
Jurin Kreed's page

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About Jurin Kreed

The Boy he was: Son of the wealthiest, most powerful, and evil man in Falcon’s Hollow, Jurin Kreed is a boy of eleven torn between his family and friends. In public, Jurin behaves insufferably, snarling at the other children and threatening to have his dad’s bodyguards beat them if they don’t do everything he says. People wonder why the other children don’t simply avoid the spoiled bully, but Colbrin Jabbs knows the boy has a good heart deep down, and in private would do anything to help his friends. Jurin spends many hours at the Jabbs’s house reading to his son Mikra in the afternoons.

The Man he is: Son of the now deceased most powerful, and evil man in Falcon’s Hollow, Jurin Kreed is a troubled man of twenty-three still torn between his family and friends. In the aftermath of the dark events his father Thuldrin resolved to send his embittered heir to the safety of City of Oregent. There he would apprentice under the Lumber Consortium, and perhaps heal the scars upon body and soul. Under the tutelage of the Consortium Jurin demonstrated a great aptitude for mercantile law, ironically often studying cases and misconduct settlements relating to his father. However he also furthered his notoriety as a rakish bully with a perchance for duelling with steel as much as words. In private Jurin has never forgotten his childhood friends, regretting his lack of warmth and benevolence toward them before he was sent to Oregent.

Jurin: may select from the Fighter or Monk Dedication Feats. Jurin starts with 30gp instead of 15.


ABILITIES: STR 12 (+1); DEX 16 (+3); CON 14 (+2); INT 12 (+1); WIS 10 (+0); CHA 14 (+2):

ANCESTRY [HUMAN]: Two free ability boosts; no flaws. DEX & CON chosen.
BACKGROUND [BARRISTER]: Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. INT & CHA selected.
CLASS [FIGHTER]: Key Ability - Strength or Dexterity. DEX selected.
ABILITY BOOSTS: Starting characters apply four ability boosts of your choice. STR; DEX; CON & CHA selected. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, your character boosts four different ability scores. Your character can use these ability boosts to increase their ability scores above 18. Boosting an ability score increases it by 1 if it’s already 18 or above, or by 2 if it starts out below 18.



SIZE: Medium
SPEED: 25 feet
ABILITY BOOSTS: Two free ability boosts.
LANGUAGES: Common. Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from the list of common languages and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).
TRAITS: Human; Humanoid
VERSATILE HERITAGE : Humanity’s versatility and ambition have fueled its ascendance to be the most common ancestry in most nations throughout the world. Select a general feat of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites (as with your ancestry feat, you can select this general feat at any point during character creation).
HUMAN ANCESTRY FEATS: At 1st level, you gain one ancestry feat, and you gain an additional ancestry feat every 4 levels thereafter (at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels). As a human, you choose from among the following ancestry feats.



Piles of legal manuals, stern teachers, and experience in the courtroom have instructed you in legal matters. You’re capable of mounting a prosecution or defence in court, and you tend to keep abreast of local laws, as you never can tell when you might need to know them on short notice.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill and the Legal Lore skill. You gain the Group Impression skill feat.



KEY ABILITY: Strength or Dexterity. At 1st level, your class gives you an ability boost to your choice of Strength or Dexterity. DEX chosen.
HIT POINTS: 10 plus your Constitution modifier. You increase your maximum number of HP by this number at 1st level and every level thereafter.
INITIAL PROFICIENCIES: At 1st level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks in the following statistics. You are untrained in anything not listed unless you gain a better proficiency rank in some other way.
PERCEPTION: Expert in Perception.
SAVING THROWS: Expert in Fortitude; Expert in Reflex & Trained in Will.
SKILLS: Trained in your choice of Acrobatics or Athletics. Athletics chosen. Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier.
ATTACKS: Expert in simple weapons; Expert in martial weapons; Trained in advanced weapons & Expert in unarmed attacks.
DEFENCES: Trained in all armour & Trained in unarmored defence.
CLASS DC: Trained in fighter class DC.


ANCESTRY AND BACKGROUND : In addition to the abilities provided by your class at 1st level, you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and background.
INITIAL PROFICIENCIES: At 1st level you gain a number of proficiencies that represent your basic training. These proficiencies are noted at the start of this class.
ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY: Ever watchful for weaknesses, you can quickly attack foes that leave an opening in their defences. You gain the Attack of Opportunity reaction.
FIGHTER FEATS: At 1st level and every even-numbered level thereafter, you gain a fighter class feat.
SHIELD BLOCK: You gain the Shield Block general feat, a reaction that lets you reduce damage with your shield.



Requirements: You have one hand free, and your target is within reach of that hand.
You combine an attack with quick grappling moves to throw an enemy off balance as long as it stays in your reach. Make a Strike while keeping one hand free. If this Strike hits, the target is flat-footed until the start of your next turn or until it’s no longer within the reach of your hand, whichever comes first.


Prerequisites training in Diplomacy.
When you Make an Impression, you can compare your Diplomacy check result to the Will DCs of two targets instead of one. It’s possible to get a different degree of success for each target. The number of targets increases to four if you’re an expert, 10 if you’re a master, and 25 if you’re legendary.

QUICK COERCION (General) (Skill) FEAT 1
Prerequisites training in Intimidation.
You can bully others with just a few choice implications. You can Coerce a creature after 1 round of conversation instead of 1 minute. You still can’t Coerce a creature in the midst of combat, or without engaging in a conversation.

SHIELD BLOCK [reaction] (General) FEAT 1
Trigger While you have your shield raised, you would take damage from a physical attack.
You snap your shield in place to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness. You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly breaking or destroying the shield.


Your powerful ego makes it harder for others to order you around.
If you roll a success on a saving throw against a mental effect that attempts to directly control your actions, you critically succeed instead. If a creature rolls a failure on a check to Coerce you using Intimidation, it gets a critical failure instead (so it can’t try to Coerce you again for 1 week).






Copper piece (cp): 0
Silver piece (sp): 0
Gold piece (gp): 30
Platinum piece (pp): 0
Art Objects, Gems & Raw Materials: 0