Kit n' Kaboodle II's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Omega Man.


3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

I realize that when Spell Gem Understanding (SGU) appeared that there were just the 3 casting classes - Mystic, Technomancer, & Witchwarper - & SGU only mentions those 3 classes in its description.

Since that time, we've seen the addition of another caster class - the Precog.
Has any thought been given to either adding Precog to the caster class list for SGU, or perhaps just future-proofing the ability to cover all caster classes?

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

Have these beings made their way into the 'playable ' realm yet?

Asking for a friend...

Dark Archive

Have these beings made their way into the 'playable ' realm yet?

Asking for a friend...

Dark Archive

8 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Reading thru the Exp. Prototype entry - it looks like all it replaces is the AI ability from the baseline Mechanic.
So, we get an Armor Prototype or a Weapon Prototype in place of the Exo-Cortex/Drone options.

How does this interact with the Control Net ability, granted at 17th level?

Is it just a lost ability for the Exp.Prototype Mechanics, since Control Net specifically calls out being able to distribute Mechanic levels between Exo-Cortex & Drone?

Does it function in a similar fashion, but only allowing a mix of XP Armor & XP Weapon?

Does it allow mixing all 4 options (really suspecting this isn't the case).


Dark Archive

Yeah, yeah - I know it hasn't even been a week since GenCon.

But I had a new GM ask me about this tonite on FB, so I thought I'd post something here.

Who knows - I might actually get some valid information...

Dark Archive

Augmentations - designed to occupy various & sundry locations on the body.
Generally location limited.

Question - does an augment that fills the 'all arms' or 'all legs' slots also occupy the other specified locations in that area (i.e. the 'feet' slot where the legs are concerned, then 'hands' slots in the case of 'all arms')?

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

Hey - just played this one - some scary stuff happened during our fights (though that may just have been due to having 2 mechanics, a mystic, & a pregen envoy).

Anyhow, this question came up at the end, while processing paperwork.

Was our GM supposed to excise the items that we didn't locate/get used against use in the course of the mission? I thought so, but couldn't find any verbiage supporting this.

Dark Archive

I brought this up in another thread, but feel it may have gotten lost there since it was a bit of a tangent to that thread's topic.

I played my first session the other night - used a rogue - & was dismayed to discover that the sap lacked the finesse trait (though it did have the agile trait, so its still a viable sneak attack weapon).

I guess I'm happy that I can still use sneak attack with it. It just seemed kind of odd that this weapon was the only one of the rogue's melee options that lacked the finesse trait.

Perhaps this is an oversight?

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Per the 4/4/18 Additional Resources:

"For the divine champion archetype, when selecting a connection for the lesser divine power ability, you must select a connection that has your deity listed in the “Associated Deities” header."

The only deities listed in the 'Associated Deities' header are the 20 Core Deities - does this mean that followers of the other, less common deities & the assorted philosophies (which are currently SFS options) are barred from using this archetype?

Lest I forget, thanks for getting the AR posted in a timely manner.

Dark Archive


I purchased a box of Dungeons Deep from my local gamestore over the weekend. Upon opening it I discovered that it contained the large [a griffon] & 2 medium miniatures [a Giant Centipede & a Pugwudgy].

The guy behind the counter was disinclined to offer me either a refund or an exchange, but the folks at the gaming table thought that I should bring the issue to your attention.

Is there anything to be done about this situation?

Dark Archive 5/5 5/55/5 *

ConTemporal - this year its got a steampunk theme.

When: June 22 - June 24, 2012

Where: Chapel Hill, NC
Sheraton Chapel Hill
One Europa Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Phone: (919) 968-4900

the website:

PFS Sign-ups on warhorm:

I've currently got all of the Year 3 scenarios available for play & plenty of GMs in search of players.

You can check the website for registration info or shoot me an email if you have questions of a Pathfinder nature.

The Exchange

I had something of brain hiccups (less of an epiphany) while running a game last week.

So, since Lady Gaga quaintly refers to her fans as 'my little monsters', would that mean that she's Lamastu?

And who else might you map into the role of any of Golarion's deities?