Kin Korn Karn's page
11 posts (20 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
Tamago wrote: Cpt_kirstov wrote: I'm pretty sure Erik said it in another thread, I can't find that post now though I believe he mentioned in an interview on the Chronicles Pathfinder Podcast that there would be 4 different goblins. And don't forget, we also know that there will be a mini for the Iconic Paladin. So that gives us:
Goblin x4
Male Gnome fighter
Dire Rat
You're assuming the goblins are all small. If it was one on a goblin dog, it could be a medium.
Matthew McGee wrote: Pathfinder miniatures. Very cool! I wish you luck.
I love the idea of syncing minis releases with Adventure Paths. The prices are expensive but not unreasonable for well-painted figures.
Whoever suggested a Froghemoth is right on the money. I'd also love to see an Eye of the Deep, given that it's in the Tome of Horrors as open game content. Feel free to make an Ossuary Golem, too! ;)
There are tons of fun monsters in the Tome of Horrors. Flumph! Flumph! Flumph!
Dragnmoon wrote: pres man wrote: I'm sorry, I know this is off topic, and I'd love it if someone made another thread, but I have to say, are people seriously arguing that a miniature can't represent a large creature because the company that made it doesn't use the D&D standard 2x2 base? You might have to actually glue a miniature from another company to a 2x2 base. Well I know that I for one don not buy the Reaper pre-painted plastic minis due their base, the lack of conformity of the base to the game I play and their terrible balance (tipping over). I buy pre-painted so I don't have to do any work on them, if I have to replace all the bases on the ones I buy them that goal is not met. Precisely. Its not that you CANT, its that its more convenient that when its on the proper size base. 2x1 bases are less sturdy. Re-basing is just another step. Pre-painted minis are all about convenience. I paint metal figs almost every day, but I GAME with plastics. When you're on the go, throwing a bunch of dudes in a freezer bag sure beats loading up foam cases.
Cartigan wrote: Kin Korn Karn wrote:
Its worth noting that neither are on the right sized base, and the troll is medium sized. I couldn't find size provided I've seen them in person. The ogre is the best of the lot, but he's on what is more or less a 2" x 1" base (calvary base)
Quote: Quote: Also, find me a hill giant, white dragon. Or grell. Or anything beyond your most basic low level fodder monsters, because that's all you can afford take the risk on with non-random plastic pre-paints. Are we moving the goalposts now? "Can't use Reaper LE minis or DDM minis to qualify, now find something that qualifies or else!"
Its not moving goalposts. Its pointing out that non-random has terrible variety, so isnt good for DM's who want to have minis anything beyond low level mooks. This is due to the high cost of molds, requiring anything made sell a LOT of copies to be viable. People buy lots of orcs. They dont buy lots of Balors.
Hopefully the rarity schemes can take into account that lots of high level monsters ARE fought in groups. Its kind of frustrating seeing the commons top out at low levels.
Cartigan wrote: Arazyr wrote:
Actually, where I saw them, they were priced more like $3-$4.
I can only find them. Prices varying from $1 to $3 ($3 on the LEGO store so that doesn't count, they overprice everything).
Quote: So, not quite the same situation as this PPm line, but it is another example of a blind-packed, randomized, impulse-buy-priced product doing well. I don't think you understand my point. $1-2 is a LOT higher on the impulse buy scale than $4. And $4 for something with no articulation, accessories, and a limited use. Lego benefits from a huge economy of scale boost. I'm sure Paizo wishes they had enough mass market appeal to get some theme parks going. Actually I'd like that myself...
Cartigan wrote: Steve Geddes wrote: Cartigan wrote: deinol wrote:
Myself, I'm still waiting for someone to link to a troll or ogre for $6 or less on the internet. Painted or otherwise.
Ogres Arent they after-market sales of randomised sets? That may be a technical point to you (although note that many of them are over $6), but it doesnt really help your case overall does it?
Are there any prepainted, nonrandom, plastic trolls/ogres available for $6 or less per mini from the manufacturer? Troll
Are you quite done? Its worth noting that neither are on the right sized base, and the troll is medium sized.
Also, find me a hill giant, white dragon. Or grell. Or anything beyond your most basic low level fodder monsters, because that's all you can afford take the risk on with non-random plastic pre-paints.
