Elf Archer

KirbyEF's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 35 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Extraordinary Divine is a book for the Pathfinder 1E Roleplaying Game. Written by the co-author of Starjammer: Core Rules (4.5/5 stars Endzeitgeist) Kirby Flake and illustrated by Misty Spiller Flake. This is our second crowdfunded project, our first was Evolutionary Foundations was successfully funded. This book introduces several new concepts to the game including:
* A new way of looking at Alignment and a new system for tracking and changing alignment.
* A native Outsider race with 15 variants
* New options for each Divine class including:
* Cleric – Balanced and Neutral Domains, a non-aligned replacement for the Glory Domain, and 20 new Subdomains, including 12 Racial Subdomains. A War Cleric archetype.
* Druid – New rules on Companions including Magical beast companions and special Ritual for holy symbol
* Hunter – Shamanic Hunter Archetype
* Inquisitor – Mystic Archetype
* Oracle – new Mysteries and Archetypes
* Paladin – A new Paladin class for all alignments and new Archetypes, plus 0-level spells.
* Ranger – new Favored Enemy options, a new Combat Style and the Spiritual Guide Archetype, plus 0-level spells.
* Shaman – new Hexes and Spirits
* Warpriest – Blessings for Balanced and Neutral alignments and new Archetypes.
* New Feats including General, Combat, Divine, and Magic feats.
* Extended spellcasting including 0-level options and higher level spells for all spellcasters.
* New Magic Spells
* New Ritual
* New Magic Items including a Divine weapon for a types of paladins.

Kirby Flake
Zen Gaian Games

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Kickstarter happening now:

Written by the co-author of Starjammer: Core Rules (4.5/5 stars Endzeitgeist) Kirby Flake and illustrated by Misty Spiller Flake. This is a 200+ page Pathfinder 2E rulebook that includes content from the Pathfinder® Second Edition Core Rulebook and Pathfinder® Second Edition Bestiary. It presents existing and new options in tables and summarizes information in an easy to understand way while still referencing the original sources.
Additional it adds:
- Heritages - At least one new Heritage for each of the Core Ancestries, more Half Heritages, plus more surprises.
- Backgrounds - Backgrounds table and 5 new Backgrounds.
- Classes - For each of the Core Classes: a detailed level progression table, a table for all class feats, and a new "Sub-classes" including Neutral Champions.
- Skills - Tables for all skills plus new optional skill.
- Feats - Tables for all feats plus new feats.
- Equipment - New armor & weapons.
- Magic - Spell tables, new spells, new focus spells, new rituals and new magic items.
- New rules - Alignment system for changing alignments plus more

Everyone please come back our project!

Kirby Flake
Zen Gaian Games

Grand Lodge

Monks are proficient with

Core Rules:
club, crossbow (light or heavy), dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shortspear, short sword, shuriken, siangham, sling, spear

Advanced Player's Guide adds:
brass knuckles*, cestus*, temple sword*

There are several weapons added in Ultimate Combat that have are "monk" type weapons, but unlike the APG there is not any description that they are proficient with any of them including:
Martial: Butterfly sword, Jutte, Shang gou, Tonfa, Wushu dart, Broadsword, nine ring, Double chicken saber, Monk's spade, Sansetsukon, Tiger fork
Exotic: Dan bong, Emei piercer, Fighting fan, Nine-section whip, Bo staff, Double-chained Kama, Kusarigama (sickle and chain), Kyoketsu shoge, Sword, seven-branched, Rope dart

What is the official ruling on these additional weapons?
