
Kierana Doran's page

188 posts. Alias of Rennaivx.

Full Name

Kierana Doran


Half-elf HP 13/15 | AC 18 | FF 13 | T 15 | Per +9 | F: 4 | R: 5 | W: 6 | Init +8

Diplo +7 | Handle +5 | Intim +8 | Prof (courtesan) +7 | Know (nat, rel) +4 (+7 to identify) | Sense Mot +8


Sacred huntsmaster inquisitor 2








Chaotic neutral




Common, Elven

Strength 13
Dexterity 20
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 10

About Kierana Doran


Kierana grew strong under the tutelage of her father, Marnath Doran, a human fighter and lieutenant in the Nirmathan army. Under the guidance of her mother Laeria, an elf druidess, she became wise in the ways of nature and well-versed in elven tradition. But after her father fell in battle on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Kierana and her mother fell into hard times.

To support her mother and herself, Kierana found employment in a temple of Calistria, training to provide companionship for the temple's patrons. While some, especially her human acquaintances, looked down on her work, Kierana was proud of her profession; she provided a service, and a popular one at that, from the stream of visitors the temple received from day to day. She remained in the temple for two years, learning to stimulate not only her clients' bodies, but their minds as well.

As Kierana's training progressed, her strong will and worldliness lent her ineffable grace and charm. One day, Gaias Coltor, a former compatriot of Kierana's fallen father, approached the family and asked for Kierana's hand in marriage. Laeria urged Kierana to accept the offer. Gaias was wealthy and respected, and could provide a good, stable life for her; Laeria took no issue with Kierana's work, but she knew the marriage would provide Kierana with greater respect in her father's culture. Kierana, too, was grateful for the offer; he had been in her life for most of her childhood, and she certainly felt fondness for him, if not a great deal of passion.

And her lack of passion turned out not to be an issue, for it became evident to her when they wed that his tastes were not well-satisfied by women. Kierana took no issue with this; her mother had taught her from childhood that love and lust often resided in different places. Gaias, however, had been raised in no such tradition. He kept his liaisons furtive and secret from the rest of the world, if not from his wife. Indeed, Kierana was even known to join in from time to time, if they so wished.

But one day, her husband's lover was seen furtively leaving the Coltor estate in the wee hours of the morning. Gaias's friends approached him, one by one; did they know of the man sneaking from his home? Was anything the matter? Could his beloved wife be keeping a secret? Gaias had two choices: make the nature of his relationship with his wife and lover public, or accuse Kierana and maintain his own image.

He made a cruel choice.

Kierana was dragged from her home by the local peacekeepers and detained for her husband's claims of adultery; he asked only that they treat her gently, for the sake of the fondness he held for his wayward bride even still. But a gilded cage is still a cage, and Kierana wept bitterly for the blight her husband had set upon her reputation. She turned to her goddess, imploring the Savored Sting for one thing, and one thing only; revenge.

In the dark of night, as Kierana slept, the goddess appeared to her in a vision.

"You wish to avenge yourself upon him, daughter?"

"With everything in me," Kierana replied in her dream. "I wish to redress my wrongs, and the wrongs of all who would visit such a slight upon another. I wish to see the betrayer and the liar writhe in agony."

Calistria laughed. "So shall it be, daughter. Watch for my child; she shall accompany thee. Visit thy vengeance upon thy traitor, and my vengeance upon all who would wrong another."

When Kierana awoke, she saw the door to her cell hanging open, with a small wasp perched on the lock and a small dagger inside the door, dripping with poison. She reached out to caress the insect, and, in a burst of sacred radiance, it suddenly grew until it was nearly waist high, with a cruel hooked stinger the size of her forearm. Kierana smiled.

Leaving her cell, she found the guard asleep at his post. Making her way silently through the town, she arrived at the Coltor estate - her former home. Her and her companion made their way to Gaias's chamber, where she found what she expected to find - Gaias, with his lover in his arms. Her companion poised above her husband's lover, she held the dagger above his heart, and both delivered their poisoned kisses.

