
Kazmere Lillywag's page

20 posts. Organized Play character for Alex Mack.


Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Just out of curiosity do any of you guys know how I proceed when I want to rebuild my character?

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

That went fast! Thanks GM!

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kazmere watches Ahrisma charge at guido and sees an opening to strike. With an elegant spin he comes across and slices into her sideways with his scimitar.

Move, drawing as part of move and attack Ahrisma

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

I'd say we try our luck with the former Pathfinder lady Kazmere adds.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kazmere joins Fosco in town as they look for a ferry.

Knowledge Local to aid another for a +4 bonus on Foscos's roll 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kazmere likewise has a friendly smile on his face as he passes by the kobold ladies hut.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kazmere doesn't understand the Kobold lady and looks at his companions quizzically.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kazmere gets into the tight wagon as he purchased warm clothes before the trip he can lukily do without having to undress a corpse.

1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34
1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kazmere joins the bird amn in exploring the wagon.

Aid another for +4 to perception (Helpful trait)

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kazmere moves into position and stabs at the cat with his scimitar.

Attack1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Damage1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kaz was sleeping

Kazmere rises and draws his scimitar and moves into position to attack the large cat.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

That's our kitty right there... however doesn't look like it finished dinner!

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Indeed! Kazmere replies. Then he moves slowly to the corpse and examines it.

Perception1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

It's far too big for me... is all that Kazmere can add to the discussion.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

"We thank you for your words of warning Urdel Thunderhoof!" Kazmere replies to the centaur. "We will remain vigilant!"

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

"Well met Master Reeves! Rest assured we will return shortly and have your back covered.

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Thanks will do also I'll be updating my profile later this evening...

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

GM I've never done any shopping with a PFS char do you have to document shopping in some way?

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Kazmere nods to his fellow halfling.

Well as we won't be the quickest by foot and I for my part am far too old to freeze that sounds like a prudent course of action Mister Wheterbee! As quick as these other meets have went I have no doubt the next will be equally swift so you should still have plenty of time to resupply!

Grand Lodge

male Tiefling Archaeologist 2

Sitting in the meeting chamber is an old halfling with greying hair and a long beard. He wears sturdy leather armor and at his hip rests a curved blade. As he speaks you can easily identify his accent as Qadiran.

So we must look after Master Rees? When will we meet with him?