About Juce Koran
Destiny 6 Force Points 8/8 Dark Side 2
Male Human Soldier 1 / Scoundrel 3 / Scout 2
Init +11; Perception +8
Languages; Basic, Binary (understand only), Mand‘oa
Defenses; Reflex 22, Will 17, Fortitude 19
Hit Points 60/60; Threshold 19
Spd 6 squares
Melee unarmed +6, 1d6+6
Ranged blaster pistol, heavy (scoped) +7, 3d8+3
Ranged blaster rifle, assault (scoped) +7, 3d8+3
Base Attack +4; Grapple +6
STR 14 DEX 16 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 10 CHA 8
Talents; Armored Defence, Gimmik, Improved Stealth, Master Slicer
Feats; Armor Proficiancy (light, medium), Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (mechanics), Skill Focus (stealth), Skill Focus (Use Computer), Skill Training (Knowledge-Technology), Tech Specialist, Weapon Proficiancy (pistol, rifle, simple)
Skills Climb +10, Initiative +11, Knowledge (Technology) +10, Mechanics +15, Perception +8, Stealth +16, Use Computer +15
Combat Gear; Blast helmet and vest (3), combat gloves (0,5), heavy blaster pistol (scoped) (1,5), Mandolorian Assault Rifle -Scoped (5,2), stun grenade (0,5), frag grenade (0,5),
Utility Gear; all-temperature cloak (1,5), security kit (1), Bracer computer (0,5), Datacards (x10) (0,1), utility belt --> 3 days food capsules, medpack, tool kit, power pack x2, energy cell x1, glow rod, comlink, liquid caple dispencer w. small grappling hook, mesh tape x2 (5),
Other posessions; hip holster --> blaster pistol (0,5), Shoulder Strap --> assault rifle (0,5), Credit Chip -5 credits (0,1)
Weight Carried; 18,1 kg
Weight allowed; 98 kg
Experience; 15000
Vital Statistics/Appearance: pic
Ht; 180 cm, Wt; 78 kg, Hair; Black, Eyes; Brown, Skin; Pale caucatian.
A male human of medium height his structure is lean and hard, his features are concealed by a matt grey helmet with a T-shaped visor. Dressed in the helmet and a blast vest he wears workman boots and pants and an all-temperature cloack is draped over his shoulders. Wearing a utility belt a heavy, scoped blaster pistol is holstered on his thigh and a scoped assault rifle is slung over one shoulder.
He carries himself with a strong grace, his stride long and his gaze steady, and he handles his weapons like he knows how to use them.