
Khorash Kassim's page

104 posts. Alias of Simeon.


CG male (he/him) skeleton rogue 20 [gladiator/provocator]| HP 246 | AC 43 | F +29 R +34 W +27, Improved Evasion| Perc +28 | Initiative +28

About Khorash Kassim

Khorash Kassim
Rogue 20

CG Medium Fodder Skeleton Humanoid
Perception +28; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Elven, Necril, Tian, Karazh
Skills Acrobatics +33, Arcana +26, Athletics +29, Deception +33, Diplomacy +27, Intimidation +33, Lore: Gladiatorial +25, Lore: Ruby Phoenix +25, Medicine +22, Nature +22, Occultism +25, Performance +33, Society +27, Stealth +35, Survival +22, Thievery +33
Str +3, Dex +5, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +0, Cha +5

Items +2 Resilient Explorer's Clothing, Boots of Bounding (Greater), Cloak of the Bat, Dancing Scarf (Greater), Armbands of Athleticism AC 43; Fort +29, Ref +34, Will +27; Improved Evasion, Slippery Mind
HP 246; Resistances cold 4, fire 4, piercing 4, slashing 4

You're Next Prerequisites trained in Intimidation Trigger You reduce an enemy to 0 hit points. After downing a foe, you menacingly remind another foe that you’re coming after them next. Attempt an Intimidation check with a +2 circumstance bonus to Demoralize a single creature that you can see and that can see you. If you have legendary proficiency in Intimidation, you can use this as a free action with the same trigger.
Opportune Backstab Trigger A creature within your melee reach is hit by a melee attack from one of your allies. When your enemy is hit by your ally, you capitalize upon the distraction. Make a Strike against the triggering creature.

Play to the Crowd Prerequisites Gladiator Dedication Trigger You reduce an enemy to 0 Hit Points during a non-trivial combat encounter with spectators. You show off for the crowd. Attempt a Performance check; the DC is determined by the GM but is typically the standard DC for your level or the DC to Make an Impression on the spectators, whichever is higher. On a success, choose one of the following benefits; on a critical success, choose two benefits: A number of temporary Hit Points equal to your character level; these last for 1 minute.; A +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.; A +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack roll before the end of your next turn.;

Reactive Interference Trigger An adjacent enemy begins to use a reaction. Grabbing a sleeve, swiping with your weapon, or creating another obstruction, you reflexively foil an enemy’s response. If the triggering creature’s level is equal to or lower than yours, you disrupt the triggering reaction. If the triggering creature’s level is higher than yours, you must make an attack roll against its AC. On a success, you disrupt the reaction.

Hidden Paragon: Trigger: You use Stealth to Hide or Sneak, Frequency: 1/hour, Effect: Invis for 1 minute even with hostile actions, can only be revealed by the Seek action

Speed 40 feet
Melee +3 Greater Striking Thundering Shifting Whip +34 (Disarm, Finesse, Nonlethal, Reach, Trip, Evocation, Magical, Sonic, Magical, Transmutation), Damage 3d4+9 S+1d6 Sonic
Sneak Attack: 4d6
Debilitation options (choose 2): 3d6 bleed, no reactions, no flanking, -10 speed, enfeebled 1

Skirmish Strike (Flourish) Your feet and weapon move in tandem. Either Step and then Strike, or Strike and then Step.

Well-Armed (Skeleton) Your detachable limbs offer flexibility. You Interact to remove your arm and wield it in the other one, increasing your reach by 5 feet for any one-handed weapon held in that arm. If your next action is a Strike with that weapon, creatures that were outside your reach that you can now hit are flat-footed against your first attack. You don't have a free hand while holding the arm. You can Interact to reattach the arm while holding it.

Scare to Death (Emotion, Fear, General, Incapacitation, Skill) Prerequisites legendary in Intimidation You can frighten foes so much, they might die. Attempt an Intimidation check against the Will DC of a living creature within 30 feet of you that you sense or observe and who can sense or observe you. If the target can’t hear you or doesn’t understand the language you are speaking, you take a –4 circumstance penalty. The creature is temporarily immune for 1 minute. Critical Success The target must attempt at a Fortitude save against your Intimidation DC. On a critical failure, it dies. On any other result, it becomes frightened 2 and is fleeing for 1 round. The critical failure effect has the death trait. Success The target becomes frightened 2. Failure The target becomes frightened 1. Critical Failure The target is unaffected.