When the townsfolk came the next morning, they found the two lovers still locked in each others' embrace, immobilized by the wasp poison with their lies exposed for all to see. They also found many of Kierana's possessions taken, and only a note bearing an image of a wasp and the initials K.D. left behind.

With her name cleared and her husband in disgrace, Kierana departed. She knew that, with her goddess's help, she would be a defender for all those wronged by another - all those who would seek the Savored Sting's revenge.

Appearance and Personality:

Despite her harsh outlook on her quarries, Kierana is not in general cruel - only those who have truly earned retribution will find it at her hand. While her innate charm leaves something to be desired, her training as a companion and her vast breadth of experience lend her a great deal of allure once conversation begins. Elven influence is apparent in her broad spectrum of emotion. When amused, she is laughing uproariously; when angry, she is wroth beyond compare; she does nothing by halves. She has not taken another spouse after leaving her husband, instead making her way to Absalom and taking a position as a courtesan and priestess in the Pleasure Salon of Calistria in the Ascendant's Court.

Kierana is of moderate height and lean, honed build. Her elven heritage is apparent in her long ears and deep violet eyes as much as in her personality. As a priestess of Calistria, she favors a wardrobe primarily yellow and black in color and fairly risqué in cut and fit. She is rarely seen without her faithful companion, a wasp she calls Acharn that stands to approximately the height of her hip. In combat, she favors a quick, elegant style, depending on her wasp to harry and distract opponents from behind while she takes advantage of their lack of focus with quick swipes of her elven curve blade. But if she can find a way to defeat her opponents as soundly without it coming to battle, well, so much the better.


Name Kierana Doran

Basics Female half-elf sacred huntsmaster inquisitor 2

Alignment, Size, Type CN Medium humanoid (elf, human)

Speed 30 feet


Initiative +8 (+5 DEX, +3 WIS)

Perception +7

Special senses: Low-light vision


AC 18 (touch 15, flat-footed 13)

(+5 dex, +3 armor, +0 shield, +0 size)

HP 15

Fortitude +4 (+3 class, +1 CON)

Reflex +5 (+0 class, +5 DEX)

Will +6 (+3 class, +3 WIS)


Melee attacks

Elven curve blade +6 (1 BaB, +5 DEX) (1d10+5/18-20 x2)


Strength: 13

STR +1

Dexterity: 20

DEX +5

Constitution: 13

CON +1

Intelligence: 10

INT +0

Wisdom: 16

WIS +3

Charisma: 10

CHA +0

Base Attack Bonus: +1

Combat Maneuver Bonus: +2 (1 BaB, +1 DEX)

Combat Maneuver Defense 17 (1 BaB, +1 STR, +5 DEX)


Servant of the Cloth: Absalom's Ascendant Court features a litany of churches and cathedrals to the many gods that are worshipped across Absalom and Golarion. Whether raised to do so from a young age or a recent recruit, you've found yourself working in one of the many temples. Recently, you've stopped seeing some of the familiar faces that frequent your place of worship; after inquiring, it seems some of them have joined some new faith that has recently arrived in Absalom. The tenants of your faith have empowered you; you gain a +2 trait bonus to your Will save against mind-affecting effects.
Beast Bond: +1 to Handle Animal and Ride, Handle Animal class skill
Opportunistic: +1 to attacks of opportunity with dagger, sword, whip

Hedonistic (drawback): spend hour on pleasure or gain 10 GP in treasure each day or make DC20 Fortitude save to avoid fatigue


Combat Reflexes: DEX extra attacks of opportunity per round
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (elven curve blade) (bonus racial)


(6+2/level; 6 class, 0 INT, 0 race, 2 background)

