Trinia Sabor

Kathryn Scarnetti's page

3 posts. Organized Play character for ScrollMasterRob.


The Exchange

Not all Sczarni are happy about becoming spies. Captured spies are usually executed.

Not all who hail from Varisia should be referred to as filth. You should not be insulting to your new potential allies. Really.

The Exchange

I hope there is a "kill on sight" order for this treacherous bastard. We Scarzini would NEVER treat people like this. If I ever catch him, I will use his preserved head a a travelling chamber pot. In death, Grandmaster Torch could do what I told him in life- "Eat $#*t".

The Exchange

Removing a faction leader? Could the Andoran Eagle Knight chased the wrong skirt? Perhaps the Blackros family is finally getting their come uppance?

Cousin, perhaps we should stay out of the cursed North and try to take advantage of the absense of those flocking to the crusade. The mice can play while the cats are away.