About Kenmei Higashiyama 賢明東山Kenmei Higashiyama 賢明東山 (Tien), けんめい ひがしやま (Minkaian) Cursed Sky Dragon Scholar 3
Move 5’ 1 image, move 20’+ expend focus for 1 additional image
Battle wrench +1 (1d4)
+1 within 30’:
Crossbow +3 (1d8)
-------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 11 Traits Student of Philosophy, Precise Treatment Feats Extra Knack (Studied Technique), Extra Knack (Cunning Attacker) Skills (36 points) Bluff +9 (3 ranks, 3 class, 3 int), Craft (alchemy) +9 (3 ranks, 3 int, 3 class), Craft (traps) +9 (3 ranks, 3 int, 3 class), Diplomacy +9 (3 ranks, 3 class, 3 int), Disable Device +8 (3 ranks, 2 dex, 3 class), Escape Artist +8 (3 ranks, 2 dex, 3 class), Fly +16 (3 ranks, 2 dex, 3 class, +8 racial) Heal +10 (3 ranks, 3 class, 3 int, 1 trait), Knowledge (Arcana, Local, Religion, Nature, Planes) +9 (3 ranks, 3 class, 3 int), Perception +6 (3 ranks, 3 class), Sense Motive +6 (3 ranks, 3 class), Spellcraft +9 (3 ranks, 3 class, 3 int), Stealth +8 (3 ranks, 2 dex, 3 class) Sphere bonus ranks:Craft (Alchemy) (5 ranks), Craft (Traps) (5 ranks), Fly 15 ranks, Stealth 5 ranks Gear 1282 GP, alchemy crafting kit, light crossbow, 40 bolts, 2x healer's kit (20/20), 50' silk rope Languages Common, Draconic, Minkaian, Tien, Skald, Auran, Infernal
Flashbangs (Ex):
At 2nd level, the scholar learns how to create unstable preparations using various salts and minerals that she can hurl at a creature as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 ft. + 10 ft. per class level, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage, and forcing the target to succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 14 - DC 10 + 1/2 the scholar’s class level + her Intelligence modifier) or be deafened and dazzled for 1d4 rounds; in addition, whenever a creature fails their saving throw against one of the scholar’s flashbangs, she may recover her martial focus as an immediate action. Preparing and throwing a flashbang is a standard action. If the scholar has at least 5 ranks in the Craft (alchemy) skill, the target takes 1d8 bludgeoning and piercing damage and is instead blinded and deafened for 1d4+1 rounds on a failed Fortitude saving throw. Some material impositions grant secondary effects that have the [explosive] descriptor; these impositions allow the scholar to expend her martial focus when using a flashbang to add additional effects as described in their entry. You can only add one [explosive] to a given flashbang. Belladonna Bursts [explosive]: The scholar may enhance her flashbangs with crushed belladonna, causing targets who fail their save to take 1d6 points of Strength damage, plus an additional 1d6 points of Strength damage at 8th and 16th level, in addition to the normal effects. This is a poison effect, and creatures with resistance to poison apply that resistance to their save against the flashbang’s effects. Combat Training A scholar may combine combat spheres and talents to create powerful martial techniques. Scholars are considered Proficient combatants and use Intelligence as their practitioner modifier. Careful Packer The scholar knows that being prepared for any eventuality with a variety of useful tools is essential to success. Starting at 1st level, her talents for organization allow her to treat the storage space of any backpack, pouch, or similar container as though it were twice its normal size, and she uses her Intelligence score in place of her Strength score when determining her carrying capacity. Medical Training (Ex) The scholar may use her Intelligence modifier in place of her Wisdom modifier as her associated ability score modifier with the Heal skill. In addition, the scholar may expend one use of a healer’s kit and make a special DC 15 Heal check on an ally as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity; if this check is successful, the ally recovers 1 hit point +1 for each point by which the scholar exceeds the DC. If the scholar has at least 5 ranks in the Heal skill, she may instead use this ability to restore 1 point of ability damage +1 point for every 5 points by which she exceeds this ability’s DC. The scholar can only attempt to heal a particular creature with this ability a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence bonus (minimum 1). Attempting to heal a creature but failing to meet the DC of this ability still counts towards this daily total. Cunning Attacker The scholar’s preference for brains over brawn translates into an ability to plan attacks her opponent cannot easily counter. Whenever the scholar has successfully used the scout ability to identify a creature’s weaknesses, she may use her Intelligence bonus in place of her Strength modifier for melee attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, and in place of her Dexterity modifier with ranged attack rolls against the target. In addition, the scholar also gains a +1 insight bonus on all attack rolls made while using her Intelligence bonus to hit, plus an additional +1 at 5th level and every five levels thereafter. Belladonna Barrier
Studied Technique
Alchemy Sphere:
Formulae Some Alchemy talents have the (formulae) descriptor; these are improved or original versions of alchemical items you can only create once you’ve learned the talent. All formulae have a base crafting DC as noted in their descriptor, and their saving throw DCs, if any, are determined using the normal formula for combat sphere talents, using the practitioner’s ranks in Craft (alchemy) in place of their base attack bonus. The necessary ingredients for creating formulae are gathered over the course of a given day; there is no monetary cost to creating a formulae. You may craft any item whose formulae you know in 30 minutes, or 15 minutes if you have access to an alchemist’s lab or alchemist’s crafting kit, but due to the volatile nature of the enhanced formulae you cannot prepare more formulae at one time than a number equal to 1/2 your ranks in Craft (alchemy) (minimum 1) + the number of formulae talents