About Khutula dur RheklorKhutula dur Rheklor the thrice born, Dhakaani Grand Master of the Order of the Empty Hand Backstory: Khutula was born to two Kech Shaarat officers of the Imperial Army of the Dhakaani Empire. The time was the height of the Dhakaani on the prime material plane of Eberron before the Daelkyr invaded from Xoriat, the plane of madness. Soon after Khutula turned three, five masters of the Order of the Empty Hand approached her parents about testing her. Khutula's parents scoffed at the thought that their daughter would ever be submitted to the humiliation of joining the peaceful, mild mannered Order. Their daughter was to be enrolled shortly in the Imperial Military Academy, and honor only permitted to those with a minimum of two generations of Imperial Officers. What the masters did not tell Khutula's parents was that they were not testing her to join their order but rather to see if she was the third reincarnation of their late Grand Master. The masters let the matter rest, trusting that her true nature would reveal itself in time. Khutula was enrolled in the Imperial academy before her fourth birthday and was immediately recognized as one of the most promising youngsters to have been enrolled in generations. Her speed and agility were that of a panther while her class mates were still mastering basic balance. She learned everything put before her at lightning speed to the point that she was mastering basic military battle field command tactics while her class mates were still learning to read. Most unnerving of all was her sense of focus. She could pour all of her attention and effort into a single purpose that unnerved even her most seasoned instructors. By age 6 Khutula could ride a battle trained mount, fight in half a dozen styles with twice as many weapons, estimate the number of soldiers, their disposition, weaponry and even morale, on a battle field a mile away and knew what to do with them to win a battle. She had no athletic equal and was the tallest, strongest and fastest of her class with a force of will that combat veterans would stop and give notice to. By age 8 Khutula was still the head of her class and the most advanced in all of her studies. What she was loosing ground on was size. In two years she had only grown a small amount while her classmates had nearly doubled in mass. Where she had been the largest she was now the middle of the class. By age 10 things were beginning to look grim. While Khutula was by far the most skilled and agile of her class she was also by far the smallest with the least physical strength. She was beginning to have trouble mastering the new, larger, weapons being taught her. She was not having trouble because of their complexity but by their weight and size. Khutula's parents insisted to her instructors that late growth spurts were known in their families and within the next year Khutula was sure to leap frog past her classmates once again. At age 12 the Commandant of the Imperial Academy informed Khutula's parents that she was no longer fit to study at the Academy and her slight frame would be better suited to the life of a craftsman or some other menial in the Hobgoblin Empire. Horrified and embarrassed, Khutula's parents informed her that they had no offspring that were not warriors and that she should make her own way in the world. At this time the five masters of the Order of the Empty Hand reappeared and offered to continue Khutula's training the monastic warrior traditions. Rather than losing their only child they agreed to have her placed with the Order. Initially Khutula was bitter and angry at both her parents and the monks. Rather than facing ridicule for her size and physical strength the monks began to hone her mind. They taught her fundamentals of physics and demonstrated that speed and accuracy was the key to force rather than raw mass. Each new lesson opened new possibilities for Khutula and she began excelling again and enjoying it. By age 16 Khutula had already spent 4 years in the Empty Hand Monastery of Rheklor. She had mastered using her hands and feet to the point that manufactured weapons inhibited her lethality. Khutula perfectly blended her combat skills with her supreme powers of observation and precision striking far exceeding the expectations of her masters. Just before her 17th birthday Khutula was given a test that she was guaranteed to fail in order to test ability to cope with failure and her emotional maturity. In a contrived setup where Khutula could only protect both her pet goat and her beloved crystal bowl by being in two places at once more than 100 feet apart her final abilities manifested. With her force of will she caught the stone falling on her bowl then propelled it into the wolf that had her goat cornered, killing it on impact. Her instructors were so surprised at her feat that they failed keep their cover, alerting Khutula to their presence and to the nature of her dilemma. That day Khutula became the teacher and her masters learned to never give her a secret test again. On her 21st birthday was given her final test of Mastery of the Empty Hand as well as a unique test only for her to show her ability to bend the laws of physics to her will. Khutula was able to demonstrate three lifetimes worth of skills in a single afternoon including her mystic abilities never seen before. It was at this time that the masters informed Khutula that she was in fact the third life of their Grand Master and they wanted her to lead them once again. Midway through her 24th year the Daelkyr opened their first portals from Xoriat and began flooding into Khorvaire and invading the Dhakaani empire. At first the loyal armies of the empire clashed with the hordes of Daelkyr minions and were able to hold their own. Sadly once the Daelkyr masters joined the frey things began to go down hill. While no one would doubt the military might of the empire they were ill equipped to deal with the weapons of madness. Both of Khutula's parents fell in the first battle with the Daelkyr without ever having acknowledged the accomplishments of their daughter. As the years went by more and more of the empire burned at the hands of the armies of madness. The Gatekeepers while severely decimated in numbers believed they had found a way to contact the outer realms and hoped that someone there would have the knowledge required break the link between Xoriat and Khorvaire. While few in number the Masters of the Empty Hand had successfully held them at bay from their clifftops keeping the empire's way to the sea open. Hearing of this the Emperor requested that the Order send someone to find a way to close the portals as the Order were the only ones able to withstand the fell magics. Seeing herself as the only real option to go to the outer realms, Khutula informed the rest of the masters that she would be answering the Emperors call but that they were to stay and hold the cliffs from the Daelkyr so that some of the empire might survive should she fail. After receiving many gifts and blessings Khutula set out for the Gatekeepers to go where they might send her, and the Gatekeepers sent her to Sigil. . . one way. Khutula dur Rheklor the thrice born, Dhakaani Grand Master of the Order of the Empty Hand
AC 46, touch 32, flatfooted(helpless only) 26 (+10 Dex, +6 Wis, +4 dodge, +5 armour, +5 natural armour, +4 Shield, +2 deflection ) (-1 to all when Large)
Speed 40ft. + 40ft. If light load
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 14; Concentration +20)
Monk Ki Powers (CL 14; 14 Ki)
Stunning Fist: DC 23 (10+14/2+6) 14 times per day: Stun 1 round, fatigued, sickened for 1 minute, or staggered for 1d6+1 rounds. ------------------------------------------
Feats: PBS, Precise Shot, Skill Focus Linguistics, Skill Focus Intimidate, Orator, Extra Wild Talent Kinetic Healing, Boar Style, Boar Ferocity, WF: Unarmed Strike, Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses, Improved Precise Shot, Extra Wild Talent, Self Telekinesis, Iron Will, Improved Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Improved Disarm, Medusa's Wrath, Spring Attack, Traits Bruising Intellect, Indomitable Faith Favoured Class Monk
Racial Modifiers +5 Stealth
Strength 10, Con 20(18+2), Dex 20(18+2)-> 23, Int 16, Wisdom 18, Charisma 10