
Kin Lur's page

141 posts. Alias of Pixie Rogue.

About Kin Lur

Male Halfling Ranger 2 Rogue (Fav) 2
Chaotic Good Small Humanoid (Halfling)

Initiative +3
Senses Perception +8 (+2 sound-based)
Speed 20'


Before you stands a relatively young halfling with black hair and dark eyes. He wears tanned skins that show some wear - and conflict. Through small cuts and tears you can see a hint of metal underneath his shirt, one of many small signs that there is more to this one than meets the eye. He carries a sword that's surely too large for him to wield, but the grips on the scimitar at his hip and on the longbow over his shoulder both seem to be much more used. As you take inventory of the many weapons, his eyes, flat and black, stare back at you, unblinking. That's when you realize that you don't see the trademark halfling cheer in those black depths. There appears to be no emotion at all other than the faintest hint of sadness. You look again and it's gone -- maybe the poor fellow is just road-weary. It wouldn't be natural to go through life with no feelings, now would it?


Kin Lur (keen-LOOR) grew up in the country and spent a great deal of time in the woods with one of the village's hunters. When a tribe of ogres moved into the area and began marauding against the area villages, he and his mentor began using their hunting skills to spy on the invaders and pass information on to the villagers. The advance information enabled the locals to drive the ogres off.

Confident from the success with the ogres, Kin Lur left the village and joined an adventuring group, the "Tallwood Hunters," that "specialized" in giant problems, so to speak. He enjoyed the reputation that they gained as successful troubleshooters until the day that everything went wrong. The plan was for him to provide ranged support from the trees while the others charged in - nice and simple. As the advance scout, the halfling was to make one last check of where the ogres were located in their camp. If there no changes, he didn't need to let the others know, just move into position. What no one suspected was that there was a spellcaster among the ogres, and he knew the "Tallwoods" had been hired to drive the tribe away.

Kin Lur unknowingly had set off an alarm set by the spellcaster when he first scouted the camp. When he came back for the last-minute scout, the caster was waiting for him invisible and was able to paralyze the little hunter. Kin Lur was forced to watch as his friends charged into a camp of ogres that was not only ready for the attack, but it numbered twice as many of the monsters as had been anticipated. He watched his friends die terrible deaths at the giants' hands. When the spell wore off, the shock of what had happened kept him standing there for several minutes before he realized that he was able to flee.

His return without a scratch to the village that had hired the "Tallwoods" bearing a tale of the decimation of the rest of the group earned him a new reputation, one that turned out to be very hard to lose. Some villagers had not wanted to hire the Tallwoods in the first place and said the whole thing was a ruse by the group to get more money. Others believed his tale, but assumed he'd left his friends to their deaths. Everyone believed him to be a thief or a coward, and certainly not trustworthy, a reputation that prevented any other adventuring groups from allowing him to join up.

In the end, he could not convince anyone of the truth of his tale, and he moved on. He changed his name to Kin Lur (words for fire and stone) and operated alone for quite a while, occasionally teaming up with someone, but never for long. His one long-term partner is a short-haired mongrel he named Fourthea. She came into his life quite by accident shortly before he left the village for good, following him even when he'd decided he didn't need anything or anyone. He grudgingly gave her food he'd hunted down when he discovered that she would sit quietly while he lay in wait for prey. He's sure someone had trained her, but she showed no interest in going "home" and he certainly could not go back after the last year. Eventually, her affection wore him down and he accepted that she was going to be there, whether he wanted her to be or not, so he'd better start teaching her what to do. She took to the training well, and he was soon using her as a mount as he traveled.

Eventually, the two of them came across a group of heroes that were not interested in his history as much as his skills, and he has enjoyed working with them for the last few seasons.


AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+5 [armor]+3 [DEX]+1 [size])
hp 29 (2d10 [ranger]+2d8 [rogue]+4 [CON]) Wounds 5
Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +2; +2 vs fear
Defensive Abilities Evasion


Speed 20', 30' on Fourthea (riding dog)
Melee Greatsword +4 (1d10/19-20)
Melee Masterwork Scimitar +5 (1d4/18-20)
Melee Dagger +4 (1d3/19-20)
Ranged Masterwork shortbow +8 (1d4/x3)
Ranged Masterwork shortbow +6/+6 (1d4/x3)
Ranged Dagger +8 (1d3/19-20)

Special Attacks Favored Enemy (Giant +2), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot


STR 10 DEX 16 CON 12 INT 12 WIS 13 CHA 14
Base Attack +3; CMB +2 (Def 17)
Experience 7385


Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot



Total skill points: 7, 10 (favored), 7, 10 (favored)
Acrobatics +12: [+4 Ranks, +3 Class, +2 Racial, +3 Ability]
Bluff +7 (+2 vs Giant): [+2 Ranks, +3 Class, +2 Ability]
Climb +7: [+2 Ranks, +3 Class, +2 Racial]
Diplomacy +6: [+1 Ranks, +3 Class, +2 Ability]
Disable Device +12: [+4 Ranks, +3 Class, +3 Ability, +2 MW Tools]
Handle Animal +8: [+3 Ranks, +3 Class, +2 Ability]
Knowledge (Geography) +5: [+1 Rank, +3 Class, +1 Ability]
Knowledge (Nature) +5: [+1 Rank, +3 Class, +1 Ability]
Linguistics +7: [+3 Ranks, +3 Class, +1 Ability]
Perception +8 (+2 sound; +2 vs Giant): [+4 Ranks, +3 Class, +1 Ability]
Ride +8: [+2 Ranks, +3 Class, +3 Ability]
Sense Motive +1 (+2 vs Giant): [+1 Ability]
Stealth +14: [+4 Ranks, +3 Class, +3 Ability, +4 Size]
Survival +7 (+2 vs Giant, +1 for tracking): [+3 Ranks, +3 Class, +1 Ability]


Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Halfling


Fast Stealth, Favored Enemy (Giant +2), Sneak Attack +1d6, Tracking +8, Wild Empathy +4, Combat Style (Archery), Trapfinding, Evasion


Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)



Mithral Chain Shirt +1, small: 2100 gp, 2.5 lb
Masterwork Shortbow, small: 330 gp, 0.75 lb
15 Arrows, small: 1 gp, 0.75 lb
Masterwork Scimitar, small: 315 gp, 1 lb
Greatsword, small: 50 gp, 2 lb
Daggers (3), small: 6 gp, 0.75 lb
Belt Pouch, small: 1 gp, 0.125 lb
Flint & Steel: 1 gp, 0 lb
Masterwork Thieves' Tools: 100 gp, 2 lb
Handy Haversack: 2000 gp, 5 lb
Bedroll, small: 0.1 gp, (1.25 lb)
Grappling Hook, small: 1 gp, (1 lb)
Silk Rope (50'): 10 gp, (5 lb)
Trail Rations (3), small: 1.5 gp, (0.75 lb)
Waterskin, small: 1 gp, (1 lb)
Whetstone: 0.02 gp, (0.25 lb)
Extra Quiver (12 Arrows), small: 1 gp, (0.75 lb)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 chg): 750 gp, 0 lb
Explorer's Outfit, small: 0 gp, 2 lb
Riding Dog: 150 gp
Studded Leather Barding: 50 gp, 20 lb
Riding Saddle: 10 gp, 25 lb
Saddlebags: 4 gp, 8 lb


Riding Dog (“Fourthea”)

Initiative +2
Senses Perception +5
Speed 40', 30' with current load of 105 lb

Fourthea's OFFENSE

Melee Bite +3 (1d6+3/x2)

Fourthea's DEFENSE

AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+3 [armor]+2 [DEX]+4 [natural])
hp 13 (2d8 [animal]+4 [CON])
Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +1


STR 15 DEX 15 CON 15 INT 2 WIS 12 CHA 6
Base Attack +1; CMB +3 (Def 18)
Capacities Light load 100, Medium load 200, Heavy load 300, Drag 1500


Low-light vision, Scent, Tricks [attack, come, defend,
down, guard, heel]

Fourthea's FEATS

Skill Focus (Perception)

Fourthea's SKILLS


Acrobatics +1 (+4 racial bonus for jump checks): [+2 Ability, -1 ACP]
Perception +8: [+1 Rank, +3 Class, +1 Ability, +3 Feat]
Swim +2: [+1 Rank, +2 Ability, -1 ACP]
Survival +1 (+5 for tracking checks): [+1 Ability, +4 Racial]

Fourthea's GEAR

Studded Leather Barding
Riding Saddle