Maurya-Rahm Advisor

Kāma Súndari's page

627 posts. Alias of Mark Thomas 66 (RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16).

About Kāma Súndari

Height: 5'5" Weight: 124 lbs Hair:Violet/lavender Eyes: Amethyst

Max HP: 57 (8d8+8) Current HP: 57 Non Lethal:
STR 10(+0) DEX 14(+2) CON 13(+1) INT 14(+2) WIS 8(-1) CHA 22(+6)

Height: 5'5" Weight: 124 lbs Hair:Violet/lavender Eyes: Amethyst

Max HP: 57 (8d8+8) Current HP: 57 Non Lethal:
STR 10(+0) DEX 14(+2) CON 13(+1) INT 14(+2) WIS 8(-1) CHA 22(+6)


Armor: Bracers of Armor +3

AC: 16 (10+ Armor 10 +Dex 2 + Bracers 3 +Dodge 1 )
Touch: 13
Flat footed: 13
Senses: Lowlight vision

Fort: +3 (+10 vs Poison) Reflex: +8 Will: +5 (+9 vs bardic/sonic/language)



BAB:+6 CMB:+5 Initiative +2

Melee: +1 Keen Khukri +10/+5 1d4 15-20 x2
Melee :Touch spell +8
Melee: Venomous kiss (DC 17, frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.) OR (DC 17 initial effect staggered for 1d4 rounds; secondary effect unconsciousness for 1 minute)
Ranged: Blowgun +8 1d2 +(Venom)
Ranged: Shuriken(5) +8/+3 1d2

Special Abilities


Lowlight vision
bardic performance (32 rounds per day)
fascinate (DC 19) (or DC 21 against 1 target)
inspire courage +2
Versatile performance,
Enrapturing performance (vs single target +2 to all DC’s)
Inspire competence +3
Suggestion(DC 21)
versatile performance
Bonus feats
Dance of Doom (Dirge of Doom: Shaken)

Languages: Common, Vishkanya, Sylvan, Elven, Infernal, Draconic

Skills: 6+ Int 2= 8 per level


*Appraise +6
*Acrobatics +9 (+19 using Dance)
*Bluff +13
*Craft +
*Diplomacy +17
*Escape artist +7
*Intimidate + 5 (+16 using Percussion)
*Linguistics +7
*Knowledge Arcana +7
*Knowledge Religion +6
*Knowledge Planes +6
*Knowledge Nature +6
*Knowledge Engineering +
*Knowledge Dungeoneering +
*Perception +3
*Perform (Dance) +19
*Perform (Percussion) +16
*Sense motive +7
*Sleight of Hand+6
*Spellcraft +13
Stealth +7
Swim +1
*UMD +14



Spell Focus (Enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse, Sleep Venom, Ability Focus (venom), Spell dance (Spellsong reflavored)



. Defense Racial Traits
• Poison Resistance: A vishkanya has a racial bonus on saving throws against poison equal to its Hit Dice.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Sensual: You are trained in drawing attention to yourself. You gain a +2 bonus on any one Perform skill. This racial trait replaces keen senses.
• Limber: Vishkanyas receive a +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist and Stealth checks.
Senses Racial Traits
• Low-Light Vision: Vishkanyas can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Offense Racial Traits
• Poison Use: Vishkanyas are skilled in the use of poison and never accidentally poison themselves when using or applying poison.
• Toxic: A number of times per day equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), a vishkanya can envenom a weapon that he wields with his toxic saliva or blood (using blood requires the vishkanya to be injured when he uses this ability). Applying venom in this way is a swift action. Vishkanya Venom: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the vishkanya's Hit Dice + the vishkanya's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.
• Weapon Familiarity: Vishkanyas are always proficient with blowguns, kukri, and shuriken.
Alternate class bonus: Bard: Add +1 to the bard's total number of bardic performance rounds per day.



O level: Known: 6 Unlimited per day
Daze, Ghost Sound, Lullaby, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Message

1st level: Known: 5 Per Day: 5 DC:16 (18 Enchantment)
Charm Person, Fumbletongue, Moment of Greatness, Touch of Gracelessness, Weapon Wand
2nd level: Known:4 Per Day: 4 DC:17 (19 Enchantment)
Blistering Invective, Calm Emotions, Heroism, Pugwampi’s Grace
3rd level: Known: 4 Per Day: 3 DC:18 (20 Enchantment)
Lesser Geas, Blink, Lover's Vengence, Terrible Remorse.

