRnet rules outlined in cyberscape, but there'd also be magic and stuff.

At least initially, It'd take the shape of a mission-based game. Your employer gives you a mission, you decide if you want to do it, and then you plan out how to make it happen.

As for content, we'd be using the following books:

-Core (No Shadow Chasers material. Moroi are around, although megacorps are the only probable source, and they guard their experiments rather jealously)
-Cyberscape (No cybernetic gadgets)
-Future (No mutations, no genetech, no nanites, no FTL travel, no dimension travel, no xenobiology; mech & starships are unlikely to be relevant.)
-Future Tech. (Most everything in here is allowed, barring FTL travel, and the universal ammunition, armor & weapon gadgets.)
-Player's Companion & d20MPC2.
-Past. (Shaman is the big thing to take away from here, but other stuff is availible as well. The scientist class is not allowed, nor are the mesmerist & spiritualist classes.)
-Urban Arcana

Cybernetics follow the Standard Rules as per Cyberscape. Cybernetics from the d20Future book will have implant slots assigned to them.
Magic & Cybernetics: Excepting Necrotics & Wetware, each cybernetic device provides a stacking 10% spell failure chance. This functions as arcane spell failure chance derived from armor, except it applies equally to divine spells & psionic powers.

The 'Big Five' corporations of Seattle. They've more or less divided the population of the city amongst themselves:
-Aztech. Based out of Mexico, they're one of the heaviest investors in space exploration & exploitation worldwide. Owns the space elevator located just outside Seattle.
-l'EcCo, or l'Ecrite Corporation. Energy magnate based out of far north america, big on natural resources.
-Arget Industries. Arms manifacturer.
-Vita Incorporated. Biotech firm.

A few of your rivals, either gangs or competing groups of shadowrunners:
-Cabinet 16 (C4^)
-Verbing Superlative Avian (VSA)
-Infuriem Vidi (001)

So I'm wondering, does this board have anyone interested in playing 3.5e? I've honestly grown a little bored with the relative restrictiveness of pathfinder, and I'd like to run an old 3.5e module.

I'm thinking of running the red hand of doom module/adventure/campaign book, if anyone is into that sort of thing.

Book rules would be anything goes, but try to stay somewhat 'classic'. Core Race + Core Class + Prestige class from Complete is a lot more cool than, say, A phrenic primordial half-giant into beguiler.

Although if you really want, there's room for that too.

Character build rules would be 32 point buy (remember that 3.5e is different from pathfinder), 5th level. Hp is done by taking high averages on the die (i.e. a fighter gets 6hp, while a wizard gets 3) and maximum at first level. You start off with 5400gp, pretty standard fare.

Backstory wise, you've come to the Elsir Vale at the behest of one or more of your number. The Night Hag known as Sehernva Pendriciax has wronged at least one of you, or your family, in some manner. She's rumored to be hiding out in the mountains around the Elsir Vale region, and so you've come to settle the score. If you're not the one whose family (or yourself personally) has been wronged, you're probably coming along to help because you are friends, or because you've been promised a share in the loot.