
Keepiru's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts (80 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

I'm playing a 8th level str-heavy Brawler in a game and struggle with being useful at range. I know that composite bows or crossbows, or something like that would be the most "effective", but I wanted something with some flavor that fits the character better.

I hit on the idea of using a harpoon. I figure that I've got enough movement that I can get to within 50' of most enemies to make the throw. Since he's heavy on the STR side and has great grappling skills it would really fit the character. I like the visual of dragging flying enemies back down into range or pulling someone off a cliffside. Or even climbing up the rope to get to that flying dragon.

Are there any paizo feats you can recommend that would go well with a harpoon?

The meteor hammer is listed as being a 2h reach weapon when used normally. You also have the option of switching combat styles from normal to either "fortress" or "meteor storm". In fortress you use one end to gain a +1 shield bonus and in meteor storm you use it as a double weapon.
Do you lose your 10' reach when using either of these alternative styles? I didn't see anything in the description though I'm inclined to say that you would lose it. Also in fortress style is it no longer a 2h weapon? Could someone enchant one end as a shield and the other end as a weapon?

Our group has just started playing around with crafting magic items. One of the things we're trying to figure out is the Caster Level that is listed at the bottom of weapon/armor abilities, wondrous items, etc.

According to the Magic Items Web Enhancement:
"Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions.
These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created.
Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be
known by the item’s creator (although access through another
magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic
item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not
meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation
feat, which is mandatory"

Does this mean that a player can attempt to create/enchant an item that they don't meet the caster level requirement for by adding a +5 to the craft DC?

If you can create an item for which you don't meet the CL requirement, is there a higher penalty for creating an item well above your CL? For example Seeking has a CL of 12, and only a +1 bonus so a character could build it at 6th level. Should the missing prerequisite DC increase based on how low your CL is compared to the CL you are trying to match?

Some wondrous items don't list a caster level requirement to craft them, but the item itself has a caster level. Does the player need to have the same caster level of the item in order to craft it, or in this case do they just need the feat, the spell, and gold cost?

Finally, in the weapons and armor section it mentions your caster level must be 3 times the enhancement bonus you are trying to create. Is this another prerequisite that could be skipped by adding +5 to the DC or does it trump the prerequisite rule?