About Kibrenest the RatcatcherSpoiler:
Kibrenest the Ratcatcher Kobold Alchemist 3/Rogue 2 (Alchemist favored class) LN Small Humanoid (kobold) Init +5; Senses Perception +9 --------------------
Ranged Masterwork Dagger +6, 1d4-2, 19/x2
Spell-Like Abilities: Mutagen, Alchemy (2 first level Formulae). Special Qualities: Poison Use. Alchemist Formulae known:
Base Atk +3; CMB +0; CMD 12 Feats Self-Sufficient, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Stealthy, Brew Potion Traits : Reactionary (+2 Initiative), Poverty Stricken (+1 Survival) Skills: Acrobatics +8, Bluff +5, Craft (traps) +10, Craft (Alchemy) +9, Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +10, Heal +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (Nature) +7, Linguistics +8*, Perception +9, Profession (Miner) +2, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +15, Survival +10, Swim +2, Use Magic Device +5 Languages Common*, Draconic, Dwarven, Undercommon, Goblin*
SQ Trapfinding, Evasion, Infusion Discovery, Bombs, Alchemy (Swift alchemy), Mutagen, Poison Resistance, Kobold Traits, Small Traits.
Magical Gear: Muleback Cords (+8 Str for carrying capacity purposes) (.25#), Handy Haversack(5#), Cauldron of Brewing (+5 on alchemy checks) 5 pounds total weight, Full Wand of Cure Light Wounds Weapons: +1 Shortbow, 20 arrows, Masterwork Shortsword, Masterwork Dagger, Masterwork Sap Wearing: Simple traveler's outfit with a wide-brimmed hat, Spell Component Pouch, belt pouch, Muleback cords, Handy Haversack, weapon sheaths holding dagger and shortsword. The Sap is wrapped around his belt in the manner one would expect from a belt pouch. Held in Central Portion of the Handy Haversack (80 pound capacity)
Left side of Handy Haversack (40 pounds capacity)
Right side of handy haversack (40 pounds capacity):
18gp, 4sp, and 6cp remain, and he typically keeps 10gp, 4 sp, and all 9 cp in his belt pouch, the remainder are in the left side of the handy haversack. History: Spoiler:
Kibrenest lived with a small clan of Kobolds in Korvosa. They lived in the Shingles in Old Korvosa. They all worked as rat catchers, and, with their meager funds they earned from this, they would buy dock dumplings and other things. Kibrenest had come up with a scent that was utterly irresistible to rats, and catching them became child's play. The rats were then slaugthered, butchered, and cooked as the clan's meal, since no poisons were used. Unfortunately, Kibrenest did not live during the happiest of times. Great upheaval when the King took a new wife brought near-riots, and more than a few brawls. As Kibrenest's small clan learned, "different is bad." A spring of several arsons, conspicuously near Kibrenest's clan, brought mob justice to the clan. Kibrenest returned from his errand, getting dock dumplings for his clan of sixteen kobolds, to find his own home razed to the ground. Not one person formed a bucket brigade as he and his family had against the other arsons. After the structure burned to the ground, he found the horrifying evidence. His family had been manacled to several posts driven into the floor. Being so manacled, and being of a... not widely accepted race... Kibrenest's demands for justice went unheard by the Korvosan Guard. Kibrenest chose then to leave Korvosa. For a time, he worked as an herbalist, and, as before, a ratcatcher. He found a scent for rabbits as well, which worked nicely for when he needed to find a meal. Several run-ins with bandits forced him to hone his survival, stealth, and even become something of which he hates, a backstabber, a surprise shot from the darkness. Kibrenest longs for his old home, his old clan, but knows this is not to be. He chose to walk along the dwarfroad, and has crossed the Mindspin Mountains of late. He is enjoying the few new species he has seen, as well as the great diversity of herbs to use in his potions. Personality notes Spoiler:
Kibrenest is distrustful of Humans. After spending his whole life with them and helping to rid them of pests, they murdered his family in cold blood over arsons none of them intentionally committed. Once he sees that someone will not murder him in his sleep (note: a single combat helps, but a few combats over a few days also helps!), he gladly assists to the best of his ability, although, like most Kobolds, he doesn't fare too well with strength-based things. Kibrenest treats his Cauldron of Brewing with an almost religious reverence. He uses it for his "food catcher stench," as well as to brew other potions. It was one of the few items that survived the fire, and had been handed down from generation to generation in his clan for six generations. Role Info Spoiler:
I see Kibrenest as someone who can set up traps, and does so quite frequently for small game snares, although this could be scaled quite nicely. Further, he collects interesting herbs and other minerals to use in his potions. Most of these will be placed into a sack in his handy haversack for future use.
He does sell his potions to the public, making sure that he keeps a few "in stock" for emergency use. He sees himself as a bit of an herbalist, and a "hedge healer" type of kobold. He'd been the one primarily responsible for healing the other kobolds when they set up a trap incorrectly (more frequently than he'd have liked). In combat Kibrenest is a ranged combatant. He doesn't like to utilize his bombs constantly, preferring to strike from ambush with his shortbow, hopefully ending the fight before it begins. This doesn't always work as planned, so he does carry a sap to subdue those who would do him harm quietly, or, for those deathly intent on killing him, he uses his shortsword. GM Notes: Spoiler:
Kibrenest is a follower of Saerenrae. He is trying to overcome his race's natural bloodlust and become a member of a society. Yes, I'm aware he's more than two steps away in alignment, although this is his GOAL, not where he is now. The Arsons in Korvosa were committed by a group of wererats led by a vile one who was extremely upset about the number of rats the Ratcatchers had been killing (and eating). Overall mechanical goal with Kibrenest from this point is another level of Alchemist, followed by one of rogue. From there it'll be 2 levels alchemist, followed by one level of Rogue in that pattern. He will not be super optimized for archery, as I have all the feats I intend to take with him already. From this point, he will focus on his skills and, likely, take Weapon finesse at some point in the future as that's the only "melee" combat feat that really makes sense. |