Julius Tanessen's page

1 post. Alias of GM-Sarc.

Full Name

Julius Tanessen




Bard - but see concept for future progression










Agnostic at the moment - but see concept



Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Julius Tanessen

Character Sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=568948

Concept: Julius will begin play as a Court Bard with an outwardly foppish nature. Prior to play beginning he has begun to experience thoughts and sudden urges to act in ways that are either alien or greatly amplified beyond his normal inclinations. He is beginning to feel almost possessed but is doing his best to hide his confusion and unusual behavior. Soonish in the span of the game he will give in to these new drives and will receive an emissary (familiar - per Chosen One class) who will guide him as he multiclasses into a Chosen One Paladin of Milani. He will grow into his new found zeal and mission as he works alongside the rebellion. Going forward he may continue to grow as a Paladin and Bard or just as a Paladin depending on how his personality and mission evolve.


Child of Kintargo: You had the fortune (or perhaps the
misfortune, depending on your viewpoint) to be born
into one of Kintargo’s noble families. Your experience
growing up among the city’s well-to-do has given you an
upper hand when it comes to knowledge of high society,
and you start the game with a modest inheritance. With
the new situation in Kintargo brewing, there is much
concern about an eventual restructuring of the city’s
nobility. Already, one noble estate has burned to the
ground under what can best be described as suspicious
circumstances, but whether the government or rebels
were responsible depends on whom you ask. With this
trait, the assumption is that you belong to a minor noble
family (and can make up your family name). In this case,
your family keeps a small manor in the Greens. If you
want to be a member of one of Kintargo’s major noble
families, you must take the Noble Scion feat at 1st level.
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility)
checks, and Knowledge (nobility) is always a class skill for
you. The Noble Scion feat (see the sidebar on page 11) does
not have a Charisma prerequisite for you. In addition, you
start play with a noble’s outfit, a signet ring, and a single
additional nonmagical item worth no more than 200 gp.
If you take the Noble Scion feat, your last name is probably
Aulamaxa, Aulorian, Delronge, Jarvis, Jhaltero, Sarini,
Tanessen, or Vashnarstill; if you’re not human, you were
adopted into the family. If you don’t take this feat, you can
make up your last name. Will take Noble Scion Feat to be part of House Tanessen

Talented: You are a virtuoso musician, actor, or storyteller. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with a single Perform skill (your choice), and all Perform skills are always class skills for you.

Reason for Attending Protest:

Staying up on Current Events: Public protests are a
great place to gather inspiration and information alike,
more so from those who are being protested against
than from the protesters themselves. You’re heading
to the Aria Park protest primarily to watch people, but
also to make sure you stay up to date on current events.
Things have a way of happening at politically charged
public gatherings, after all, and you’d kick yourself if
you missed the protest and something big happened.
Beyond listening for rumors, it might be an interesting
opportunity for you to rabble-rouse a bit, either by
making a performance or simply using diplomacy to
sway or guide the crowd’s frustration and anger. You
gain a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy and Perform checks
made during the protest itself.

Julius has always had a sense of curiosity and generally kept abreast of political activities and current events however he has never had a particular zeal pushing him towards any given cause. This protest is different however, his instincts are screaming at him that it is critical that he attend. He doesnt have any concrete objective at the protest but he has the sense that its crucial he attend and, if necessary, take action.


Julius grew up a younger son in house Tanessen. Far removed from any chance of someday leading the house he was largely freed from the rigorous political and religious training and discipline endured by his elder siblings. He was a relatively unremarkable child, perhaps a bit light hearted for his guardians taste, but did show an aptitude for music and performance. W

ithout the need for him to represent his house politically or in religious order he was sent to train under some of the great bards of Kintargo in the hopes he would become a gifted musician and honor his house in that way.

Unfortunately after several years of tutelage it was clear that he was a gifted but largely indifferent student of the arts and music. Instead he developed a passion for the ballads and tales of the story teller. He developed his rhetoric into an art and spent most his days engrossed in the tales of heroes and gods. Much to his parents chagrin these stories imprinted upon his young character much more strongly than any of the priests of Asmodeus or philosophy tutors had ever managed.

As he grew the morality he had learned from stories and fables began to conflict ever more strongly with the attitudes of the rest of his family and by adolescence he had begun to distance himself from his relations.

Julius was clever and charismatic enough never to fully reveal the disdain he felt for his house and the leadership of Thune. He buried his rebellion in deeply veiled satire and dry sarcastic commentary. He was largely viewed as a disappointment and annoyance by his family but was careful never to cross the line and become an actual “problem”

Regardless of his families’ indifference or disdain he grew quite popular at court. His understated humor and rapier wit earned him admirers and a steady stream of court ladies were happy to act as his “patron”. His time at court taught him all the graces and norms to fit effortlessly into polite society and he was frequently a guest at the other houses both great and small.

Despite his rise in popularity and success at court, Julius always felt a bit unfulfilled. While outwardly he was the perfect courtier – charming, educated, polite, and never too threatening – inwardly he chaffed at the restrictions of his standing. At a near subconscious level he yearned to emulate the heroes he had grown up on. He doesn’t know how but he secretly, maybe even from his own conscious self, dreams to undertake adventures and perform deeds of legend in the name of humanity.

Julius isn’t aware of it yet but lately his humor and rhetoric have begun to trend a bit more openly hostile towards the leadership of his house and Thrune. So far he has avoided crossing the lines that would prompt immediate reaction. If his current tone keeps up it is only a matter of time before he annoys someone in power enough to do something about him.