Shadowy Lurker

Kaelleadd d'Phiarlan's page

40 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

Full Name

Kaelleadd "The Wraith" d'Phiarlan


Urban Elf


Swordsage 3




Medium 5'10" - 117#



Special Abilities

Action Points:6


Neutral Evil


The Fury


Elf, Common, Draconic, Giant



Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Kaelleadd d'Phiarlan

The lithe figure of Kaelleadd is not so much an imposing sight as an experience. Moving with cat-like grace, his platinum hair and steel grey eyes see everything, like a hawk...His cold gaze like that of a predator noting every weakness. The mithril of his chain shirt glitters with the same coldness as his eyes, his sharp stare distracting enough to not notice the spiked chain, the numerous daggers and the short short strapped to him. A short black crushed velvet cloak conceals his arms and weapons the majority of the time. A brillaint blue and black dragon mark, the Mark of Shadow covers the back of his right hand.

Kaellead grew up as an orphan on the streets of Sharn, his parents killed in a skycab accident when he was only 34...merely a boy in elven terms. His mark did not appear for another 30 years, during that time he learned to fend for himself, he spent his time in many different districts in Lower Sharn...even time in the goblin districts, this is where he made his first kill...a goblin tried to muscle the youth out of some food, but it was hungry as well and not very strong..."poor thing, it wanted my food", so as a lesson to the other goblins he killed it slowly...after that he was respected by them...When the mark appeared, he knew what to do, he knew he had his way out of the slums, he presented himself to his house, showing the scions of the house his mark...a transient Dragon Prophet linked his mark with more power, House Phiarlan sent him to one of the Shadowhand monasteries......the rest is history(that should be a decent open-ended background..and I worked all my traits into it.)

Hit Points:23 [11+2d8+2=12]
ACTF 19/15/16
[+4 armor, +2 Wis, +3 Dex]
Initiative +4
BAB/Grapple +2/+3 [+2 bab, +1 str]
Speed 30 ft
Saves FRW:+2/+6/+5
(+2 vs. Enchantment)

+ 7 MW spiked chain (2d4/20*) [+2 BAB, +3 Dex, +1 MW, +1 WF] reach, +2 disarm
+ 6 Thrown or Melee Dagger (d4+1/19-20*) [+2BAB, +3 Dex, +1 WF]
+ 7 Short Sword (d6+1/19-20*) [+2BAB, +3 Dex, +1 WF, +1 MW]
*+2 trait dmg on crit

Least Mark of Shadow [1st]
Exotic: Spiked Chain [3rd]
Flaw:Short Temper


Prerequisite: None

Summary: You get enraged easily, going berserk whenever you suffer damage.

Effect: Whenever a character suffers damage, they must make a Will Save (DC of 15+1 per two character levels) in order to avoid becoming enraged.

If the character fails the will save, they take a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The character will not use any skills that require patience or the like, the only thing they want to do is hurt the thing that hurt them. They will stay in their enraged state for 1d4+(Constitution Modifier) rounds or until the thing that caused them damage is dead. Additionally, if the character has the rage class ability and has a daily use left they must go into a rage as an immediate action.

Benefit: Bonus Feat or one additional daily use of rage ability if a character already has it as a class feature.

Weapon Finesse [flaw]

Flaw: Leacherous


Prerequisite: None

Summary: You have an irresistible urge to pursue the sins of the flesh.

Effect: Whenever a character sees a beautiful member of a preferred gender, the character must succeed on a Will Save (DC of 15 + NPCs Charisma Modifier) to avoid approaching them and trying to seduce them. Being the lecherous filth they are, a -5 modifier is applied on all charisma based rolls while trying to seduce their new acquaintances.

Benefit: Bonus Feat

Feat:Extra Traits [flaw]
Trait: City Rat (from Iron Heroes - Traits pg21-22)
__(+2 survival checks, find item with survival DC=GPV/50)
__(Bravo: Gain +1d6 sneak attack)
Trait: Child of the Streets (Second Darkness)
__(Gather info class skill, +1 Gather Info)
Trait: Killer (Second Darkness)
__(extra dmg equal to crit modifier on a critical)

Racial Abilities
Immune: Magic Sleep effects
Enchantment spells/effects +2 save
Low Light Vision
Weapon Proficiencies: longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow
Listen, Search, Spot: +2
(auto check within 5ft of a secret door)

Class Abilities
Quick to Act (+1 Init)
AC Bonus (+WIS to AC, including Touch/Flat, not Incap)
Discipline Focus (Shadow Hand)
Shadow Hand Weapons: Dagger, Short sword, sai, siangham, unarmed, spiked chain.