Steve Geddes wrote: ThatWeirdGeckoGuy wrote: Oh, who cares. I'm going over to
Games Workshop
or Wyrd
or Privateer Press
or Soda Pop
or Avatars of War
or Crocodile Games
or Dark Ages
or Hell Dorado
or Reaper
or Freebooter
or Cool Minis or Not
where I can pay too much for a piece of plastic that I can pick out myself.
Good Marketing though. It appears EVERYONE has bought into this Wallet-...burglary.
That said, those of you who won't buy from Paizo anymore because this line makes you mad, Just buy the damn book and play your game. If the business practice makes you mad, however....
I really struggle to see your point. Under the random model you will still be able to buy more expensive singles you can pick out yourself - you'll just have more to choose from.
Logic has no place in nerdrage. I'm always baffled by the sheer stubbornness of gamers to use the secondary market. Its like a fear of cooties or something from buying off ebay, a local store that re-sells, or any reputable online store.
Vic Wertz wrote: Just announced! See the Press Release here! (It has some info on follow-up sets, as well as a FAQ you'll want to check out.)
We will be making the black dragon case premium available to those who order cases from paizo.com, and in other ways as well. Details on that will be announced later.
The real question is what do we need to do to get a froghemoth mini?
Kirth Gersen wrote: William Bradbury wrote: Yes. What's the fighter's bonuses looking like at that level? Less? So the paladin, which is a hybrid of fighter and cleric, should get LESS bonuses than the parent class. Welcome to design 101. Go back and ramp up the fighter if you want moar powerz.
I intend to, because after 11th level, the fighter and paladin both are totally obsolete. Saying "anyone who is better than the current fighter is overpowered!" is very much like saying "anyone better than the commoner is overpowered!"
Design 101 back atcha: compare the cleric and the fighter. Do you disallow clerics because they're overpowered?
There's two ways to go:
(1) Nerf all casters to hell and back. Cap spells at 5th or 6th level.
(2) Massively boost melee guys so that they're at least semi-relevant at higher levels.
Option (1) might be satisfying, but it's not going to happen. So option (2) is all we have going for us. So go post in the fighter thread. Remove the stupid full BAB cleric option. I'm posting based on the baseline that's been set.
If you want to improve the paladin at low levels, make the smites available more often, and not wasted on a miss. Make them flat damage dice, so they arent boosted by crits and damage multipliers to prevent grotesque damage spikes at upper levels. There's wayt o improve abilities from a QoL perspective other than just "more more more!"
I agree with the proposed caster level -3 changes on caster level. If you get spells, they should be should be meaningful. Hell, bump them to 5th level spells. There's more room for improvement on the cleric end than the fighter end.
But there's way too much focus on how to make paladins all smites all the time, which shifts the design too much from what their role has historically been.
Kirth Gersen wrote: Vult Wrathblades wrote: I will concede, the paladin level to hit/damage/AC could be too much, if I did not add the idea of Charisma as a limit to each. Ok, even then, you can argue that one...fine ill concede again. Wait... I have a 20th level paladin with Cha 22. +6 to AC, attacks, and damage is too much? Quote:
Yes. What's the fighter's bonuses looking like at that level? Less? So the paladin, which is a hybrid of fighter and cleric, should get LESS bonuses than the parent class. Welcome to design 101. Go back and ramp up the fighter if you want moar powerz.
Compared to the wizard, who gates in a Solar helper for the whole day? Or the cleric, who gets +6 to attacks and damage all day with a persistent divine favor, and +6 deflection all day with a persistent shield of faith? Something that makes a melee character able to do his job at 20th level isn't a bad thing -- currently they're obsolete by 11th. If it bothers people too much, make it +1, with an additional +1/2 levels. Then the 20th level paladin is only getting +11 total, with no more than +6 in any one category.
I agree. They need to royally gut the power of casters.
Vult Wrathblades wrote: TomJohn wrote: McPoyo wrote: So has anyone seriously proposed making the Smites a per encounter ability instead of a per day ability? It will, be to powerful
I do not agree that it would be to powerful. It is already situational...what is wrong with letting the paladin be a bad ass where he should be a bad ass? When it's evil the paladin should be the go to guy.[/qu79ote]
Because 95% of the stuff you fight is evil. As such, the paladin cant be the "better than the fighter" fighter of evil.
The current proposed version of smite evil is so stupidly overpowered its a joke. It lasts 3 rounds at 16+, which is the about the duration of mist high level combats. You can use it 7 times per day. Its effectively always on.
That it was even proposed is dubious design, that people are whining its not good enough is ludicrous.