Jupp |
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so back in 3.0 they had an EWP called a harpoon. it was an amazing weapon used for controlling characters on the field. how it worked was, everytime i hit someone they had to make a dc10+ damage dealt or be grappled. then they needed to take a full round to remove the harpoon or take aditional damage. now in 3.5 this wasn't really broken by comparison to what you could do with other weapons and builds, but still it was hands down my favorit character i ever played.
now the harpoon in PF is crap by comparison, but when coupled with the feat hamatula strike, it is very similar to how my 3.0 character functioned, which i love.
here is hamatula strike "Whenever you damage an opponent with a piercing weapon, you can immediately make a grapple check; success means the opponent is impaled on your weapon and you both gain the grappled condition"
now.. im a little concerned that at 7th level i can give characters the grappled condition at a range with little to no failure chance against a good chunk of PFS targets. anyone think this is too cheazy for Pathfinder? what i mean is in contrast to power of 3.5 this was a 3/10, a good build but not the "i hit for 50,000 damage" builds you could make. pathfinder is much weaker in that reguard, so im concerned this will be over powering.
here is my build, its not done yet
fighter 8 (lorewarden), barbarian 4
H quick draw
1 two handed thrower
f EWP harpoon
3 iron will
f improved grapple
5 improved iron will
f greter grapple
7 hamatula strike
i might change a few levels around to get the character i want, but this is the basic idea.