Jude Esprit's page

1 post. Alias of Steven T. Helt (RPG Superstar 2013).

Full Name

Jude Esprit




cleric 6






about twenty minutes

Special Abilities

mythic tier 3 hierophant




beer and pretzels


Dwarf, Common, Orc


Blesses things. Hard.

Strength 16
Dexterity 11
Constitution 15
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 22
Charisma 10

About Jude Esprit

Fortitude Saves: +8 (+5 base, +2 Con, +1 resist)
Reflex Saves: +3 (+2 base, +0 Dex, +1 resist)
Will Saves: +12 (+5 base, +6 Wis, +1 resist)

Hit Dice: 6d8+36 (38) HP: 74/74
Base Attack: +4
Initiative: +20/+0 Speed: 20 ft
CMB: +7 CMD: 17

Armor Class: 22 (+8 armor, +1 def, +3 shield)
Flat-footed: 19 Touch: 11



Char 1: Toughness
Char 3: Power Attack
Char 5: Weapon Focus (warhammer)

Mythic 1: Toughness
Mythic 3: Power Attack



Acrobatics 0 base + 0 abil -3 arm misc class = -3
Appraise 3 base + 1 abil arm misc +3 class = 7
Climb 2 base + 3 abil -3 arm misc +3 class = 5
Heal 4 base + 6 abil arm misc +3 class = 13
Intimidate 4 base + 0 abil arm misc class = 4
Know (Arcane) 1 base + 1 abil arm misc class = 2
Know (Religion) 4 base + 1 abil arm misc +3 class = 8
Perception 6 base + 6 abil arm misc class = 12
Sense Motive 1 base + 6 abil arm misc class = 2
Spellcraft 3 base + 1 abil arm misc class = 4
Swim 0 base + 3 abil -6 arm misc class = -3!

mw warhammer +9 (1d8+3, x3)
w/ Power Attack, GMW +9 (1d8+11, x3)
mwk dagger +8 (d4+3, 19-20) range 10 (+5 ranged to hit)
mk heavy crossbow +5 (d10, 19-20) range 80

Special abilities:
Channel positive energy 3/day, 3d6 healing, DC 13 Will save
Destruction domain: smite 9/day +6 weapon damage OOOOO OOOO
Earth domain: acid dart 9/day (+4 rgd tch, 30', 1d6+6 acid) OOOOO OOOO
Spontaneous healing

Memorized Spells (CL 6, DC 16+spell level)
3 - chains of perdition, deadly juggernaut, prayer, rage
2 - mythic spiritual weapon, mythic spiritual weapon, shatter, shield other, weapon of awe
1 - compel hostility, divine favor, doom, summon minor monster, true strike
0 - detect magic, purify food and drink, read magic, resistance

Mythic Path abilities: Inspired Spell, Mythic Spells

Mythic Tier abilities: Enduring Blessing, Itemcraft, Sacred Boon

Equipment: standard adventuring stuff, mw warhammer, +2 breastplate, belt of Strength +2, ring of protection +1, 2x potion cure serious wounds OO, wand of greater magic weapon (CL 7/8, 10 charges, +2 enhancement bonus for 8 hours, mw heavey crossbow, 20 quarrels, cloak of resistance +1

Favored Class: skills x6