you possess. For every 4 ranks in Craft (alchemy) you possess, you may craft 1 additional formulae as part of the same 30/15 minute time period. Any creature affected by splash damage from an improved formulae is entitled to a Reflex save to reduce the damage by half. Because formulae are more unstable than standard alchemical items, they expire and no longer work after 24 hours; it is relatively easy (DC 10 Appraise) to recognize the unstable and impermanent nature of these items so typically they have no monetary value; a potential buyer who fails their Appraise check assumes they are a standard item of their type (if applicable), or as a mundane item worth no more than 10 gp. In addition, the overly refined and unstable nature of formulae means that they cannot be further refined or enhanced by items such as focusing flasks or hybridization funnels. You cannot fail to craft an alchemical item you know the formulae for; failure to meet the DC instead means you create the item but at its minimum potency, without additional effects or benefits for having additional Craft (alchemy) ranks or having increased the crafting DC. When you first gain this package, you may learn any one (formulae) talent you qualify for. Salve (formulae)
Athletics Sphere (Fly):
When you gain the Athletics sphere, you gain one of the following packages with its included abilities. You may take the Expanded Training talent to gain additional packages.
Each package has an associated movement mode and an associated skill. Some abilities require you to be using an associated movement mode to function. When you gain a package, you gain 5 ranks in its associated skill, plus 5 ranks per additional talent spent in the Athletics sphere (maximum ranks equal to your total Hit Dice). If you already have ranks in the associated skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining talents, such as through the armiger’s customized weapons class feature. If you possess both the (leap) and (run) packages, you gain a competence bonus on Acrobatics checks equal to half your base attack bonus instead of retraining the ranks a second time. In addition, you gain the following ability:
Fly You do not need to make a Fly check to remain flying when moving less than half your speed on your turn and count as being one size larger when determining the effects of wind on you while flying. This does not give you the ability to fly; it simply augments your movement abilities if you possess a means of flight. You may gain ranks in the Fly skill even if you do not possess a means of flight. Associated Movement Mode: Flying. Associated Skill: Fly. Mobile Striker Your ability to twist and turn fluidly while moving allows you to take an attack action at any point during your movement. As a full-round action, you can move up to your speed and make a single attack action without provoking any attacks of opportunity from the target of your attack for your movement. You can move both before and after the attack, but you must move at least 10 ft. using a movement mode associated with a package you possess before the attack and the total distance that you move cannot be greater than your speed. You cannot use this ability to attack a foe that is adjacent to you at the start of your turn. Associated Feat: Spring Attack.
Whenever you are attacked or are the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets one of your afterimages instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or an afterimage. If it is an afterimage, the afterimage is destroyed. If the attack misses by 5 or less, one of your afterimage is destroyed by the near miss. Area spells affect you normally and do not destroy any of your afterimages. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect you normally and do not destroy any of your afterimages. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy an afterimage. For every 6 ranks in Acrobatics you possess, you may leave an additional afterimage. An attacker must be able to see the afterimages to be fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, this ability has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply).
Barrage Sphere:
Practitioners of the Barrage sphere gain a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 ft. Associated Feat: Point-Blank Shot.
Barrage As a special attack action, you may make two ranged attacks at your full base attack bonus -2. Beginning at 6 base attack bonus, you may expend your martial focus to make an additional extra attack, increasing the penalty to all your attacks from -2 to -4. For every 5 points of base attack bonus you possess beyond 6, when expending your martial focus you may increase this penalty by an additional -2 to make an additional extra attack. Some talents are marked (blitz). You may apply a maximum of one (blitz) per extra attack to a barrage, but only if the barrage meets the prerequisites, including that attack (for example, if a (blitz) requires a target be struck twice, you can only apply that (blitz) to a target that has been struck twice. If he is struck a third time, you could apply a second (blitz) that requires at least two attacks to that target). Associated Feat: Rapid Shot Augmented Grip You have mastered how to hold multiple pieces of ammunition in one hand for faster reloading and more accurate barrages. You may reduce your attack penalty by 1 when using the barrage ability. At +10 base attack bonus, you further reduce the penalty when using the barrage ability by 1. In addition, so long as you have martial focus, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity for reloading a ranged weapon. Mobile Focus Whenever you move at least 10 ft. but no more than half your total speed using a move action on your turn, you regain your martial focus. Equipment Sphere:
The Equipment sphere handles what equipment you are trained to use and how you use it. When you first gain the Equipment sphere, choose one Equipment talent of your choice and gain it for free.
