About Kara ReinhartBackground:
Concept 1) Essentially she is an Anti-Nihilist, this means that she believes the world sucks, and that won't change unless someone goes to change it. 2)She spent much time outside in nature, specifically she enjoy's being around water, she grew up in a misty forest/swamp type area. 3)Her families death and her being driven out of her homeland has lead her to try and find a new place to call home. 4)Many consider her beautiful even by kitsune standards, although she has few if any people she call's true friends and tends to dismiss most people. 5) She want's to be seen as a hero, as such she helps people without generally expecting reward. Goals 1)To be viewed by some as a hero, or be admired 2) To find a place to call home Secrets 1) Kara knows she is being hunted by The man who killed her family, she does not know why. Her family as was renown as Hunter's. 2) What she does not know is her family hunted people remorselessly, hence why they were killed. Relations 1)Ro'kurk Blood-Axe A half orc who lead the mob that killed her family. Kara's father killed Rokurk's Wife and son. He is hunting Kara, knowing her still alive. 2)Narine, a traveling nixie that Kara would play with when she was young. She often acts as a mentor, teaching Kara bit of magic or giving her information. 3)Kara's younger adopted brother Balthazar, the two were separated when her family was attacked. She believes him to be dead. Memories 1) I remember my training, it was hard. I was taught to be swift. Faster than the wind, more graceful than the waters. My fire needed to be better. Father wanted me to carry on the family legacy... 2) The water was cool, morning, mist covered the lake. I could see things below the surface, i dived in after to see what it was... 3) the fire and flames heated the air, shouts and noises. An angry orc cutting my family down. Men with pitchforks and torches chased me as i ran into the fog, A Tail Blade given to me by my father strapped on, my only protection ... Background Story I grew up in a misty forest, by a lake near a small town. I always wanted to visit the town but father always told me no, saying the forest was our home were we belonged. Father, Mother, everyone they would all leave on hunts, sometimes gone for days leaving me alone. I was to young to go with them. It was during this time i met Narine, i was bored, sitting by the lake. I saw something underneath the surface swimming, So i dived in out of boredom. We swam back and forth, almost dancing. it became almost a routine thing, the two of us hanging out by the lake, Sometimes we would sing, other times play fight. A hobby i grew to enjoy. I grew old enough for father to begin teaching me what he called the Art of the hunt, taught me about our peoples art of deception, why i was special. My fur always had been white, father said i had been blessed. He gave me a Tail blade, a series of metal plates and blades connected to my tail one of the few features Kitsune always possess even when in humanoid form. An odd weapon, but nonetheless the weapon of my family. Racial traits,Character Traits, and feats:
Character Traits Racial Traits Kitsune Magic (Ex/Sp): Kitsune add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment spells that they cast. Kitsune with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like ability: 3/day—dancing lights (caster level equals the kitsune's level) Agile (Ex) Kitsune receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks. Change Shape (Su) A kitsune can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same sex. The kitsune always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A kitsune in human form cannot use her bite attack, but gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks made to appear human. Changing shape is a standard action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the kitsune does not adjust her ability scores and can remain in this form indefinitely Caravan Guard You recently hired on to Sandru’s caravan to serve as a guard, but the job, while it paid well, gave you little chance to scratch the adventuring itch, since the caravan never really ventured into dangerous territory. You understand why Sandru avoided the more dangerous routes, of course, but that didn’t help assuage your urge to seek adventure. You’ve just told Sandru that you’re quitting the job in order to try your hand at adventuring— he seemed to understand, and even gave you some good tips on how best to survive potential challenges. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks, and Survival becomes a class skill for you. Seeker: You are always on the lookout for reward and danger. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks, and Perception is always a class skill for you. Feats Weapon Finesse You are trained in using your agility in melee combat, as opposed to brute strength. Benefit: With a light weapon, elven curve blade, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls. Magical Tail See Curse. Times taken X2 Kitsune Oracle FCBReduce the penalty for not being proficient for one weapon by 1. When the nonproficiency penalty for a weapon becomes 0 because of this ability, the oracle is treated as having the appropriate Martial or Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat for that weapon. X4 (Razored Tail Blade) Slashing Grace- Dex to damage Class abilities:
Orisons Mystery Battle Oracle Curse Wrecking Mysticism Bonded Spirit Water Revelations and Bonded spirit stuff:
Bonded Spirit At 3rd level, a spirit guide can form a temporary bond with a spirit, as the shaman's wandering spirit class feature. She must make this selection each day when she refreshes her spells. A spirit guide cannot bond with a spirit that is incompatible with her alignment, ethos, or mystery (GM's discretion). A spirit guide gains one hex of her choice from the list of hexes available from that spirit. She uses her oracle level as her shaman level, and she switches Wisdom for Charisma and vice versa for the purpose of determining the hex's effects. At 4th level, she adds the bonded spirit's spirit magic spells to her oracle spells known for that day, but only of spell levels she
Water spirit Hex Water Sight (Su): The shaman sees through fog and mist without penalty as long as there is enough light to otherwise allow her to see normally. At 7th level, she can use can use scrying, using any calm pool of water that's at least 1 foot in diameter as the sole focus. At 15th level, this functions as greater scrying. She can use these abilities for a number of rounds per day equal to her shaman level, but these rounds do not need to be consecutive. Weapon Mastery (Ex): Select one weapon with which you are proficient. You gain Weapon Focus with that weapon. At 8th level, you gain Improved Critical with that weapon. At 12th level, you gain Greater Weapon Focus with that weapon. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats. Weapon Focus (Tail Blade) Curse:
Wrecking Mysticism (Kitsune) A divine entity has blessed you with a source of eldritch power that erodes your fortitude, increasing by 50% the duration of any poison, sickened condition, or nauseated condition affecting you. Whenever you would gain a mystery spell, you can gain Magical Tail as a bonus feat instead. Once this choice has been made, it cannot be changed. You cannot replace a bonus spell granted to you by an oracle archetype with Magical Tail, even if it replaces a mystery
Magical Tail (Kitsune) You grow an extra tail that represents your growing magical powers. Benefit: You gain a new spell-like ability, each usable twice per day, from the following list, in order: 1 disguise self
For example, the first time you select this feat, you gain disguise self 2/day; the second time you select this feat, you gain charm person 2/day. Your caster level for these spells is equal to your Hit Dice. The DCs for these abilities are Charisma-based. Special: You may select this feat up to eight times. Each time you take it, you gain an additional ability as described above. Spells: