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![]() Did a conversion for one of my favorite prestige classes, I guess it'd be fair to do one for another. Prerequsites:
Level--BAB--Fort--Ref--Will--Class Abilities
Skill Points Per Level (4+Int mod)
Spell Casting Progression:
Arcane Spell Power: (Ex)
Expanded Spell Knowledge: (Ex)
You can add another spell from your spell book to your list of spells known every two levels there after. At 4th Level this can be a 0-, 1st, or 2nd level spell. 6th Level this can be any spell of 3rd level or lower. 8th Level this spell can be 4th level or lower. Finally at 10th Level this spell may be of 5th level or lower. Augmented Casting: (Su)
The level of the spell to be augmented cannot exceed 1/2 your Ultimate Magus level. For example when you gain access to this ability you can only use it for 1st level spells. While a 10th level Ultimate Magus may use this ability for any spells up to 5th level. The level os the spell slot being sacrificed must equal or exceed the spell level adjustment of the metamagic feat. To empower a spell, for example, you would have to sacrifice a 2nd level or higher spell or spell slot. You cannot use this ability on a spell already affected by a metamagic feat. You can use this ability a number of times equal to 3 + 1/2 your class level. Bonus Feat:
![]() If anyone who reads this was a fan of The Fortune's Friend in Complete Scoundrel, I have taken the liberty in converting the class to adhere to the Pathfinder Rule System. The class itself is not changed much save for the omission of the spell progression. Afterward I'll also include the luck feats converted as well. Prerequisites:
HD: d8 Level--BAB--Fort--Ref--Will--Class Abilities
Skill Points per level (6+INT mod)
Easy Luck: The Swift and Immediate actions from Luck Feats do not count against the one Swift action limit per turn. Extra Fortune: In addition to the luck reroll granted from luck feats, the Fortune's Friend adds an extra reroll for every odd level starting at first. More Luck than Skill: At the cost of one Luck reroll, the Fortune's Friend may add a +1/level Luck bonus on all skills for one round as a swift action. By spending more than one luck reroll on this ability the Fortune's Friend may increase the duration by 1 round/luck reroll spent. At 5th Level the Fortune's Friend may spend 1 luck reroll on this ability and the duration lasts for 1 round/Fortune's Friend level, while still keeping the ability to spend multiple rerolls on this effect to increase the duration by 1 round/reroll. Bonus Luck Feat: At second and fourth level, the Fortune's Friend may select a luck feat that he meets the prerequisites for. Fortune's Favorite: At the cost of one luck reroll, the fortune's friend may add a +1/level Luck bonus on all saving throws for one round as an immediate action. By spending more than one luck reroll on this ability the Fortune's Friend may increase the duration by 1 round/luck reroll spent. At 5th Level the Fortune's Friend may spend 1 luck reroll on this ability and the duration lasts for 1 round/Fortune's Friend level, while still keeping the ability to spend multiple rerolls on this effect to increase the duration by 1 round/reroll. Lucky strike: At the cost of two Luck rerolls the Fortune's Friend may add a +1/level Luck bonus on all attacks and damage rolls for 1 round. By spending an additional 2 Luck rerolls the Fortune's Friend may increase the duration by 1 round/2 rerolls. Luck Feats:*
Better Lucky Than Good: If you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, you may spend 1 luck reroll as a swift action to treat the roll as a natural 20. This may only be used 1/day. Dumb Luck: Whenever you roll a natural 1 on a saving throw you may spend 1 luck Reroll as an immediate action to treat the roll as a natural 20. This may only be used 1/day. Fortuitous Strike: You may spend 1 reroll as a swift action to reroll a weapon damage roll. You may spend two rerolls instead to reroll the attack. Good Karma: You may expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to redirect an attack made against an adjacent ally towards you instead. The attacker must have a means to legally attack you for this ability to work. If you are hit when using this feat you take an additional 50% damage. Healer's Luck: Expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll the damage healed by any Conjuration (Healing) spell you cast this turn. Lucky Break: Expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll a strength check made to break an item, or burst open a door. Lucky Catch: Expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll an Acrobatics or Climb check. Lucky Fingers: Expend luck reroll as an immediate actoin to reroll Disable Device or Sleight of Hand Check. Lucky Start: Expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll Initiative Magical Fortune: Expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll damage dealt by spell. You may instead spend 2 luck rerolls to reroll a Caster Level check. Make Your Own Luck: Expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll any skill in which you have atleast one rank in. Miser's Fortune: When an opponent attempts to sunder or use a strength check to damage an object within 30 feet f you, you may expend one luck reroll as an immeidate action to force an opponent to reroll the check. In addition items in your possession receive a +5 luck bonus on saving throws. Psychic Luck: Expend one luck reroll as a swift action to reroll damage dealt by a Psionic Power manifested. You may instead spend 2 luck rerolls to reroll a manifester level check. Sly Fortune: Expend one luck reroll as an immediate actioin to reroll Stealth or Fly checks. Survivor's Luck: Expend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll a saving throw just failed. Tempting Fate: Expend one luck reroll to reroll a stablization check. In addition 1/day, as long as you are at 1 HP minimum and would be dealt enough damage to kill you, you may spend one luck reroll as an immediate action to take an amount of damage to drop you to negatives equal to your Constitution score - 1 (IE 12 Con you'll drop to -11) and stable. Third Time's The Charm: You may spend one luck reroll as an immediate action to reroll any roll made by the granted power of The Luck Domain's 6th level ability. You must accept the result of this reroll even if it is worst than the original. Unbelievable Luck: You gain +2 luck rerolls/day. In addition as long as you have one luck reroll remaining, you gain a +2 luck bonus to your lowest saving throw. If you have two saves tied for lowest, you may pick which one. At 5th level these bonuses increase to +3. At 10th +4, and at 15th +5. Victor's Luck: Expend one luck reroll to reroll a critical threat confirmation you make. * All luck feats grant a cumulative +1 Luck reroll/day. ![]()
![]() Not sure if anyone has pointed this out already, but while I was making a spell list for my Witch's home game I noticed that the Spells Prying Eyes and Greater Prying Eyes are placed before the Spell Produce Flame. Page 326 Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Now I may not have done well in the Spelling Bee's at school but I am sure "Y" comes after "O." Was this a misprint in some core books or has anyone else noticed this occurence. ![]()
![]() So while I was creating a spell list for an arcane caster of mine I stumbled upon the component requirements of the Identify spell. Taken from Core Rulebook:
First thing that came to mind was a drunk wizard who has spent time trying to identify the 30+ magic items he and the party looted from a dragon's hoard. So point of this thread, anyone else want to report on said comical findings in any of the pathfinder books? And remember have fun. :D |