Diplomacy +7 (1 rank, class skill, +3 WIS)
Handle Animal +1 (1 background rank, class skill, 0 CHA, +1 trait)
Intimidate +8 (1 rank, class skill, +3 WIS, +1 class bonus)
Perception +9 (1 rank, class skill, +3 WIS, +2 racial)
Profession (courtesan) +7 (1 background rank, class skill, +3 WIS)
Knowledge (nature) +4 (+7) (1 rank, class skill, 0 INT; +3 WIS for identifying)
Knowledge (religion) +4 (+7) (1 rank, class skill, 0 INT; +3 WIS for identifying)
Sense Motive +8 (1 rank, class skill, +3 WIS, +1 class bonus)

Armor check penalty: -0

* denotes ACP-affected skill


Common, Elven

Racial Characteristics:

Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Ancestral Arms: Proficient with elven curve blade.
Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.

Special Abilities:

Weapon proficiencies: Simple weapons, hand crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, whip, elven curve blade. Light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Monster Lore: The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.
Stern Gaze: Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).
Animal Companion: At 1st level, a sacred huntsmaster forms a bond with an animal companion. This ability works as the hunter class feature of the same name, using her inquisitor level as her hunter level.
Conversion Inquisition:
Charm of Wisdom (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Cunning Initiative: You add your Wisdom modifier to your initiative checks in addition to your Dexterity modifier.
Detect Alignment: You can use detect evil, good, law, or chaos at will.
Track: You add half your level on Survival checks to follow or identify tracks.

Companion (Animal companion, eidolon, familiar, etc):


Name Acharn

Basics Female giant wasp animal companion 1

Alignment, Size, Type N Medium animal
Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feet (good)


Initiative +0

Perception +0

Special senses: List senses here; Perception +0


AC 10 (touch 10, flat-footed 10)

(+0 dex, +0 armor, +0 shield)

HP 0

Fortitude +0 (+0 class, +0 CON)

Reflex +0 (+0 class, +0 DEX)

Will +0 (+0 class, +0 WIS)


Melee attacks

Weapon +0 (damage/critical range)

Ranged attacks

Weapon +0 (damage/critical range)


Strength: 10

STR +0

Dexterity: 10

DEX +0

Constitution: 10

CON +0

Intelligence: 10

INT +0

Wisdom: 10

WIS +0

Charisma: 10

CHA +0

Base Attack Bonus: +0

Combat Maneuver Bonus: +0

Combat Maneuver Defense 10


Feat name: (feat description)


(0/level; 0 class, 0 INT, 0 race, 0 background)

Skill name +0



Special Abilities

Ability name: (ability description)


Light load maximum: 33 lb

Medium load maximum: 67 lb

Heavy load maximum: 100 lb

Lift off ground maximum: 200 lb

Drag maximum: 500 lb

Current weight carried: 0 lb

Always carried:



Spells Known/Spellbook

0th (DC13)
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Create Water

1st (DC14; 3/day
Cure Light Wounds
Shield of Faith
Divine Favor


Light load maximum: 33 lb

Medium load maximum: 67 lb

Heavy load maximum: 100 lb

Lift off ground maximum: 200 lb

Drag maximum: 500 lb

Current weight carried: 0 lb

Money: 0 GP 0 SP 0 CP

Always carried:



Female Sacred Huntsmaster Inquisitor 2

CN Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)

Init +5; Senses Perception +7




AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +5 dex, +0 shield)

hp 9

Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6 (+2 v. enchantment, +2 v. mind-affecting)




Speed 30 ft.

