
Kalen - RETIRED's page

16 posts. Organized Play character for bmcquegge.


Grand Lodge 1/5 **

Bring on more Quests and Bounties! These shorter adventurers are perfect for those who cannot devote 4-5 hours to playing a single game. Especially for those who are having issues with finding venues. Just my thought.

Grand Lodge 1/5 **

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Seems like we all would like to see this happen. It would be beneficial to new players and growth overall.

Grand Lodge 1/5 **

Is it possible to have an assassin archtype in Society play? Per the APG, it says that most assassin's are evil, but that SOME have a moral code to rid Golarion of evil. It does not list a requirement for the PC to be evil.

I believe in PFS1 that you could not play an assassin, but not for sure with PFS2. I looked everywhere and unless I'm missing it, I would think there is no restriction to the archtype as long as the alignment is not evil.


Grand Lodge 1/5 **

Personally I don't care for them. As long as it lists the XP and Gold gained, I don't really care. The only thing I use the chronicle sheet for is to have a record of a scenario I played. Whenever I get a chronicle, I just put the XP and money earned onto my hard copy character sheet.

I read somewhere where Paizo wanted to get rid of the chronicle sheet altogether, but haven't seen that in anything official. If they did that, would we rely on GM to put info into Paizo? Some of the ones I've played with didn't do it and I have to rely on the chronicle as "proof".

Just my each his own.

Grand Lodge 1/5 **

I see. Makes sense i guess, although I wish Paizo would change that for people who have the achievement points to spend.

Grand Lodge 1/5 **

I'm having an issue with obtaining a boon. I have the achievement points available to purchase another Catfolk. However, when I go to my boon tab it is showing the following, which is not allowing me to obtain the boon. In the cost section, it is showing the amount of 119,999,880.00 as the purchase price.


Catfolk Ancestry Build a player character with the catfolk ancestry found in the Advanced Player's Guide. One-time purchase. 119,999,880.00
Achievement Points - PFS(2ed

Grand Lodge

any suggestions on running this quest? Little confused when it comes to the bar brawl. Any advice would be welcomed.

Grand Lodge

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This is ridiculous. Why can't Paizo get this fixed? For all the money we pour into this company we shouldn't still have this problem.

Grand Lodge

If a rogue is flanking an opponent for three rounds will he get the sneak attack bonus each time he hits? So if he hits the opponent each time does he get to roll for the extra damage each time? Sorry but first time playing a rogue

Grand Lodge

Thanks everyone!!

Grand Lodge

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I'm GM'ing and new at it. I have a question about Fire Elementals. What all weapons can be used to attack and kill them? I know they are immune to fire (of course) but can regular weapons be used to kill them?

Grand Lodge

So here's a question for everyone. I have a paladin who just reached 5th level. My question is, can a paladin use a wand of Cure Light Wounds since USE MAGIC DEVICE isn't a trained skill? I can heal with Lay on Hands, but if my party is getting the crap kicked out of them and we need to heal a ton of HP, would this be feasible for a Paladin?

Grand Lodge

During an adventure my rouge found a 3rd level wand. Can she use this or are wands reserved for magic users only?

Grand Lodge

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I've tried unsuccessfully to purchase a PDF over the past several weeks on my account. I have made purchases in the past and they've downloaded pretty soon after making the purchase. I've checked with my bank and they have my correct account information, and after talking to you all several weeks ago, you all had my correct information so I don't know what the issue could be? Suggestions?

Grand Lodge

I would like to create a private event, yet each time I click on the tab to register a new event it gives me an error message? Anyone else having this issue??

Grand Lodge

How do I record my characters? I can't find out how to do that on past events. I'm new to Pathfinder but would like to get credit for the characters I used.