Equipment (lbs)


50ft silk rope
4 moonrods
Belt pouch
Small steel mirror
1 lb Soap
10 day's rations
Explorer's outfit
4 Performer’s outfits
Potion Belt

Headband of Alluring Charisma
Feather step slippers
Wand of Unnatural Lust (50 charges)
Wand of Magic Missile (50 charges)
Wand of Lightning bolt (50 charges)



Light: 33 lbs
Medium: 66 lbs
Heavy: 100 lbs





Born to a poor Vishkanya family in Deshur, Kāma’s birth came as a blessing to the family, her sacred status as a hijra ensuring that the local Nara temple provided well in exchange for fostering her.

Growing up in the temple, she wanted for nothing trained in the ways of the Nara philosophy, her talent for dance emerged early in her teaching. She took well to the hedonistic lifestyle of the Nara, seeking pleasure and enjoyment wherever she pleased. Yet there was one thing lacking that made her unfit to be a priestess.

Though she believed in the philosophy of indulgence and the pleasures that came with it, she lacked the malicious streak for which many of the Nara’s most devoted initiates were known. Preferring openness to trickery, even at the risk of open rejection, Kāma found that there were quite a number of people, of both sexes who would gladly join with her.

As she grew in both talent and beauty, the young initiate displayed an exceptional talent for dance, transcending the mundane limitations of performance to draw upon the supernatural. To Kāma magic was simply another lover to be courted, aroused and inflamed with the power of her body, until it gave her everything it had, granting her the ability to bend the will of those around her, uplift those for whom she cared or influence the bodies of those around her.

Her performances were famed in Deshur but when the Nara were forced to scatter, largely due to the actions of the adventurers now settled in Valwick, she began to travel, seeking her fortune and calling wherever whim took her, always seeking something she could not name, eventually getting on a ship for the rapidly growing town that seemed to promise a new start to all those who chose it as their destination.

pp gp sp cp



With a sound that is part hiss, part growl and all need, the hijra begins to thrust in earnest, her hard cock plunging deep with each stroke, the press of their bodies stimulating Elena’s most tender spots, breasts pressed together as their bodies writhe in pleasure.

With complete abandon, the hijra begins to thrust, taking her beloved fully with each fevered stroke, her hands roaming her body hungrily, moving from pinching her hardened nipples, to running her nails gently along her stomach, to massaging her tender bud, all the while whispering her need into Elena’s ear, her voice ragged with unbridled lust for the woman she loved more than she ever thought imaginable.

Next level:

Armor: Bracers of Armor +3

AC: 16 (10+ Armor 10 +Dex 2 + Bracers 3 +Dodge 1 )
Touch: 13
Flat footed: 13
Senses: Lowlight vision

Fort: +3 (+10 vs Poison) Reflex: +8 Will: +5 (+9 vs bardic/sonic/language)



BAB:+6 CMB:+5 Initiative +2

Melee: +1 Keen Khukri +10/+5 1d4 15-20 x2
Melee :Touch spell +8
Melee: Venomous kiss (DC 17, frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.) OR (DC 17 initial effect staggered for 1d4 rounds; secondary effect unconsciousness for 1 minute)
Ranged: Blowgun +8 1d2 +(Venom)
Ranged: Shuriken(5) +8/+3 1d2

Special Abilities


Lowlight vision
bardic performance (32 rounds per day)
fascinate (DC 19) (or DC 21 against 1 target)
inspire courage +2
Versatile performance,
Enrapturing performance (vs single target +2 to all DC’s)
Inspire competence +3
Suggestion(DC 21)
versatile performance
Bonus feats
Dance of Doom (Dirge of Doom: Shaken)

Languages: Common, Vishkanya, Sylvan, Elven, Infernal, Draconic

Skills: 6+ Int 2= 8 per level


*Appraise +6
*Acrobatics +9 (+19 using Dance)
*Bluff +13
*Craft +
*Diplomacy +17
*Escape artist +7
*Intimidate + 5 (+16 using Percussion)
*Linguistics +7
*Knowledge Arcana +7
*Knowledge Religion +6
*Knowledge Planes +6
*Knowledge Nature +6
*Knowledge Engineering +
*Knowledge Dungeoneering +
*Perception +3
*Perform (Dance) +19
*Perform (Percussion) +16
*Sense motive +7
*Sleight of Hand+6
*Spellcraft +13
Stealth +7
Swim +1
*UMD +14



