Flying Blade

Kendrick Buckley's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for Renegade Paladin.


Liberty's Edge

Now, now, friends, surely we have better things to do than burn each others' houses. Kendrick smiles broadly as he fiddles with the signet ring on his right hand. Why, I hear that our dear colleagues in the Aspis Consortium are busily beating us to choice ruins in the Mwangi Expanse, where THUNDERLIPS! could surely find foes to test his mettle. As well as the natural habitat of the trollhound, unless I'm much mistaken. We certainly have better to occupy our time than idle threats against our fellows.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, come now, Miss Quick, they're not so bad. I've found these kind gentles more than ready to further the cause of liberty when she calls. Don't even have to trick 'em. Kendrick smirks openly as he continues. As for, ahem, THUNDERLIPS, from what I hear from my good friend Sir Gareth about the Blakroses and their museum, you're quite right to be worried. Haven't seen him, though I'll keep a weather eye out.

Liberty's Edge

kevin_video wrote:
Kendrick Buckley wrote:
I have to wonder about the design reasoning behind making the swashbuckler have a poor Fortitude save when both its parent classes (fighter and gunslinger) have the good Fortitude save progression. It leaves a gaping hole in the defenses they really need in their role on the front line, and I don't see any reason why it would be a balance concern - they're not so ungodly powerful that they need to fall over dead the first time a necromancer looks their direction just to make up for it.
Agreed. I thought for sure that they'd have a poor Will save. Just trying to figure how they justify it.

Well, they do have a poor Will save. The swashbuckler has the rogue's save progression, when the only good save both parent classes have in common is Fortitude. It's so bad that when I decided to build a swashbuckler Society character (this guy I'm posting as right now) I burned a trait on Resilient just to try and make up for it.

Liberty's Edge

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I have to wonder about the design reasoning behind making the swashbuckler have a poor Fortitude save when both its parent classes (fighter and gunslinger) have the good Fortitude save progression. It leaves a gaping hole in the defenses they really need in their role on the front line, and I don't see any reason why it would be a balance concern - they're not so ungodly powerful that they need to fall over dead the first time a necromancer looks their direction just to make up for it.