Justin Lilly's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Joshua J. Frost wrote:

On the flip side, are the specific reasons why you, the players and GMs of Pathfinder Society, would be in favor of allowing players to re-play Pathfinder Society scenarios?

I'm personally in favor of playing scenarios again. Different characters should be able to play the same scenario because, from an ingame stand point, just because Ramatan the lvl 6 wizard has fought scenario X, doesn't mean that Samir, the lvl 2 fighter/cleric has.

I think the biggest reason to not allow this would be people who cheat or game the scenario. I think that point is a bit moot, as anyone who actually wants to cheat, can just purchase a pdf for < $10 and read through it prior to playing. I think the game, as its structured, already assumes people won't cheat. When we roll a 4, we won't say its a 16 because we're pretty sure that DC is around a 15. We won't come up with just 1 extra potion of cure moderate and retroactively put it on our character sheet.

Furthermore, I think it would go a long way to helping people play more often. In my group, we play every week. We usually do a new mod, and one old mod. Sometimes, this means that you have to sit out for a few weeks, because you've already played these. It would be nice to be able to play too.

Just my $0.02

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Branding Opportunity wrote:


This was the ONLY challenging combat encounter for my group, and only because I upgraded the Sorcerer. If I hadn't, and used the 3.5 stats, I doubt the encounter would have lasted 2 rounds. Converted, I dragged it on and it lasted at least 13 rounds. With 9 rounds of Greater Invisibility and being Hasted he quickly moved out of the building and kept on launching fireball after fireball at the PCs.

I think when you run us through that we had 1 surprise round and 1 regular round before we dusted the encounter. Happy you run it for us before the conversion !

Well that and Vince, Dave and I just rock !

: P

I wish you dropped the lemures on then just so they would sweat a bit.

Having played in the game talked about here, it was a nail biter. I was confused at least 6 / 12 rounds, caught 4 fireballs or so, and nearly died about three times. Thank you, cleric && channel energy. All in all, I didn't die so I was pretty stoked about the mod :)


the clear red d8 was for the chilaxean fellow and his wife / slave. He was dressed in a tux and won the interactive the 2nd night.

Tim Hitchcock wrote:
exile wrote:

Defender of Absalom is a permanent Boon that gives the PC a +2 on all future Diplomacy checks in Absalom.

No, really Mr. Hestrom.. You want to give me a +2 flaming longsword for this journey. *waves his defender badge*

Welcome James!