
Ko’Faahin Bhisi's page

70 posts. Alias of Awenydd83.

Full Name

IF Oracle




Female Oracle HP: 8/10 | AC: 15 T: 13 FF: 12 | CMD: 15 | CMB: +2 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +1 | Ini: +5 | Perc: +1|

Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 9
Charisma 18

About Ko’Faahin Bhisi

LN Medium humanoid (Catfolk)
Favored Class:
Init +5; Senses: Lowlight vision; Perception +1

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Armor, +1 Buckler, +3 Dex)
hp 10
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1

Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Speed 30 ft. | 20 ft climb

Dagger: +3 | 1d4+2 | 19-20 x2
Light Mace: +3 | 1d6+2 | x2
Long Spear: +2 | 1d8+3 | x3

Dagger: +3 | 1d4+2 | 19-20 x2 | Range: 10'
Javelin: +3 | 1d6+2 | x2 | Range: 30'

Special Attacks/ Abilities
Cat's Luck (EX) 1/day: May make second roll on Reflex save and take better result

Spell-Like Abilities
Telepathic Bond (SP) 2/day: As full round action, may establish Telepathic Bond with one individual. This allows communication with the individual even if there is no physical contact. In addition, you may hold telepathic conversations with anyone with whom you are in physical contact with.

Channel Positive Energy (SU) 1d6, 5/Day, DC 14 for half |5/5 used|

Spells Known (CL 1, Concentration: +5)
Melee Touch +3, Ranged Touch +3

All spells are treated as if the "Silent" Metamagic Feat has been applied, but with no change to spell level.

Level 0 (At Will):

Detect Magic
Read Magic

Level 1 (4/day):

|2/4 used|
Cure Light Wounds
Murderous Command



Str 14
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 9
Cha 18


Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
Shield Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency - All
Weapon Finesse


Frontier Healer (1 extra hp healed, Heal)


Acrobatics +0
Bluff +4
Climb +7
Diplomacy +8
Heal +4
Intimidate +4
Perception +1
Spellcraft +5
Stealth +3
Survival +5




Combat Gear
Acid x3
Bear Trap x2
Camouflage Netting
Dagger x2
Javelin x5
Leather Armor
Light Mace

Other Gear
Belt Pouch
Flint and Steel
Mess Kit
Rope, 50'
Trail Rations x5

Magical Equipment

Coin 8GP, 2 sp

Ko’Faahin Bhisi
{KO-FAhn HE-see}
Ko’ is a Catfolk honorific given to a female of the species that displays unusual wisdom, healing skills, or magical skills.
She began life as Faahin Bhisi, a normal child growing up in her village. When she was starting to come of age, she was apprenticed to Ko’Sigi, the town healer for years uncounted. She expected to lead a quiet life, tending to the few sick or injured Catfolk of the village and living her life in simplistic harmony. Then came the Blighted Fey carrying the Darkblight. Her village was spared the worst of the attacks and sickness, but as one of the few villages in the area to do so, the small community became the default hospital and refugee center. After months of working side by side with every available healer and apprentice through unimaginable horrors fostered by cursed fey weapons and the fungal rot that the wounds breed, the young girl was found one day sitting in a corner of the aid tent almost catatonic. For days, she was caught between waking and sleeping unable to wake from this living nightmare. Some say that during this time, her mind buckled. Unable to cope with the duress and travesty, her child like nature retreated deep within leaving only a husk to remain. Others say that during this time, she was gods-touched; that some divine being reached down and comforted this poor child leaving her struck from the close brush with the divine. Regardless, Faahin was never the same afterwards.
Deep into the sixth night, Faahin uttered the last sound of her life.. a scream so terrible and powerful that it was said that animals for miles cowered in fright and even the stoutest warriors heart failed him, leaving him quivering on the ground begging for mercy. The next morning, she was gone from her bed, leaving many more questions than the rumors could ever answer.
Faahin woke in the forest, with no memory of anything after sitting in the corner in mental and physical exhaustion. There is no telling how long she was unconscious, or what transpired between. All she knew was that she was alone, and the ability for all speech or sound had been taken from her. As she gained her strength and survived in the forest, she discovered a new and thrilling power flowing through her veins. Over time, she became adept at using natural cures for herself and any she came across. She learned to use her new abilities, and learned also that although her voice had been taken from her, she now could hear others thoughts when she touched them skin to skin. Eventually, she makes her way to the southern end of the Fangwood forest and begins to settle in near Phaendar, offering her healing services to any who are in need.