Spell Focus (Enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment), Weapon Finesse, Sleep Venom, Ability Focus (venom), Spell dance (Spellsong reflavored)



. Defense Racial Traits
• Poison Resistance: A vishkanya has a racial bonus on saving throws against poison equal to its Hit Dice.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Sensual: You are trained in drawing attention to yourself. You gain a +2 bonus on any one Perform skill. This racial trait replaces keen senses.
• Limber: Vishkanyas receive a +2 racial bonus on Escape Artist and Stealth checks.
Senses Racial Traits
• Low-Light Vision: Vishkanyas can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Offense Racial Traits
• Poison Use: Vishkanyas are skilled in the use of poison and never accidentally poison themselves when using or applying poison.
• Toxic: A number of times per day equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), a vishkanya can envenom a weapon that he wields with his toxic saliva or blood (using blood requires the vishkanya to be injured when he uses this ability). Applying venom in this way is a swift action. Vishkanya Venom: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the vishkanya's Hit Dice + the vishkanya's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.
• Weapon Familiarity: Vishkanyas are always proficient with blowguns, kukri, and shuriken.
Alternate class bonus: Bard: Add +1 to the bard's total number of bardic performance rounds per day.



O level: Known: 6 Unlimited per day
Daze, Ghost Sound, Lullaby, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Message

1st level: Known: 5 Per Day: 5 DC:16 (18 Enchantment)
Charm Person, Fumbletongue, Moment of Greatness, Touch of Gracelessness, Weapon Wand
2nd level: Known:4 Per Day: 4 DC:17 (19 Enchantment)
Blistering Invective, Calm Emotions, Heroism, Pugwampi’s Grace
3rd level: Known: 4 Per Day: 3 DC:18 (20 Enchantment)
Lesser Geas, Blink, Lover's Vengence, Terrible Remorse.

Equipment (lbs)


50ft silk rope
4 moonrods
Belt pouch
Small steel mirror
1 lb Soap
10 day's rations
Explorer's outfit
4 Performer’s outfits
Potion Belt

Headband of Alluring Charisma
Feather step slippers
Wand of Unnatural Lust (50 charges)
Wand of Magic Missile (50 charges)
Wand of Lightning bolt (50 charges)



Light: 33 lbs
Medium: 66 lbs
Heavy: 100 lbs





Born to a poor Vishkanya family in Deshur, Kāma’s birth came as a blessing to the family, her sacred status as a hijra ensuring that the local Nara temple provided well in exchange for fostering her.

Growing up in the temple, she wanted for nothing trained in the ways of the Nara philosophy, her talent for dance emerged early in her teaching. She took well to the hedonistic lifestyle of the Nara, seeking pleasure and enjoyment wherever she pleased. Yet there was one thing lacking that made her unfit to be a priestess.

Though she believed in the philosophy of indulgence and the pleasures that came with it, she lacked the malicious streak for which many of the Nara’s most devoted initiates were known. Preferring openness to trickery, even at the risk of open rejection, Kāma found that there were quite a number of people, of both sexes who would gladly join with her.

As she grew in both talent and beauty, the young initiate displayed an exceptional talent for dance, transcending the mundane limitations of performance to draw upon the supernatural. To Kāma magic was simply another lover to be courted, aroused and inflamed with the power of her body, until it gave her everything it had, granting her the ability to bend the will of those around her, uplift those for whom she cared or influence the bodies of those around her.

Her performances were famed in Deshur but when the Nara were forced to scatter, largely due to the actions of the adventurers now settled in Valwick, she began to travel, seeking her fortune and calling wherever whim took her, always seeking something she could not name, eventually getting on a ship for the rapidly growing town that seemed to promise a new start to all those who chose it as their destination.

pp gp sp cp



**”When you say *a lot* do you mean two or three more or enough to supply, say a group of collectors?”** Varynne asks, her stomach sinking at the thought.

Next level: