
Justanartist's page

32 posts. Alias of Erik Huffine.


Adding a thrown weapon to the attack editor on a customized creature doesn't add up right. For instance, I am using the following setup:

The BAB is +1, STR is +3, Dex is +2, and the monster has weapon focus (dagger). Adding the dagger as a ranged weapon gives the following stats: Dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20)

Can a thrown weapon even have an extended crit range?

Snapshot wrote:
Shard Obsidia wrote:
Crash Bug: Customizing or editing any monster now crashes the program (at least on my system).
I cannot duplicate this can you provide more information?

I installed on a different system, and it all works fine. It must have something to do with my other computer. (It's running XP and had v1.5.5 on it when I installed. I will upgrade to Windows 7 and reinstall the program to see if it works.)

Crash Bug: Customizing or editing any monster now crashes the program (at least on my system).

Bug: If a player (or monster) has non-lethal damage and heals a single hitpoint, it resets the non-lethal to 0.

[For instance, if a player has 30 non-lethal damage and heals a single hit point, the non-lethal will set itself at 0 non-lethal damage.]

When you save custom data and load it on a different computer, it doesn't transfer the skills. It seems all the other stats save just fine.

The additional hit dice if you add classes is still wonky. I tried to add a couple of fighter levels (+2d10) to a lizardfolk and it didn't work right. Try it, and you'll see what I mean.

BUG: When customizing a monster, I cannot add different hit dice. For instance, 1d10 and a 1d8. Only the first hit die will register for random rolls.

I like customizing monsters and giving them various levels to make shamans, elite guards, etc. I also like having these things have their hp rolled by Combat Manager. I posted on this bug a couple of times and am just re-posting to keep it in your mind.

Thanks for all your hard work, Kyle! Your efforts have made the game so much more enjoyable!

Thanks for the update! I'm always glad to see a new one roll out. I've been using the combat manager for every game and it really works great.

BUG: Still can't add hit dice of various types to customized monsters. It registers the first set of hit dice, but ignores everything afterwards.
ex. Hitdice 1d12 = 6 HP If you add another, 1d12 and a 1d8 it still registers the average as only 6 HP.

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Kyle, if you're sitting on the fence with the open source idea, how about compromising and bringing in a couple other coders who can help you out as a team rather than going open source completely. Some of the best mods out there are a team effort. It's just one way to make things easier on yourself without going open source.

The stats for plague zombies are a bit whacky. The CR is 1/2, but I wouldn't want to fight this thing. heheh.

--- copied from the combat manager "plague zombie" entry ---

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +22) At will-Deeper Darkness, Ray of Exhaustion (DC 20), Silence (self only) 3/day-Dimensional Anchor, Greater Teleport, True Seeing 1/day-Circle of Death (DC 23), Discern Location, Prismatic Spray (DC 24)


Str 17, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Toughness
Skills Bluff +24, Escape Artist +26, Fly +32, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (nature) +20, Knowledge (planes) +17, Perception +21, Sense Motive +21, Stealth +22
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in areas of dim light or darker.
Languages Common, Sylvan (cannot speak); telepathy 100 feet
SQ staggered

Found another bug to squash. (Sorry if you already know about these, I scanned through the pages and didn't see anybody report them.)

- When customizing an NPC that is multiclassed, changing the HD count will cause it to revert back to the first listed die amount only.
Example - (HD = 1d8 + 3d10 = 19) Then, I customize and change the second hit die count to 10d10 and this is what happens: (1d8 + 10d10 = 4). It then ignores any other dice other than the first set.

[version 1.4.0]

I tried to export some custom characters using the export data function. It worked nicely except the skills weren't included in the transfer.

Great program though! It will speed up combat considerably. Thanks!