Desert Wind
1 Burning Blade (DW)
1 Blistering Flourish (DW)
Diamond Mind
1 Sapphire Nightmare Blade (DM)
Setting Sun
1 Counter Charge (SS)
Shadow Hand
1 Clinging Shadow Strike (SH)
1 Shadow Blade Technique (SH)
2 Shadow Jaunt (SH)
Tiger Claw
1 Wolf Fang Strike (TC)


Sapphire Nightmare Blade(Strike)standardConcentration v. AC Success=+1d6 flat-footed attack, fail -2 to attack std dmg
Burning Blade(Boost)swift1d6+1xIL
Blistering Flourish (strike) standardRng 30' Dazzle DC13
Counter Charge(Counter)immediatepg71
Clinging Shadow Strike(Boost)swift1d6+1xIL
Shadow Blade Technique(Strike)standardRoll 2d20 on the attack, if higher, normal dmg, if lower or equal, +1d6 cold dmg
Shadow Jauntstandard50ft jump
Wolf Fang Strike(Strike)standardtwo weapon attack @ -2

Shadow Hand
1 Child of Shadow (SH)
Setting Sun
1 Step of the Wind (SS)


Child of ShadowMove 10ft and gain concealment, plus able to hide if reach cover
Step of the WindMove thru rough terrain with no penalty; vs opponent in rough +2 TH and +4trip/bull rush

Skills - 48 spent
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Class Skills
+ 5 Balance [2 ranks, +3dex] 2
+ 3 Climb [2 ranks, +1Str] 2
+ 4 Concentration [2 ranks, +2con] 2
+ 5 Craft (Alchemy) [3 ranks, +2int] 3
+ 5 Heal[3 ranks, +2wis] 3
+ 5 Hide[2 ranks, +3dex] 2
+ 2 Intimidate[1 ranks, +1cha] 1
+ 5 Jump[2 ranks, +3str] 2
+ 5 Knowledge(History)[2 ranks, +3int] 2
+ 4 Knowledge(Local)[1 ranks, +3int] 1
+ 4 Knowledge(Nobility)[1 ranks, +3int] 1
+ 7 Knowledge(Nature)[4 ranks, +3int] 4
+ 5 Martial Lore[2 ranks, +3Int] 2
+ 8 Move Silently[5 ranks, +3dex] 5
+ 3 Profession(Acrobat)[1 rank, +2 wis] 1
+ 5 Ride[2 ranks, +3dex] 2
+ 5 Sense Motive[3 ranks, +2wis] 3
+ 3 Swim [2 ranks, +1Str] 2
+ 8 Tumble [5 ranks, +3 dex] 5
+ 1 Gather Information[1 ranks, +1 Cha, +1 trait] 1
Cross-Class Skills
+ 5 Spot[1 ranks, +2wis, +2 race] 2
Untrained Skills
+ 2 Appraise[0 ranks, +2 Int]
+ 1 Bluff[0 ranks, +1 Cha]
+ 1 Diplomacy[0 ranks, +1 Cha]
+ 1 Disguise[0 ranks, +1 Cha]
+ 3 Escape Artist[0 ranks, +3 Dex]
+ 1 Forgery[0 ranks, +1 Cha]
+ 4 Listen[0 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 race]
+ 1 Perform[0 ranks, +1 Cha]
+ 4 Search[0 ranks, +2 Int, +2 race]
+ 4 Survival[0 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 trait]
+ 3 Use Rope[0 ranks, +3 Dex]

Carrying Capacity:43/86/130
Mithral Chainshirt wt 12.5# 1100gp
Masterwork Spiked Chain 10# 325gp
4 Silver Daggers 4# 32gpx4
4 Cold-Iron Daggers 4# 22gpx4
Masterwork Short Sword 2# 10gp

Arcane Signet Ring 150gp
Belt Pouch .5# (wt:3.5#) 1gp


Identification Papers w/portrait
Traveling Papers
4 potions of cure light 2# 200gp

Back Pack 2# (wt:23#) 2gp
During combat, I will usually drop the backpack, any alchemical items I would grab before combat, the backpack slows me down.


-Silk Rope 5# 10gp
-3 alchemist's fire 3# 60gp
-2 thunderstones 2# 60gp
-4 smokesticks 2# 80gp
-2 tanglefoot bags 2# 100gp
-Bedroll 5#
Explorer's Outfit

Entertainer's Outfit

Magebred Horse, light (swiftbreed) 150gp
AC+2 Natural Armor
Excellent Learner
Swiftbreed +10 ft move
+4 STR, +2 DEX, +2 CON, 2INT.
Bonus Feat: Endurance

Leather Barding (20#)
Bit and Bridle (1#)
Saddle Bags (8#)
Riding Saddle (25#)

GP 75

total spent, 2559gp


point purchase: 12 str (4) 14 dex (6)14 Con (6) 14 Int (6) 14wis (6) 12 CHA (4)

Modify +2dex/-2con (L4 mod)