Elven curve blade +6 (1d10+5; 18-20/x2)





Str 13, Dex 20, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10

Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 17

Servant of the Cloth: Absalom's Ascendant Court features a litany of churches and cathedrals to the many gods that are worshipped across Absalom and Golarion. Whether raised to do so from a young age or a recent recruit, you've found yourself working in one of the many temples. Recently, you've stopped seeing some of the familiar faces that frequent your place of worship; after inquiring, it seems some of them have joined some new faith that has recently arrived in Absalom. The tenants of your faith have empowered you; you gain a +2 trait bonus to your Will save against mind-affecting effects.
Beast Bond: +1 to Handle Animal and Ride, Handle Animal class skill
Opportunistic: +1 to attacks of opportunity with dagger, sword, whip
Hedonistic: Get 10GP of treasure/spend hour on fun or make DC20 Fort save to avoid fatigue
Combat Reflexes: DEX extra attacks of opportunity per round
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (elven curve blade) (bonus racial)
Skills (6 points; 6 class, 0 INT)
Diplomacy +7 (1 rank, class skill, +3 WIS)
Handle Animal +1 (1 background rank, class skill, 0 CHA, +1 trait)
Intimidate +8 (1 rank, class skill, +3 WIS, +1 class bonus)
Perception +9 (1 rank, class skill, +3 WIS, +2 racial)
Profession (courtesan) +7 (1 background rank, class skill, +3 WIS)
Knowledge (nature) +4 (+7) (1 rank, class skill, 0 INT; +3 WIS for identifying)
Knowledge (religion) +4 (+7) (1 rank, class skill, 0 INT; +3 WIS for identifying)
Sense Motive +8 (1 rank, class skill, +3 WIS, +1 class bonus)

ACP -1
*ACP applies to these skills

Languages Common, Elven

Special Abilities:



Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Ancestral Arms: Proficient with elven curve blade.
Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.
Weapon proficiencies: Simple weapons, hand crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, whip, elven curve blade. Light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Monster Lore: The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures.
Stern Gaze: Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).
Animal Companion: At 1st level, a sacred huntsmaster forms a bond with an animal companion. This ability works as the hunter class feature of the same name, using her inquisitor level as her hunter level.
Conversion Inquisition:
Charm of Wisdom (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.



Medium giant wasp
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 natural armor, +2 dex)
hp 10
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)

sting +2 (1d6+2+poison)
poison ( frequency 1/round for 6 rounds, effect 1 Dex damage, cure 1 save, Con-based DC);


Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int -, Wis 13, Cha 4
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 12 (20 v. trip)

Evasion: If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
Tricks: Attack, heel





0th (at will)
Detect Magic
Create Water
Read Magic

1st (2/day)
Cure Light Wounds
Shield of Faith





Carrying Capacity

Light 0-50 lb. Medium 51-100 lb. Heavy 101-150 lb.

Current Load Carried 29 lb. (adventuring 51 lb.)

Money 6 GP 0 SP 0 CP

Always carried:
Elven curve blade (80 GP) (7 lb)
Studded leather armor (25 GP) (20 lb)
Belt pouch, cheap holy text, spell component pouch, wooden holy symbol
Entertainer's clothing (4 lb)

Adventuring gear:
Inquisitor's kit (backpack, a bedroll, candles (10), a flint and steel, an iron pot, manacles, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin) (29 GP) (24 lb)


Kierana grew strong under the tutelage of her father, Marnath Doran, a human fighter and lieutenant in the Nirmathan army. Under the guidance of her mother Laeria, an elf druidess, she became wise in the ways of nature and well-versed in elven tradition. But after her father fell in battle on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Kierana and her mother fell into hard times.

To support her mother and herself, Kierana found employment in a temple of Calistria, training to provide companionship for the temple's patrons. While some, especially her human acquaintances, looked down on her work, Kierana was proud of her profession; she provided a service, and a popular one at that, from the stream of visitors the temple received from day to day. She remained in the temple for two years, learning to stimulate not only her clients' bodies, but their minds as well.

As Kierana's training progressed, her strong will and worldliness lent her ineffable grace and charm. One day, Gaias Coltor, a former compatriot of Kierana's fallen father, approached the family and asked for Kierana's hand in marriage. Laeria urged Kierana to accept the offer. Gaias was wealthy and respected, and could provide a good, stable life for her; Laeria took no issue with Kierana's work, but she knew the marriage would provide Kierana with greater respect in her father's culture. Kierana, too, was grateful for the offer; he had been in her life for most of her childhood, and she certainly felt fondness for him, if not a great deal of passion.

