Goblin Pirate

Justin Carson 636's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Just a heads up to all interested in joining I used the Book of Distinctions and Drawbacks for my Castle Ravenloft campaign. Its great for rewarding players for writing histories, really have a lot of fun using it. I am in no way associated with the product other than having purchased a copy because I wanted to create cohort that had lost a hand. Loved the whole thing.

Also aren't we using most of the 3.5 stuff hank?

Don't we also have an obsidian portal associated with this campaign? Did you link to that?

Immensely actually. I am playing a Shadow Bloodline sorcerer in my current campaign. and I have never been a big fan of spells with rangers, I thought that class was awesome, didn't fit with my character, but we had a gunslinger I tried to talk into taking the class vs. being a fighter. Thought it would work better with the spell-less ranger rather than a fighter. but the guy has always played fighters. always.

I actually enjoyed both the spell-less ranger and the Scions of shadow articles.... but do we really need to attempt a smear campaign to help foster votes? stick to writing not politicking.

Book? Today? Tomorrow? any word on us poor souls left in the purgatory of preorder? Looking forward to it whenever IT is.....

I stand by my previous post. Great work! Woot for fighter killin paladins!

This book is super awesome! Just bought it yesterday, had a chance to go over it a bit. Every bit worth every penny, actually I'd venture to say it is worth more. Not a dead class in the lot! Way to go! Looking forward to see what comes next!