Vorrea Talminari

Karita "Windborne" Telmorin's page

255 posts. Alias of Allen Dawson.

Full Name

Karita "Windborne" Telmorin




Witch 4 (Seasons-autumn) AC/T/FF: 17/13/14 HP: 26/26 F: +3 R:+3 W: +5 Init: +4 Perception: +7




M (5'7")



Special Abilities

Hexes, familiar


Neutral good




Common, Sylvan, Elven, Aklo, Giant, Varisian


Wanderer, animal trainer, alchemist

Strength 9
Dexterity 15
Constitution 14
Intelligence 20
Wisdom 9
Charisma 13

About Karita "Windborne" Telmorin

AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 mage armor), FF 14, touch 13
CMB: +1 CMD: 13
HP: 26
BAB: +2, +1 melee, +4 range
Fort: +3, Ref +3, Will +5

Feats: Dodge*, Iron Will, Fey Obedience (Magdh: +4 bonus Int skills), Brew Potion*
Hexes: Slumber*, Misfortune, Cackle, Cauldron

Traits: Seeker, Reactionary
Languages: Common (Taldane), Sylvan, Elven, Aklo, Giant, Varisian

Familiar: Kavius, a cat, orange.

Skills (not including obedience bonus): Craft (alchemy)+16 (b), Handle Animal +5 (b), Heal +6, Kn-arcane +12, Kn-nature +12, Kn-planes +12, Perception +7, Spellcraft +12, Swim +3, Survival +3, Kn-local +9

Coin: 315 gp

Gear: masterwork backpack, bedroll, ink and pen, 50' silk rope, sack, 2 waterskins, 2 spell component pouches, healer's kit, explorer's outfit, artisan's outfit, one week trail rations, 3 doses mugwort (+1 CL abjurations, power component), 1 dose moondew (+1 CL divinations, power component)

Magic items: wand of mage armor (48), wand of cure light wounds (45)



0-all witch cantrips
1-ray of enfeeblement*, cure light wounds, enlarge person, mage armor, ray of sickening, tap inner beauty, nature's path, unbreakable heart, remove sickness, twisted futures, burning hands
2-create pit*, glitterdust, cure moderate wounds, see invisibility

Spells per day: 4/5/3
0-detect magic, light, detect poison, message
1-ray of enfeeblement (c), burning handsx2 (cc), nature's paths (cast), ray of sickening (c)
2-create pit, glitterdust, see invisibility


Karita's father was an ambitious mercenary, Jake "Ironsides". He wanted to move up in the world, but after years of fighting he settled for owning a bit of land of his own. He settled in a small town years later and fell for a local farmgirl. He was happily married to Marion Telmorin and worked on the farm while still taking odd merc jobs for years until her parents passed away and she inherited the farm.

Soon after, they had two kids. First was Eron, the dutiful son, who Jake began to teach the ways of the sword. A year later was Karita, a headstrong whirlwind of trouble. Marion died a few years later to a fever, leaving the father to raise the kids. He didn't know what to do with his daughter at all, who would sneak off into the woods at all hours. The truth is that Karita began showing signs of strange abilities and she tried to figure them out on her own. An old hermit who lived out in the forest tried to teach her what he could, but when he passed away, Karita was on her own. So she eventually took off on her own, much to her father's anger. Jake has sent Eron off looking for her a few times, but to no avail.

Karita has come into town looking to stop wandering for a bit. The idea of being part of something is appealing to her.