About Kemian Brightwhisper
Kemian Brightwhisper
Male elf cleric of Corelon Larethian 3/evoker 2
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init 5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 30 (5 HD; 2d6+3d8+3)
Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 8; +2 vs. enchantments, +2 trait bonus vs. fear and death effects
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee longsword +3 (1d8 S/19+)
Ranged shortbow +6 (1d6 P/×3)
Arcane School Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
. . 7/day—force missile (1d4+1)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +5)
. . 2nd—cure moderate wounds, heat metal[D] (DC 14), resist energy
. . 1st—celestial healing, faerie fire[D], protection from evil, ray of sickening[UM] (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—create water (at will), guidance (at will), read magic (at will), stabilize (at will)
. . D Domain spell; Domains Sun (Light[APG] subdomain), Magic
Evoker Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
. . 1st—mage armor, magic missile, magic missile, shield
. . 0 (at will)—daze (at will) (DC 14), detect magic (at will), disrupt undead (at will)
. . Opposition Schools Necromancy, Transmutation
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 11
Base Atk +3; CMB 3; CMD 16
Feats Combat Casting, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Scribe Scroll
Traits reactionary, reincarnated
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Appraise +8, Craft (weapons) +10, Diplomacy +5, Heal +6, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (religion) +12, Perception +9, Spellcraft +12 (+14 to identify magic item properties); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Orc
Other Gear studded leather, longsword, shortbow, arrows (20), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wizard starting spellbook, wooden holy symbol
Special Abilities
Blinding Flash (3 rds, 5/day, DC 13) (Su) Creatures within 20' are dazzled. Those with fewer HD than your Cleric level must save or be blinded for 1d4r.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (3/day, DC 11) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Light)
Cleric Domain (Magic)
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Elven Immunities - Sleep
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Force Missile (1d4+1, 7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, magic missile strikes a foe.
Hand of the Acolyte (5/day) (Su) As a standard action, melee weapon strikes at foe in 30 ft. Use Wis for att bonus instead of Str.
Intense Spells (+1 damage) (Su) Evocation spells deal listed extra damage.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.