About KalisuelBookkeeping:
Start: 260 GP - Leatherworker's tools 5 gp 5 lb. - Smith's tools 20 gp 8 lb. - Woodcarver's tools 1 gp 5 lb. - Weaver's tools 1 gp 5 lb. - Fine Clothes 15 gp 6 lb. - Traveler's Clothes (2x) 4 gp 8 lb. - Scale Mail 50 gp 45 lb. - Longbow 50 gp 2 lb. - Arrows (20x) 1 gp 1 lb. + Payment from Rook 100 gp Current Total: 213 gp
Kalisuel Chaotic Good Female Elf-marked Bard (College of Valor) 7 Background: Fey-Touched (Heroes of Midgard 20) Senses: Darkvision 60ft. Perception: +2 Investigation: +1 Insight: -1 Passive Perception: 12 Passive Investigation: 11 Passive Insight: 9 Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan, Umbral Defenses
Thorspear +5
Dagger +6
Longbow +6
Unarmed Strike +5
Proficiency Bonus: +3 Saving Throws *Proficiency Bonus Applies
Skills *Proficiency Bonus Applies, **Expertise Bonus Applies
Elven Racial Traits
Skill Versatility
Fey Ancestry
Bard Class Features
Bardic Inspiration d8, 3/Rest
Jack of All Trades
Song of Rest +1d6 HP
Bardic College: Valor
Combat Inspiration
Ability Score Improvement
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead. Feat: Medium Armor Master Font of Inspiration
Extra Attack
Cantrips At Will, 3 Known
This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can't restore magic to such an object. Minor Illusion
If you create a sound, its volume can range from a whisper to a scream. It can be your voice, someone else's voice, a lion's roar, a beating of drums, or any other sound you choose. The sound continues unabated throughout the duration, or you can make discrete sounds at different times before the spell ends. If you create an image of an object--such as a chair, muddy footprints, or a small chest--it must be no larger than a 5-foot cube. The image can't create sound, light, smell, or any other sensory effect. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature. Prestidigitation
If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action. 1st 4/Long Rest, 5 Known
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st. Disguise Self
The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, if you use this spell to add a hat to your outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel your head and hair. If you use this spell to appear thinner than you are, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair. To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. Feather Fall
Healing Word
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st. Silent Image
You can use your action to cause the image to move to any spot within range. As the image changes location, you can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the image. For example, if you create an image of a creature and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be walking. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image. 2nd 3/Long Rest, 2 Known
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd. Lesser Restoration
3rd 3/Long Rest, 2 Known
As long as you are within range of the illusion, you can use your action to cause the image to move to any other spot within range. As the image changes location, you can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the image. For example, if you create an image of a creature and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be walking. Similarly, you can cause the illusion to make different sounds at different times, even making it carry on a conversation, for example. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image, and its other sensory qualities become faint to the creature. At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the spell lasts until dispelled, without requiring your concentration. Tiny Hut
A 10-foot-radius immobile dome of force springs into existence around and above you and remains stationary for the duration. The spell ends if you leave its area. Nine creatures of Medium size or smaller can fit inside the dome with you. The spell fails if its area includes a larger creature or more than nine creatures. Creatures and objects within the dome when you cast this spell can move through it freely. All other creatures and objects are barred from passing through it. Spells and other magical effects can't extend through the dome or be cast through it. The atmosphere inside the space is comfortable and dry, regardless of the weather outside. Until the spell ends, you can command the interior to become dimly lit or dark. The dome is opaque from the outside, of any color you choose, but it is transparent from the inside. 4th 1/Long Rest, 1 Known
You tap into your fey nature to enhance your senses, granting yourself the ability to see past what most others accept. For the duration of the spell, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 60 feet. You also gain blindsight out to a range of 60 feet. Feats/Attribute Increases
Equipment & Currency
Clothing & Accessories
Weapons & Armor
Adventuring Gear & Supplies
Equipment Selection:
Background: Fey-touched background gives: A lucky token such as a tin coin that spins far longer than it should or a small violet blossom that never wilts, a musical instrument (one of your choice), a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp. SELECTED
Fey-Touched Kalisuel has been marked by two of the fey. One that would use her for her own wicked gains and another that would call her sister. The struggle between them over her has shattered her memories and made her like a child once again. Gleam of Glamour
Personality Traits
Background Questions
2. What is the most satisfying thing about being an adventurer?
3. Three words to describe your personality.
Bonus questions! *Optional* but fun :)
5. PC's theme song
6. Your PC empties their pockets. What's inside?
Kalisuel woke beneath the boughs of oak and ash and thorn. She did not remember how she had gotten there or where she'd come from. Her past was nothing more than a wide, yawning void lit by the faint twinkling of memories that fled before she could grasp them. For a time she wandered the old wood before finding a road and then the town it lead to. After some close calls and missteps on her part, she began to grow comfortable in this strange world she now found herself in. The land, she learned, was Courlandia, and she spent a couple of months wandering the environs around the capital before running into a kobold looking for capable folk. Rook Bentknee was his name and he had a job for the band of six he'd assembled. Find Britta, his friend and companion of yesteryear, and bring him word of her fate.
A selection of posts for your entertainment:
My Top Picks 1. Audria tells a story. 2. Tera and her zany schemes. 3. Tera tells the tale of the Pumpkin King. 4. If Eina was your little sister... 5. Eina challenges a dwarf to a drinking contest. 6. Arianna is struck by a Fey Mood. These are here if you'd like to peruse them for more examples of my writing and posting style.