
Jozie's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Me likey

Well Done and Good Luck!

A preview with a d6 or d10's worth of critical fumbles to use in our current games would be cool.


I go where the best product is. My spending dollars for games seem to be finding their way more and more to Paizo products. If Paizo continues to produce Quality products for gamers, then I will continue to buy them.

If that means not converting to the latest watered down version of a game. Then, Woohoo.

I have 8 people that show up to a bi-weekly game that has been running for 10 years. Convincing them to switch to a new edition is not something I would look forward to doing again anyway.

My group won't even be looking at 4.0 until 2009. Then we will make our decision based on what's good for the group. My money is on sticking with Paizo and their direction.