Hi guys,
I'm currently DMing a sandbox campaign in my homebrew world, with a huge emphasis on exploration and wilderness adventure. (Insane amounts of work, BTW, but immensely rewarding in my experience). One of the concepts that I want to implement is the idea that the setting is the home of some legendary masters of the arcane or martial arts, living in the wilderlands as hermits, wanderers or reclusive loners (such as a mythical, reputedly immortal shaman; a legendary elven archer; a lone and eccentric wizard in his remote tower; an old heroic swordsman; etc) and that upon finding them, they might train the PCs, passing their secrets unto a new generation of heroes. I think it's a cool concept, one that might interest my players and give them additional incentives for exploring the vast wilderness. The part that keeps me struggling is the rewards to be gained from such training. With casters, this is not difficult (access to rare spells, etc), but martials require extra thought. Some of the ideas that are bouncing in my head:
1) Restrict the access to some of the feats in Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, APG, etc, adding as a prerequisite "being trained by master whatever". If so, would you keep these rewards within the normal feat progression, or would you find acceptable to give the new feat as a special reward above and beyond the normal class-and-level feats? I'm partial to the former, but perhaps this is seen as unsatisfactory after a long quest to find the reclusive master.
2) Make the training an essential requisite for Prestige Classes. With the rejection of PrC in favor of archetypes (at least in my group and at the current levels), and the added amount of work that designing or adapting the classes would mean, this is not an ideal option, but flavor-wise it makes a lot of sense.
3) Award optional mechanics that are not usually allowed in the campaign (hero points, for example) to those trained by a legendary master.
4) Additional combat maneuvers such as those found in The Secrets of Martial Mastery by Rite Publishing. The problem I find in this is that I see those maneuvers as tricks and stunts that everyone should be able to try, most of all veteran warriors and rogues. Too pedestrian for a "legendary" master, in a way.
That's mostly all the options I'm considering right now, and not a single one fully convinces me. What do you think, fellow Paizonians? Ideas? Suggestions?