
Kjeldor's page

Organized Play Member. 158 posts (162 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

I feel aweful for asking this, and digging up old a very old corpse (Sneak Attack). I have read over and over that in order for a rogue to be viable he has to be able to SA with every attack, just to try to be on the same level as say a fighter or barbarian in combat. So lets give a point to each of these 3 classes. Well, what about other situations? A rogue can at the same time talk his way out, or into, most situations, much more often then a fighter and a little more then a barbarian might be able to. So maybe a point to the rogue, 1/2 to the barb, and 0 to the fighter for having stupid tongue as I like to say. Or lets say to stealth a rogue can do it better then many other classes, can you imagine more then 2 types of rogues that don't use stealth at all?

What im getting at is, maybe the rogue shouldn't be AS combat equal as a fighter due to its huge grab bag of tricks. Maybe a rogue should be able to apply SA to every main hand attack. Just an idea.

When I think of a rogue, I think of them as "Second tier" classes. They arent the best damage dealing but they can hurt, they can cripple. They aren't the best face to use, but they can be pretty good. This list goes on.

PS. As an additional thought does a rogue wielding 1 weapon never come close to par with that of a duel wielding rogue due to the lower number of SA possible?

So I need to make a 3rd lvl character and I was thinking of making a sand witch. And I thought i would tap the knowledge of the pathfinder forum elders, and everyone else. She doesn't need to be a witch per-se, but i think a female arcane caster would fit the build such as sorceress or wizard, maybe even a divine caster. Since I cannot find a specific "sand" field maybe go more desert theme? Fire like spells? Ground focus spells? Maybe a mix for a control/dmg char?

I have to be honest with you. I think multiclassing should be fun and done more often then I see, other then just lvl dipping for lvl 1 and 2 bonuses. However I don't like the idea of being underpowered. Do you think multiclassing is underpowered. Especially if main stats for the classes differ? If so I was thinking of a solution, and the best way I can develop something is if I hear ppls opinions. so here it goes....
What if for every new class, or ones where "main stats" atleast, the amount of experience to lvl up restarts at 1 for that class.

An example I am a 4th lvl cleric, and would like to take a lvl in ranger( medium experience advancement). All I would need is 1000exp to take a lvl in ranger, and then a total of 2k to hit lvl 2 in my ranger set. But then I would like my next lvl to be in cleric, so I would need to go from 9k to 15k in my cleric set.

What do you think of this idea? This way a single lvl 5 char would have the same amount of experience and in theory be at the same playing field as a char with 3 3rd lvl classes.( at first this seems unfair to the monoclass char but then again, the monoclass would have his stats better invested where as for 3-class-char would have standard stats all around or substandard stats with decent stats(a sorc with 18 cha and 16 dex would have a poor str and con associated with 3 lvls of barb or fighter.)

Hey guys, I want your opinion...
Background info: I will be playing with a group of 8-9 players, but 3 of them may drop mid campaign based off prior gaming and their current interest. We have a magus, cleric, ninja, skill rogue, me, and the other person doesn't have an idea yet( the difference b/w 8-9 players). We will be lvl 9. Anything non-3rd party goes, only pathfinder no 3.5, we will be starting at lvl 5.

Currently: I was going to go Human 5/Ranger(ranged) and have an animal companion with the boon companion feat. I have decided to go with beastmaster and the trapper archetype, because I am not a fan of the ranger spelllist(I was able to convince that the trap list is also lackluster and have been able to come up with some of my own trap ideas) and I wanted a better assortment of animal comapnions, and multiple( i figure when lvl 12 comes around I will have an equivalent druid animal companion along with a scout companion or something). BTW my animal companion is an ape so I figure he will help soak up alot of the damage.

I was thinking: Of taking a level of inquisitor or 2 for access to the skills, the special abilities work well I think with a ranger, and since i took the trapper archetype a spell list will help with using wands of CLW and such. (i also enjoy the idea of the imprisonment inquisition for a ranger)

What do you think? I am not worried about dealing the most damage in the group, but if i can help with that, provide a meat tank to help soak up damage, and provide some support in different aspects I think I would be a success. Let me know of what you think about the inquisitor dip( recommendations are great) or even the ranger trapper/beastmaster idea. THANKS!!!

Hey folks, I am making a ranger for an upcoming campaign and thought the trapper ranger would be fun to play. However, I think the traps are off the wall. There are many that are just too weak and do little damage for those traps that are meant to do damage. There are some decent traps. What I want are your ideas for new traps. For instance I am thinking of looking at other spell lists with some sort of nature/divine feeling.

One example I was thinking of was a Web Trap, as per the Web spell.

I am also thinking of allowing a ranger to know more traps, if I can come up with more ideas. But the ranger has to spend an hour to prepare said traps similar to a rangers normal spellcasting. An idea would be that a ranger can always make the snare trap (its always prepared) and like the spells per day with a high enough wisdom modifier he can prepare extra traps. At 6th he can prepare an additional trap to use throughout the day.
A ranger can prepare as many traps per day at 1/2 ranger lvl+wisdom modifier still.

Traps prepared(Snare + Bonus traps not included):
5th: 0, 6th: 1, 9th: 2, so on and so forth

Maybe for some of the better traps call them advanced traps and require multiple trap uses? Tell me what you think!