And her lack of passion turned out not to be an issue, for it became evident to her when they wed that his tastes were not well-satisfied by women. Kierana took no issue with this; her mother had taught her from childhood that love and lust often resided in different places. Gaias, however, had been raised in no such tradition. He kept his liaisons furtive and secret from the rest of the world, if not from his wife. Indeed, Kierana was even known to join in from time to time, if they so wished.

But one day, her husband's lover was seen furtively leaving the Coltor estate in the wee hours of the morning. Gaias's friends approached him, one by one; did they know of the man sneaking from his home? Was anything the matter? Could his beloved wife be keeping a secret? Gaias had two choices: make the nature of his relationship with his wife and lover public, or accuse Kierana and maintain his own image.

He made a cruel choice.

Kierana was dragged from her home by the local peacekeepers and detained for her husband's claims of adultery; he asked only that they treat her gently, for the sake of the fondness he held for his wayward bride even still. But a gilded cage is still a cage, and Kierana wept bitterly for the blight her husband had set upon her reputation. She turned to her goddess, imploring the Savored Sting for one thing, and one thing only; revenge.

In the dark of night, as Kierana slept, the goddess appeared to her in a vision.

"You wish to avenge yourself upon him, daughter?"

"With everything in me," Kierana replied in her dream. "I wish to redress my wrongs, and the wrongs of all who would visit such a slight upon another. I wish to see the betrayer and the liar writhe in agony."

Calistria laughed. "So shall it be, daughter. Watch for my child; she shall accompany thee. Visit thy vengeance upon thy traitor, and my vengeance upon all who would wrong another."

When Kierana awoke, she saw the door to her cell hanging open, with a small wasp perched on the lock and a small dagger inside the door, dripping with poison. She reached out to caress the insect, and, in a burst of sacred radiance, it suddenly grew until it was nearly waist high, with a cruel hooked stinger the size of her forearm. Kierana smiled.

Leaving her cell, she found the guard asleep at his post. Making her way silently through the town, she arrived at the Coltor estate - her former home. Her and her companion made their way to Gaias's chamber, where she found what she expected to find - Gaias, with his lover in his arms. Her companion poised above her husband's lover, she held the dagger above his heart, and both delivered their poisoned kisses.

When the townsfolk came the next morning, they found the two lovers still locked in each others' embrace, immobilized by the wasp poison with their lies exposed for all to see. They also found many of Kierana's possessions taken, and only a note bearing an image of a wasp and the initials K.D. left behind.

With her name cleared and her husband in disgrace, Kierana departed. She knew that, with her goddess's help, she would be a defender for all those wronged by another - all those who would seek the Savored Sting's revenge.

Appearance and Personality:

Despite her harsh outlook on her quarries, Kierana is not in general cruel - only those who have truly earned retribution will find it at her hand. While her innate charm leaves something to be desired, her training as a companion and her vast breadth of experience lend her a great deal of allure once conversation begins. Elven influence is apparent in her broad spectrum of emotion. When amused, she is laughing uproariously; when angry, she is wroth beyond compare; she does nothing by halves. She has not taken another spouse after leaving her husband, instead making her way to Absalom and taking a position as a courtesan and priestess in the Pleasure Salon of Calistria in the Ascendant's Court.

Kierana is of moderate height and lean, honed build. Her elven heritage is apparent in her long ears and deep violet eyes as much as in her personality. As a priestess of Calistria, she favors a wardrobe primarily yellow and black in color and fairly risqué in cut and fit. She is rarely seen without her faithful companion, a wasp she calls Acharn that stands to approximately the height of her hip. In combat, she favors a quick, elegant style, depending on her wasp to harry and distract opponents from behind while she takes advantage of their lack of focus with quick swipes of her elven curve blade. But if she can find a way to defeat her opponents as soundly without it coming to battle, well, so much the better.