Reveal Machinations (General, Skill) Prerequisites legendary in Deception You reveal that you played a minor but recurring role in another humanoid’s life—or at least convince them that’s the case. Attempt a Deception check against the target’s Will DC. On a success, the revelation makes them frightened 2, and on a critical success they are frightened 3. In addition, you gain information about the subject as though you had attempted to Recall Knowledge about them using an appropriate skill and received the same result on your roll. You can’t use this ability against the same humanoid again until 1 day has passed and you’ve also successfully disguised yourself as a different person.
Juggle (Concentrate, General, Manipulate, Skill)

Kip Up (General, Skill) Prerequisites master in Acrobatics You stand up. This movement doesn’t trigger reactions.
Instant Opening (Concentrate) You distract your opponent with a few choice words or a rude gesture. Choose a target within 30 feet. It’s flat-footed against your attacks until the end of your next turn. Depending on the way you describe your distraction, this action gains either the auditory or visual trait.

Murderer's Circle Prerequisites Provocator Dedication You Strike a target within reach and then Step to any other open space adjacent to that target. Your target is then flat-footed against your next Strike this turn.

Flourishing Finish (Concentrate, Emotion, Mental) Prerequisites Provocator Dedication Requirements Your last action was a Strike that dropped an opponent to 0 Hit Points. Attempt a Performance check, comparing the result to the Will DC of each foe within 30 feet who can see you. Regardless of the result, each target is immune to your Flourishing Finish for 10 minutes. Critical Success The target is frightened 2. Success The target is frightened 1.

Pin to the Spot Prerequisites Provocator Dedication You Strike a target within reach. If you hit and deal damage, the target is also restrained as if you had critically succeeded at an Athletics check to Grapple.
Debilitating Strike Trigger Your Strike hits a flat-footed creature and deals damage. You apply one of the following debilitations, which lasts until the end of your next turn. Debilitation The target takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds. Debilitation The target becomes enfeebled 1.

Shifting Rune (Magical, Transmutation) Activate Interact; Effect The weapon takes the shape of another melee weapon that requires the same number of hands to wield. The weapon’s runes and any precious material it’s made of apply to the weapon’s new shape. Any property runes that can’t apply to the new form are suppressed until the item takes a shape to which they can apply.
Cloak of the Bat (Invested, Magical, Transmutation) Activate command, Interact; Frequency once per day; Effect You can either transform the cloak into bat-like wings that grant you a fly Speed of 30 feet for 10 minutes, or have the cloak turn you into a bat by casting a 4th-level pest form spell on you.

Precision Damage Sneak Attack 4d6
Divine Innate Spells DC 35, attack +25; 6th Harm (H+5)
True Seeing - Constant

Master Strike: Free Action (Triggered by dealing damage to a flat-footed creature): Target attempts a fort save
Crit Success: Target unaffected
Success: Target enfeebled 2 until the end of your next turn
Failure: Target paralyzed for 4 rounds
Crit Fail: Target is paralyzed for for rounds, unconcious for 2 hours, or killed.

Additional Feats Adopted Ancestry, Aerobatics Mastery, As In Life, So In Death, Battle Cry, Bloody Debilitation, Call Your Shot, Cat Fall, Distracting Performance, Doublespeak, Dread Striker, Fancy Moves, Fascinating Performance, Fodder Skeleton, Foil Senses, Gladiator Dedication, Impressive Performance, Leave an Opening, Legendary Performer, Legendary Sneak, Mobility, Necromantic Heir, Nimble Crawl, Performative Weapons Training, Prescient Consumable, Prescient Planner, Provocator Dedication, Quick Unlock, Skeletal Resistance, Slippery Secrets, Stage Fighting, Stubborn Persistence, Swift Sneak, Tactical Debilitations, Terrified Retreat, Untrained Improvisation, Virtuosic Performer, True Perception, Tumbling Theft

Additional Specials Adopted Ancestry (Human), Advanced Weapon Choice (Karambit), Deny Advantage, Disease and Poison Protection, Double Debilitation, Expert Skill (Society), Great Fortitude, Immunity to Death Effects, Master Tricks, Negative Healing, Negative Survival, Rogue's Racket (Scoundrel Racket), Sneak Attack, Surprise Attack, Undead Hunger, Weapon Tricks