Berkanin Ardoc

Jurin Kreedsön's page

349 posts. Alias of Balodek.

Full Name

Jurin Kreedsön




Magus 7 (Hexcrafter)/Champion 1


|| Per +8 | Fort +10 Ref +3 Will +6 | BAB +6 | CMB +8 | CMD 21 ||




Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Sylvan, Elven

Strength 15
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 9

About Jurin Kreedsön


Acrobatics +1 (+13 to jump)
Appraise +4
Bluff -1
Climb +3
Craft (Baking) +13
Diplomacy -1
Disguise -1
Escape Artist +1
Fly +12
Heal +0
Intimidate +3
Knowledge (arcana) +16
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +11
Knowledge (nature) +12
Knowledge (planes) +17
Perception +8
Profession (Quartermaster) +8
Sense Motive +0
Spellcraft +16
Stealth +1
Survival +0
Swim +7
Use Magic Device +9


718 GP, 4 SP, 7 CP

+1 Mithral Chain Shirt
мировник (+1, Cold Iron)
Silver Kukri
Sling bullets (30)
Belt of Giant Strength +2

Ioun torch
Handy Haversack
..Flint and steel
..Ink, black
Spell component pouch

Feats, Traits, Special Abilities:

Fey-Taken -2 vs. disease, illusions, poison and spells, spell-like abilties and supernatural abilities of fey.
Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp) A chosen spell counts as 1 level lower when metamagic feats are applied to it.
Stolen Fury +2 trait bonus to CMB vs. Demons

Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Elemental Spell (Acid) You can cast a spell with half or all its damage type replaced with this feat's damage type.
Power Attack -2/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.

Arcane Accuracy +4 (Su) 1 Arcane Pool: +4 to attack rolls until the end of your turn.
Arcane Pool +2 (8/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Cackle (Su) As a move action, extend the duration of other hexes by 1 rd.
Evil Eye -2 (7 rounds, DC 17) (Su) Foe in 30 ft takes penalty to your choice of AC, attacks, saves, ability or skill checks (Will part).
Hex Arcana You can substitute Hexes for Magus Arcana.
Hex Magus (Su) You gain access to witch hexes.
Intensified Spell You can cast a spell that can exceed its normal damage die cap by 5 (if you have the caster level to reach beyond that cap).
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
Spellstrike (Su) Deliver touch spells as part of a melee attack.

Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Mythic Power (4/day, Surge +1d6) Use this power to perform your mythic abilities.
Power Attack [Mythic] Use 1 power to eliminate attack penalties of Power attack for 1 min.
Sudden Attack (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to make melee attack, roll twice with +1 bonus and bypass all DR.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.

As the shield warms in Jurin's hand, a vivid flash of the Storm King's horrible strike against the silver dragon replays in his mind. In slow motion, a shower of silver scales falls along with the feather-falled survivors.
The shield, a scale from their savior, radiates a warm aura in his hand and he becomes aware of the great power that it grants the bearer:

Dire Humor: Three times per day as a standard action, a scale
can be used to cast hideous laughter as per the spell—but only against an evil creature. The caster receives a +4 bonus to checks against creatures on the same Law/Chaos alignment.

In Game:

HP = 77/77
AC/T/FF = 18/11/17
Weapon Equipped = мировник
Speed = 30'
Arcane Pool = 11/11
Magus Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +11)
. . At will—feather fall (self only), fly (self only)
. . 1/day—levitate (self only)
Magus (Hexcrafter) Spells Prepared (CL 7th; concentration +11)
. . 3rd—haste, vampiric touch, force punch
. . 2nd—blur, invisibility, mirror image (2), acid elemental intensified shocking grasp[M], scorching ray
. . 1st—color spray (DC 15), frostbite[UM], acid elemental shocking grasp[M] (2), intensified shocking grasp[M] (2)
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, brand[APG] (DC 14), detect magic, light, prestidigitation
. . M mythic spell
Status Effects = None

[dice=мировник Damage]1d6+4[/dice]

[dice=Kukri Damage]1d4+3[/dice]

Silver Kukri
[dice=Silver Kukri]1d20+7[/dice]
[dice=Kukri Damage]1d4+2[/dice]

[dice=Sling Damage]1d4+3[/dice]