Proficiencies: Light armor, basic melee, small arms, sniper
Limited Telepathy: Kimaryn can mentally communicate with a creature within 30' she shares a language with.
Student: Kimaryn gets a +2 racial bonus to Computers and Profession.
Icon Knowledge: The DCs of any Culture or Profession checks Kimaryn makes to recall knowledge of another icon in her profession or her profession's cultural aspects are reduced by 5. She gets a +1 bonus to Culture and Profession.
Operative's Edge: Kimaryn gets a +1 insight bonus to initiative checks and all skill checks.
Hacker Specialisation: Kimaryn gets Skill Focus (Computers and Engineering) as bonus feats, and gets a free rank in both those skills every level.
Trick Attack: As a full action, Kimaryn can move up to her speed. Whether or not she moved, she can make an attack with an operative weapon or a small arm. Before making the attack, she makes a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check, or a Computers check with a +4 bonus as long is there is some sort of computer nearby, with a DC of 20+ her target's CR. If successful, her target is flat-footed and she does +1d4 damage. She cannot use this ability with a an unwieldy weapon or one that requires a full action to make a single attack.