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![]() In between bouts of intestinal warping, Kazmuk blurts out a few notes. मोल्ड!यह मोल्ड हो क्यों किया? Celestial Translation:
I knew this muck would be ugly! Be careful, it burns! Ugh! it's the potion or the rubble...trust the gnome's gift or take my chances with what's beneath the muck...choices, choices...
Kazmuk draws the potion, the odd little bottle gleaming slightly in the gloom. Something not unlike feathers tickles at his throat as he drinks it down and he can't help wondering if he's made the right choice.
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![]() Agreed. That's just like Kyson; generous to a T. And not even worried if the ladder should break beneath the weight of Marcelio or myself and leave him stranded above. You're a हर कोई उसे माना जाता है. काउंटी के कायर.
With a nod, Kazmuk will ready to descend (using the ladder) if there is room to move down with Marcelio hanging on the rope. ![]()
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![]() Why in the good gods' names would Marcelio let them get their tiny little hands on his weapon? They'll likely overuse the thing and break it. Careful, friend Kaz reaches to steady Kyson You don't want to fall into all that filth. One hand to steady Kyson, the other shrugs off the crossbow to give to Marcelio. Here, you're likely better with it than I'll ever be. And the ammunition's good too (for 4 more rounds at least). ![]()
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![]() take 2 A bog Mummy? Maybe a *lot* of distance is in order. Thankful for the wisdom of his companions, Kazmuk drops the glaive at his feet, pulling out the curved stick.
edit: Kazmuk needs more coffee,or I do. I completely spaced the "help pull up the ladder" bit. :( ![]()
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![]() Catching that admonishing look from Kyson, Kaz drops his eyes, abashed. Tis only the gods' will that graces him such, not a single bit of his own doing, save a distaste to have to touch any of the weeping muck that awaits in the near future. No rope, I'm ничего страшного, но сам страх. но мальчик, что один большой Terran Translation:
...afraid, nor alchemists fire. I do have a small flask of the acid from the Dragon, if you want. His voice goes guttural, closing up on him. The gifts of the gods will be paid for one way or another. Holding the Glaive in one hand, he reaches into his bag and pulls out the vial to offer to Kyson, should he want it. ![]()
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![]() Uggh is right. Whatever it is, maybe a little distance is in order. Much as Kaz appreciates his one true melee weapon, it occurs to him that reach wouldn't be out of place. Harnessing his hammer, he can't help but regret the loss of two spells to change weapons.
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![]() Eventually poor Kyson scrambles out from beneath him and Kaz is able to join his companions, sticking the landing easily, though the clank of it echoes in the small space. Oh gods, not zombies too? Not surprising in a place like this. Magic weapon already cast on his weapon, Kaz readies another in his mind, should the shambling corpses come for them. ((prepares to cast sun metal on his warhammer, should battle begin. )) ![]()
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![]() Growling like molten iron in the Hall of Forges, Kaz watches as the vampire flees again. Oh to be able to fly like his friends. Alas, it is not to bee, err, be... "если вы чувствуете, как танцы, танцы!" Terran Translation:
Make him follow that mist, or I'll grease this dragon's innards with yours, you insane little gremlin! Brightly lit celestial symbols no longer cloud his head, it is the black iron tongue of the Terrans that keeps his secrets now. Still, the idea is clear, though, as he turns, hammer in hand, to face the gnome behind him. intimidate on the closest: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 ![]()
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![]() Eyes wide, Kazmuk's attention is the only thing that flies as he takes in Brave Marcelio's fight against the acid. Kyson too takes to the air like a bird, a big ungainly bird, but a bird none the less. Oh to be a bird or a bee or... Hopefully Kuri has some similar trick, but Kaz will be nothing but a damp spot and a memory if this ship goes down. Kaz rushes around the gnome,side stepping the flow of acid to engage VonTeado. It puts him in a precarious position with the gnome on one side and the vampire on the other, but he'll risk it to leave a place free of acid for Marcelio to land. Move action to get into position
((edited to put the right face on)) ![]()
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![]() Sunshine in a bottle would do the trick but no, he doesn’t have anything like that in his bag. Maybe Kuri or Kyson has something like that, but he doesn't. His weapon will have to do The thought burns like quicksilver in his brain, then tumbles out as the ship rolls beneath him., He ends up sprawled on the deck like most of the others and has to fight his way to his feet. His Zekford blood longs to shed what light he can deep into the brains of that undead abomination, but the now solid vampire, is out of reach. Still, he is ready, should that change.
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![]() "अपने कंधों पर धूप मुझे खुश बनाता है ...उसकी आँखों में धूप में कर सकते हैं और उसे रोना!" celestial translation:
A vampire, of course!
What is Kyson always going on about with his sun goddess and these sorts of things? Think, Man, THINK! Knowl-Religion: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17; what does Kazmuk know about such things? Kaz steps sides ways, the spell coming unbidden as his thumb caresses the shaft of his hammer; the words warble out, "सही समय पर धूप कितनी प्यारी हो सकता है! ((spell:magic weapon)) . Better to do something that might work than nothing at all. What can you do with mist, for gods' sakes? Kazmuk five foot steps to provide flank for Marcelio since the Kuri Seiharu has disappeared again and casts magic weapon on his silver warhammer. ![]()
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![]() Kaz mutters beneath his breath as he drives forward, charging past the weird little gnome things to reach their foul leader. "यह फर के लिए एक छोटा सा गर्म नहीं है?" celestial translation:
I'll have your head for a hat before the sun sets, see if I don't!. The swing is already in motion, righteous vengeance seeking a target. Kaz charges directly forward 10 feet, swinging extra hard with the warhammer in hand when reaching the bestial creature that was Hull. ((charge action adds +2))
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![]() Kaz watches the beasts mouth move, but the words make no sense to him, not now, not with the stress of battle upon him. Still, there's no language necessary to understand the movement of the ship or the way the Hull skulks backward. He must be stopped, and this ship grounded before it can do more harm. Kaz closes, seeking space to move beyond Hull if possible. He swings the silver mace high, it's silvered surface catching whatever light might shine and redirecting it upon the evil in front of him. ((Tongues curse: Kaz is immune to any language dependent spells right now, unless cast in Celestial or Terran)) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 121d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 ![]()
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![]() Kazmuk's voice catches in his throat, coming out in a disturbingly pure flood of notes instead of the common tongue he intended. Surely Kyson must be used to his quiet ways by now -at least he hopes that is so. The others will just have to make of it what they will; the gods will have their way. A sharp nod, just in case, as he crashes forward, his attention on the despicable beast up ahead. Kaz follows Kyson's general directions, around the table and towards the door, ending just behind Marcelio. |