Race |
F Human Bard 14 | HP (162/162) | AC 35 | F +21, R +23, W +22 (S>CS) | Perception +23 (Dark Vision/Soul Sight) |
Classes/Levels |
F(1/2) 1(3/3) 2(1/3) 3(3/3) 4(3/3) 5(2/3) 6(3/3) 7(3/3) |
About Ketsu-kiba
Female Human, Pilgrim, Bard 14
Medium Humanoid
Senses Perception +21 (1 Wis + 20 Prof (M))
AC 25 Leather Armor +2 3(4/4) + 18 E
HP 162
Fort +21(E), Ref +23(E), Will +22(M) S>CS
. . +2 Sawtooth Saber +24 3d6+3 +1d6 Mental +1d6 Bleed S (E) – Traits
. . . + 23 DC 33
Str 12 , Dex 19, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 20
Speed 25ft
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Sense Allies, Clever Improviser, Incredible Improvisation
Skill Feats: Pilgrim’s Token, Quiet Allies, Cat Fall, Ward Medic, Quick Disguise, Foil Senses, Swift Sneak, Continual Recovery
General Feats: Toughness, Prescient Planner, Prescient Consumable
Class Features & Abilities Multifarious Muse: Bardic Lore, Melodious Spell, Dirge of Doom, Soulsight, Quickened Casting, Shared Assault, Earworm, Red Mantis Assassin, Basic Magic, Crimson Shroud, Gang Up, Opportune Backstab, Fading, School Spell
Skills:: Acrobatics +20(T), Athletics +17(T), Deception +25(E), Medicine +19 (E) Occultism +22(M), Performance +27(M), Religion +17(T), Stealth +24(M), Assassin Lore +20(E), Achaekek Lore +18(T), Bardic Lore +18(T)
Languages Common, Infernal, Skald, Tian,
Bulk (/6/11) Adventurer’s Pack, +2 Resilient Leather Armor of Moderate Dread & Greater Invisibility, +2 Greater Striking Sawtooth Saber of Wounding & Nightmare, Persona Mask(Greater), Ventriloquist's Ring(Greater), Wand of Zealous Conviction(6)*, Obsidian Goggles, 838.5gp
Special Abilities
Just Lucky (Wand 6)
Minor Boon: Reroll failed Stealth
F: (2/2) Counter Performance, Debilitating Terror
0: Bullhorn, Guidance, Telekinetic Projectile, Warp Step, Shield
1: Gentle Landing, Liberating Command, Soothe&
2: Gentle Breeze&, Laughing Fit, Lucky Number
3: Fear, Slow, Vampiric Feast&
4: Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic&, Invisibility
5: Illusory Scene , See the Unseen, Synesthesia&
6: Slow,Truesight, Wall of Force&
7: Force Cage, Haste, True Target,
0: Detect Magic, Gouging Claw
1: Sure Strike
2: Waterwalk
3: Clairaudience