Some talents are marked (discipline). These talents grant groups of weapons with shared thematic roots that may be very different mechanically but are generally presented as being complementary in some way. Whenever a talent or ability refers to a weapon discipline, it refers to all weapons included in any single discipline talent. Mechanical Training (discipline) You gain proficiency with the battle wrench and with all crossbows, including exotic ones such as the net launcher. Crossbows that can be fired with one hand reduce the penalty for doing so by half. Expert Reloading Whenever you reload a ranged weapon with which you are proficient, you may decrease the required time; hand and light crossbows become free actions, heavy crossbows and one-handed firearms become move actions, and two-handed firearms become standard actions. If you possess the Crossbow Mastery feat, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when reloading any crossbow. Associated Feat:Rapid Reload. Unarmored Training Your deft movements, physical conditioning, and expert use of your chosen weapons allow you to create a protective barrier around yourself as effective as any true suit of armor. When unarmored and unencumbered, you gain a +3 armor bonus to your AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 points of base attack bonus you possess. Characters who gain Acrobatics as a class skill may instead choose to have the armor bonus increase by +1 for every 3 ranks in the Acrobatics skill they possess. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when you are flat-footed. You lose these bonuses when you are immobilized or helpless, when you wear any armor, or when you carry a medium or heavy load. These bonuses do not stack with the AC bonus class feature of the monk or similar abilities. This bonus depends on an intricate awareness of the practicioner’s body and balance, and as such is lost when the target is under any shapeshift other than blank form, or is polymorphed into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type. Scout Sphere:
Training in the Scout sphere teaches you how to hide from danger, identify potential threats and hazards, track opponents through almost any environment, and identify a creature’s key weaknesses. When you gain the Scout sphere, you gain 5 ranks in the Stealth skill, plus 5 ranks per additional talent spent in the Scout sphere (maximum ranks equal to your total Hit Dice). If you already have ranks in the Stealth skill you may immediately retrain them, but you do not get to retrain when only temporarily gaining talents, such as through the armiger’s customized weapons class feature.
All practitioners of the Scout sphere gain the following ability: Scout As a swift action, you may identify a creature’s weaknesses (DC 10 + creature’s CR) as described under the Knowledge skill, but may substitute a Perception check for the appropriate Knowledge check at a -5 penalty. This only reveals the target’s weaknesses, or lack thereof, (such as damage reduction types and vulnerabilities), and does not reveal any additional information about the target. Once you have succeeded at a scout attempt or Knowledge check against a target, any talents or effects that require you to scout a target may be used against the target for the next 24 hours; after this period you must successfully use the scout ability against the target again to continue benefiting from related effects. Trap Sphere:
Possessing this sphere grants you access to the ability to rapidly deploy temporary traps. You may make a Craft (traps) check with a DC of 5 to place a trap on any solid surface within your reach as a full-round action. This trap persists for 1 round per point that your check exceed the placement DC. The trap is placed in a 5-ft. square of your choice. For every 5 ranks in Craft (traps) you possess, you may increase this area by one 5-ft. square. All squares a trap occupies must be contiguous and you can not place two separate traps in the same squares. Entering a trap's space triggers the trap. The Perception DC to locate a trap is 10 + your Craft (traps) modifier. Trap talents that require a saving throw use your ranks in Craft (trap) instead of your base attack bonus when determining your saving throw DCs.
Traps are cobbled together from scrap, detritus in the environment, and random bits of string, springs, and other miscellany that have been assembled into easily deployed components. Any creature in possession of a trap bag is considered to have the required materials to build these temporary traps, preparing components during downtime and restocking it for negligible cost at regular intervals, though some talents may allow the use of more expensive components that must be tracked. At the GM’s discretion, some traps may be constructed from materials in the environment even without a trap bag. You never set off your own traps unless you choose to. Creatures who you warn or who see you set a trap are aware of its location and gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Perception checks to notice the trap and Reflex saves and AC to avoid the trap. A trap may be removed as a full-round action with a Disable Device check with a DC equal to your Craft (traps) bonus +10. You always succeed on removing your own traps. You may choose to recover any expensive components or Alchemy sphere formulae used in a successfully removed trap. If a trap is perceived, it can be targeted and destroyed by attacks without setting it off. A trap has hardness equal to your ranks in Craft (traps), AC equal to 10 + your ranks in Craft (traps), and 5 hit points + 5 hit points per 2 ranks in Craft (traps) you possess. As long as you have martial focus, reduce the time required to set a trap from a full-round action to a standard action. Tripwire (snare) A creature that fails its save against a tripwire snare falls prone. Once knocked prone, a creature is no longer at risk of triggering the trap in that square. This trap is not destroyed when triggered; instead the duration is reduced by 5 rounds per creature that fails its save. Running and charging creatures take a -2 penalty on their Reflex saves against this trap. |