KenB3 |
I just ended a campaign as GM, and now one of my friends wants to GM. He said he is running a Razor Coast campaign, which sounds cool. He said core races only, so I thought I would try building an arcane archer, which I have looked at since 3.0 but never made. We have 25 point buy, which is plenty to build most characters. We also start at 4th level. The players have so far said they are playing a rogue, a cleric, a witch, a fighter, and possibly a barbarian, so we're also pretty well covered in terms of party composition.
The current build I have is an elf ranger 2/wizard 2, with Str 14, Dex 18 (with racial and the point at 4th) Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, and the charisma will be rolled later as the GM wants to roll the dump stats for some reason. (Guess people don't like dump stats, kind of a separate discussion.) I figured I would go ranger 4/wizard 4 before getting to arcane archer, which would likely be how I leveled the rest of the game. But then this nagging voice in my head started thinking this could be a weak character who is spread too thin. I
was considering focusing more on one side or the other rather than trying to balance them both equally but I'm not sure. I could go ranger 6/wizard 1 to get to arcane archer faster and be better in the archery department, or do ranger 1/wizard 5/eldritch knight 3 and basically be a caster with some archery. Not sure if I really want the second option, even though I'm sure it would eventually be the more powerful way to go. Our group is split between two GMs and we tend to level slowly as a result, so who knows if I would pay off. If I did the first option I would get more now, and could boost the weak con over the int I am currently pumping, but I would never be much of a caster.
I liked the freebooter archetype for ranger, since the pirate idea fits the campaign and the favored enemy and animal companion wouldn't really be leveling up once I went arcane archer. I didn't really have a specialization or archetype for wizard. Any advice would be welcome, even "arcane archer sucks, play a switch hitter." This may be my last character for a while since I have a baby on the way, so I am more indecisive than normal here.