Silas Coe's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Christopher Rowe (Contributor).

Full Name

Silas Coe


Human (Taldor)


Ranger (Guide) 1/Bard (Archivist) 1







Special Abilities

Dual Talent, Ranger's Focus, Track, Wild Empathy, Spells, Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance, Cantrips




The Green Faith





Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 16

About Silas Coe

Silas Coe spent the first fifteen years of his life as a fatherless gutter snipe on the docks of Cassomir, Taldor’s great shipbuilding city. His mother, a sailor, left him under the indifferent eye of a cousin when she shipped out, and when she was lost at sea, Silas found himself on his own.

Then, at fifteen, he was saved from a beating by visiting druids of the Wildwood Lodge. He followed these men and women, so strange to him, to their home deep within the Verduran Forest. There he met more like them, as well as befriending their allies among the gnomes, the fey, and the woodlands warriors known as rangers.

Endlessly curious about everything, Silas adopted the Green Faith of the druids and the zest for life and song of their gnomish neighbors. Eventually, when it became clear that Silas would never settle down to pursue the druid’s path, his erstwhile guardians suggested that he take his strength, his talents for singing and storytelling, and his broadminded acceptance of others to the Grand Lodge in Absalom.

There, the young man trained for three years to become a Pathfinder. Now, he finds himself beginning the career he now believes he was born to embark on.

Physical appearance: Silas is a short man with dark, shoulder-length hair and brown eyes. A broken nose he never bothered to have properly set does not detract from his charm. He wears an explorer’s outfit in brown, the half-cloak dyed the same deep green as his knee-high leather boots. Concealed beneath his clothing is his most valuable possession, a mithral chain shirt. He is dressed for adventure, laden down with a light crossbow and various other gear quick-lashed to a backpack. A pouch, a quiver of bolts, and a silvered morningstar hang at his belt, and his enormous greatsword is worn crossways across his back, the sheath beneath the backpack.