Keanan was born at the base of Emperor’s Peak by Devinee Garnet-Gold. Devinee’s husband Balazar Garnet-Gold was a member of the Greenfire Circle but had died prior to Keanan’s birth. While it is rumored that Keanan’s father had a distant relationship to the former Druid king Narven Feathereyes, Devinee decided not to inform Keanan of his special heritage. His mother noticed a strange kind of mark on his left arm, but it wasn’t clear.
Keanan hid this birthmark by scraping his arms while he grew up, playing with the other stoutfolk and hanging out with the Greenfire Circle of druids, where he learned of the power of Gozreh and of the need to help the animals find balance with humanoids, especially the humans. Keanan received some basic druidic training and learned the language. Although Keanan wasn’t the smartest of the stoutfolk, he had good common sense and wise beyond his relatively young years. Keanan fell in love with Codee Jasper-Mica, a stoutfolk female who was the daughter of one of the elders of the Greenfire Circle. Her father did not approve of Keanan’s advances towards Codee because Keanan had not proved his worth or bring enough gold to the marriage, despite Keanan’s heritage of Garnet-Gold. However, Codee began to have secret dates with Keanan. As he began to reach his young adulthood (age 43), he started noticing that the birthmark on his left arm began to burn when he was with Codee. Indeed, it had started to take a more distinct shape: it looked like a green crystal with weird markings around it. His mother Devinee grew very worried and took Keanan before the Greenfire Circle’s druidic elders. They discussed it in secret, and eventually ruled that Keanan was marked with the “eye of Droskar.” This item is located in a squat, three story tower built by the dwarves long ago. Furthermore, some of the strange markings around his birthmark seem to resemble the runes in the floor of the tower. Looking for a sign of what to do, they prayed to Gozreh for guidance. While they waited, Keanan believed he had heard a voice in his head to leave the Greenfire Circle or else face his doom. Fearing that Codee’s father might use the birthmark as a reason to permanently separating him from Codee, Keanan decided to leave that night and return a hero with lots of gems and win Codee’s heart. Keanan grabbed his father’s scimitar and hide armor that his mother had never thrown away and left in the black of night. He left a note in his mother’s house asking that she deliver it to Codee after he left. Instead, his mother Devinee decided to burn the note and never spoke with Codee. While wandering the Five King Mountains to the north of Darkmoon Vale, Keanan encountered a female lion (not a mountain lion, but the regular kind in the plain-land), which certainly seemed out of place in the mountains. Taking it as a sign from Gozreh that he should meet such a beast in a strange location, Keanan threw the lion a piece of deer meat he had hunted and killed the prior day. The lion took the meat and seemed to befriend Keanan; they have been companions ever since, walking the mountains and hunting together. Keanan has named his lion Balazar, which was his father’s name. During his travels with his faithful lioness, Keanan continued to pray to Gozreh for guidance and why he needed to leave the Greenfire Circle or face his doom. One night in deep prayer, Keanan heard screams from the “The Woods” (the forest of Darkwood). While nervous, Keanan moved in to investigate and found that the screams were coming from a cutyard full of lumberjacks. Many had perished by some kind of foul beast (or worse, beasts) that had ripped men limb from limb. Some of the survivors initially blamed “The stoutfolk with the lion!” but Keanan reassured the lumberjacks that he was innocent and that his lioness had no blood on her that would indicate a recent kill. Indeed, he believed that Gozreh had led him to this very location and provided him with a quest to help the lumberjacks survive by removing some foul creatures from The Woods. Once he made this his quest, the birthmark of the “eye of Droskar” began to burn in his arm as if he were stung by a hundred wasps. Grinning, Keanan knew he was moving towards his fate, come what may. Soon, he would find enough wealth and honor to win Codee’s heart. And with that, the adventure begins….
Keanan Garnet-Gold
Male dwarf druid LN Medium humanoid (dwarf) Favored Class druid Deities: Gozreh Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 ---------------------------------------------------
Trained Skills: 2 Handle Animal (+4 or +8 for lion companion), 2 Knowledge Nature (+7), 2 Perception (+7 or +9 for unusual stonework), 1 Spellcraft (+4), 2 Survival (+9) Untrained Skills: Acrobatics (-4 or -8 for jump), Appraise (+0 or +2 for gems), Bluff (-1), Climb (-1), Diplomacy (-1), Disguise (-1), Escape Artist (-4), Heal (+2), Intimidate (-1), Perform (-1), Ride (-4), Sense Motive (+2), Stealth (-4), Swim (-1). Languages Common, Dwarven, Druidic Carrying Capacity 76/153/230; Load 76 lb (Weapons & Armor Load 39lbs) Armor: Masterwork Hide of Light Fortification (10% only), Heavy Wooden Shield
------------------------------------------------------------------ TRAINED SKILLS ------------------------------------------------------------------ HANDLE ANIMAL +4 (-1 Mod, +2 Skill, +3 Class Skill) +4 bonus to Handle Animal from Link (Ex) as described page 52 Core DC to handle animal companion is 10 for known trick as free action KNOWLEDGE NATURE +7 (+2 Skill, +3 Class Skill, +2 Nature Sense(Ex))
PERCEPTION +7 (+2 Mod, +2 Skill, +3 Class Skill)
SURVIVAL +9 (+2 Mod, +2 Skill, +3 Class Skill, +2 Nature Sense(Ex))
Female lion N Medium Init +3; Senses Low Light Vision & Scent; Perception +2 ---------------------------------------------------
Trained Skills: 1 Acrobatics (+7), 1 Climb (+5), 1 Survival (+3)
Tricks: Attack, Attack, Defend, Come, Guard, Heel Carrying Capacity 75/150/225; Load 0 lb
0-LEVEL SPELLS (4): Stabilize, Detect Magic, Light, Guidance 1-LEVEL SPELLS (2+1): Cure Light Wounds x2 (2 used), Goodberry - used (7 given to Hajar, 0 remaining) Gold/Magical:
Gold: 906gp Magical Items: None Estimated Total Character Wealth: 1466gp |